Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


<Silver Donator>
The Chinese dragon thing is the Divine Beast Dancing Lion at the top of Belurat Tower.

i remember the hippo from the trailer but haven’t discovered him for myself yet. The only bosses I’ve downed so far are the aforementioned DBDL and Relenna. I’m currently using her light Greatsword which is pretty badass when I’m not in my bleed setup.
I guess I don't remember which one is the hippo from the trailer. I know it had a couple of different bosses but maybe that was a quick cut deal that I just don't associate hit that with whatever I saw.

Perfectly fine, I guess I just thought the Chinese dragon deal kind of look like a hippo to me.

Not going to look up anything about it and figure I will discover it when my new guy finally gets to the new area.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Oh my fucking fuck. The last boss is the most bullshit fucking shit I've ever seen in this fucking game jesus fucking christ.

Every boss killed, including dungeon and side bosses. But this last piece of fucking trash has literally made me hard close the game. I'll be back tomorrow.

I was just about to ask if there's a boss more bullshit than Messmer, because if so I may just need to uninstall this nonsense before I have an aneurysm.

lol, whelp
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<Gold Donor>
I was just about to ask if there's a boss more bullshit than Messmer, because if so I may just need to uninstall this nonsense before I have an aneurysm.

lol, whelp
For me two bosses are a huge step up from messmer, the last boss being far and away the hardest boss in the game. Everyone I see beating uses same lame ass great shield bleed poke build with stam regen.

zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
For me two bosses are a huge step up from messmer, the last boss being far and away the hardest boss in the game. Everyone I see beating uses same lame ass great shield bleed poke build with stam regen.
If there's truly only one viable build for the final boss, it seems likely he'll get nerfed.

And I may just need to get some more blessings levels. I'm "only" 7 at the moment and the instant that fuck Messmer decides it's time for me to die, it's over. Of course, I somehow got him down to 10% once so that's keeping me stubborn.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Sorcerer's get turbo fucked in this dlc unless they are Death Staff w lots of incants, too. In other words, if you are not L170 or more death wizard rocking poop man, it's super rapey. And all the toughest fights are designed to screw you on the opening summon and or hyper speed ago. If I wanted to play Bloodborne or Seikero, I would play those fucking games Fromsoft.
  • 2Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Finally beat that lion. It almost took all fucking day, but I did it with no summons. lol
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Bald Brah

Golden Knight of the Realm
Finally beat that lion. It almost took all fucking day, but I did it with no summons. lol

Lmao congrats I guess. Took 2 tries with mimic.

I know I suck but wait til you try the next couple no summons. Unless you do the boring shield wall poke good luck. That's pretty lame way to play. I'd rather panic roll til my mimic grabs aggro and blast em!
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Potato del Grande
After Mesmer the pudtrid dude was cake…
Are we playing the same game?

I could read Messmer's actions and just needed to work on my skill level and build.

Putrid Knight is ??? I don't even know where to start. The last boss looked easier.


<Silver Donator>
Are you guys knocking out the DLC that quickly. I mean I guess when did it come out Friday or Thursday? I guess how many hours are there? 40ish or something?
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Potato del Grande
Are you guys knocking out the DLC that quickly. I mean I guess when did it come out Friday or Thursday? I guess how many hours are there? 40ish or something?
I must have played about 30 hours and I'd guess there's 10 more mopping up all the side content?
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I'm like ~25 hours in and have finished 2 major bosses and a chunk of side areas. 40-50hrs depending how long you get stuck on a boss seems reasonable?

Really largely depends if you're one to run around all the various open fields and cliffs looking for stuff, or just gonna open a wiki map and run to everything straight away.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Are we playing the same game?

I could read Messmer's actions and just needed to work on my skill level and build.

Putrid Knight is ??? I don't even know where to start. The last boss looked easier.
Putrid was definitely easier than Messmer. Putrid's telegraphs were clearer and I dont think changed throughout the fight.

But I killed Messmer first, which really got me acclimated to From's tricks.

Im looking forward to the last boss after hearing you guys talk about it. We'll see!


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Whats a good level to aim for to start DLC now that many of you have started it?

Currently lvl 53 on my Magic Build I had started earlier. And still got some content to do before I can even unlock it.

Can you still farm the bird for exp?
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Bald Brah

Golden Knight of the Realm
Are you guys knocking out the DLC that quickly. I mean I guess when did it come out Friday or Thursday? I guess how many hours are there? 40ish or something?

Mesmer is a very early boss. I know the advertising made him seem like the big bad but he's really just in the 2nd main area. On the list of main bosses he's 4th out of 10. The wicker things aren't even bosses. They're the new golems.

Bald Brah

Golden Knight of the Realm
Whats a good level to aim for to start DLC now that many of you have started it?

Currently lvl 53 on my Magic Build I had started earlier. And still got some content to do before I can even unlock it.

Can you still farm the bird for exp?

The beginning part is pretty easy. You could probably start it around 75 or so. Assuming you can cheese mohg. Just cherry pick a couple weapons and get them maxed out.

But once you get passed the first dungeon and clear out some side content the difficulty spikes pretty hard. You probably want to be 150 with most of the first game cleared. At least past fire giant at the minimum and probably want all the bell bearings from farum azula.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sorcerer's get turbo fucked in this dlc unless they are Death Staff w lots of incants, too. In other words, if you are not L170 or more death wizard rocking poop man, it's super rapey. And all the toughest fights are designed to screw you on the opening summon and or hyper speed ago. If I wanted to play Bloodborne or Seikero, I would play those fucking games Fromsoft.

I respecced to STR/FTH from INT/FTH. Most of the stuff I was coming up against was resisting my spells fairly consistently and I was getting two-shotted by pretty much everything. Finding using a great shield is helping but even in full armour they're hitting like a truck, I am only like 6/6 on Scad/Revered though.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Yeah my character is like level 250 or something. I used that jump-off-a-cliff exploit to gain an absurd number of runes. I assume I should be able to mow down anything even on NG+ to get to the DLC.

What's the jump off a cliff exploit? That bird thing you can lure off the cliff?

The “main” boss from trailers was a proper 10/10 fight. My favorite Elden ring boss.

By main boss do you mean Messmer or the Wushu lion?

If it's the lion I agree, that boss was amazing


Golden Baronet of the Realm
What's the jump off a cliff exploit? That bird thing you can lure off the cliff?

By main boss do you mean Messmer or the Wushu lion?

If it's the lion I agree, that boss was amazing
I think it's an exploit where you need to parkour up some ledge then fall to your death in a certain way and along the way down stuff start dying and you get runes.
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