Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Silver Baronet of the Realm
getting my shit pushed in as an old world lame ass comet caster. Using the magic hammer and greatsword a great deal atm
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I've got about 45 mins in. Found some things I have to examine when I have time, that cookbook probably will come in handy. I bet the key to having an easier time is considering things more closely.

Fun, though.

I mean...for fuck sakes, the opening area is full of gravestones....ghostly gravestones. The place is so off limits that grave stones are scared out of their wits to be there?

I'm going to take my time playing this one. After all, we are about 2 years away from the next DLC. Might as well enjoy it and take it slow.

This is the only DLC. So definitely take your time and nothing planned for an Elden ring sequel.

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<Gold Donor>
Those walking fire basket guys can suck my ass! Well I should say they are stomping my elden lord ass into the ground. Thought I'd run by them with the horse but nooooooooo
I think I'll have to go back to my new toon and continue to knock the rust off.


Avatar of War Slayer
The (2nd main boss?)
remembrance weapon sucks ass as FAITH/INT build. Maybe it's better for STR/DEX builds...
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<Silver Donator>
I've got about 45 mins in. Found some things I have to examine when I have time, that cookbook probably will come in handy. I bet the key to having an easier time is considering things more closely.

Fun, though.

I mean...for fuck sakes, the opening area is full of gravestones....ghostly gravestones. The place is so off limits that grave stones are scared out of their wits to be there?

I'm going to take my time playing this one. After all, we are about 2 years away from the next DLC. Might as well enjoy it and take it slow.
Edit: sorry catching up, Utnayan Utnayan answered it

Are they going to make another DLC, for some reason I thought this was the only one they were going to do? If so that's awesome. I mean it's like why the hell wouldn't you, just a license to print money.


<Gold Donor>
Well finally killed that fucking walking flaming basket asshat.
Location of Revered Sprit Ash Blessing in Spoiler
near the water area (Blue on map) NW of starting site of grace
  • 1Double Worf
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
5 seconds in and already kinda creamed my pants

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  • 1Mother of God
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
It's a nice feeling not knowing what to do when I first loaded in to the DLC. Exploring is so rewarding in these games.
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Logged in. Cocky. That changed quick. Got my ass kicked by Gaol. Got some buffs and met the first real boss and had him down to 25%. Unlocked a bunch of way points. Solid hour and 51 minutes of work. I’m level 235. Dying.

awesome lol
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F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Also. Ng3-4 I forget. Does that have an effect on DLC? I would guess so. I can kill things fairly quickly (trash anyway) but when I get hit holy shit. Also does armor in the DLC is that stronger too? I haven’t checked out stats yet but once I beat Gaol I’m wondering if I should wear that set. Right now I have full Radahn armor. Seems like paper now.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I'm going to take my time playing this one. After all, we are about 2 years away from the next DLC. Might as well enjoy it and take it slow.

I think they said this is it for Elden Ring, no more DLCs. This has two DLCs worth of stuff that they combined (and I have a theory that the base game's underworld, or the Haligtree, might have been a third DLC that they crammed into the game).

Late 2025 is when Fromsoft is due up for their next game, assuming they go by their normal cadence of game releases, and I assume it'll be Spellbound or whatever it ends up being called. Then Elden Ring 2 in 2028 or so, maybe a Bloodborne remake from Bluepoint in 2026. Well now I'm just veering off into wishful thinking territory.

Turned the game on as of 2 AM EST, wanted to see if the area in front of Mohg's room was covered in glittering gold summons. It's got several, at least. I bet earlier before the DLC unlocked there were dozens of summon signs down right here.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Any stuck on the wicker giant:

If you fight him on horseback and hump his feet he'll mostly only ever do his flame stomps, which can all be jumped over for no damage, or his big jump in the air attack which you can also jump to avoid damage from, tho you have to run a bit away has it has a bit of a PBAOE as well.

Once you stagger him 3 times he falls over and can be crit, which did ~30,000 damage for me and mostly oneshot him.
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Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
I was going to start a new game on the PC to train myself up but I have been watching so many videos I may have to see where I left off on PS5. This is <Wesley Snipes' Blade> Exciting. I still have some Diablo 4 to finish but now that's in jeopardy.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Did they make the dual cleanrot knight fight easier, in the abandoned cave in Caelid? I just two shot it with a +8 Nagakiba and I remember it being a lot harder.

Lost 30k runes to the fucking rot pools bullshit on the way to attempt 2 though. Which made me baby rage.
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Trakanon Raider
Enemies seem to drop lots of upgrade materials, and you can even find more Stones if you explore even more.. But be gone for a week so won't be playing for awhile. *shrug*


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
If you want the best bleed build, go str/arc with dual beastman's blood curved swords and a jumping attack+consecutive hit armor/talisman setup. They're really lategame though, means pushing all the way to Azula before you enter the DLC if you want to be as strong as possible for it.

Saw someone completely shred Mohg with what I think were the dual beastman's blood swords. Now I want to go get them myself.

For Talismans: Claw Talisman for jump attacks, Winged Sword Insignia for successive attacks? What about Twinblade Talisman (enhances final hit)? Lord of Blood's Exhultation is also good for using with any kind of bleed build, right? I like to leave room for Crimson Seed Talisman so Twinblade is probably getting left out.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
What do Scadutree Blessing and Reversed Spirit Ash Blessing do, respectively? The game never actually says what the difference is between them, and all you have to go by are the higher numbers on the status screen. At Scadu 3 and Revered 2, my attack power went from about 745 to 850. Not sure which did what.

Found an Ailment Talisman that boosts resistance to the last ailment that hit you. I'm gonna call it the Borg Talisman.