With regards to the new weapons (at least the ones I've discovered), I really like the Backhand Blade b/c of its quick attacks and Blind Spot special attack. But even though it pretty much overwhelms most regular enemies, it's just not effective enough against most of the bosses I've tried it on.
Similar story with Relanna's light GS. Destroys many mobs you encounter but seems to lack the punch you want against the big bads. The special attack on that one is underwhelming in terms of damage.
I have not tried the Ancient Meteoric Ore GS yet due to lack of strength.Can anyone chime in on that one?
I also have the Death Knight Twin Axes. I haven't tried it yet aside from a few swings to gauge the feel. Kinda unimpressed. But, I'm intrigued by the lightning damage it brings and wonderhow much that might help down the road?
I have Smithscript Dagger, Circue and Spear so far. Haven't tried any of them yet.
Don't know how I feel about the Great Katana.
Repeating Crossbow seems overly complicated for practical use so that's in the chest for now.
Backhand Blade's are mostly for PVP and little else. They are good in that niche, especially with the PvE shit railroading people into using shields more and more.
Relanna's pair is basically meant to be the MLGS / Nights Flame replacement. Its moveset is vastly superior, but the weapon arts are clunky and slow to use. You can use it to clear trash, but even in that role a M'Lady with (insert relevant affinity ash here) slotted is going to be a better option. The powerstance moves are not really worth dropping a shield and the clunky juggling if you are swapping back and forth with a catalyst/seal.
Twin Axes on a lightning guy I could see being good, but the moveset is meh.
I have the dagger and it is kind of nice, but mainly its a good manaless trash clearing range option. Shockingly, its base damage is higher than the dancer's curved blades in virtually all scenarios. I am curious to power stance them to see if there is a ranged power stance attack like their is for the perfume bottle weapons.
Great Katana is basically really just a greatsword in terms of moveset and reach. The dragon killing one is kind of baller if you have the stats for it and use it in those specific fights, but otherwise unremarkable. Missed design opportunity here, imo.
The crossbows are all gimick trash, except maybe the spread crossbow having a trololololo in arena. No real change in status quo there.
Side note, power stanced perfume bottles are a lot of fun, but not really practical on bosses. With the right stats, they do mow down trash in a ridiculously fun way.