Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


Potato del Grande
I never had a problem getting summons out with mesmer. Summon immediately, then wait for his dive bomb to start. Roll forward twice. It's easy to dodge.

What you don't have time to do is summons and drink a mana potion. Or health if using mimic.

So you summon, roll twice, then run away until your spirit takes aggro.
This. There's a flash at the top of his jump which is when you roll. Getting summon out is easy on him. Messmer is not hard.

Now Commander Gaius on the other hand...


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
There's another one? I assumed you were talking about Barbed Staff-spear, but that's just a drop from Jori not a remembrance weapon...

Also, for Faith weapons, don't forget about Magma Blades. It sucks farming a pair but they are well worth it once you get them.
Yeah thats the one, I am still learning the names of shit. And I know about the Magma Blades, but A) I am mainly playing a Golden Order/Death Staff build for my first run and B) With all the melee hate and AE spam bosses have in this DLC, standing back and firing an Uzi indiscriminately is much safer. Plus the start up and recovery on the spear are actually faster than most melee based arts, to the point where I use it point blank without any more fear than I would a strong attack. It is fucking ridiculous and probably needs some nerfing.


Lord Nagafen Raider
For you caster types, I came across an Incantation called Multilayered Ring of Light that dropped off the werewolf ghost like dude down in the Fissure area.

Is that useful to you caster types or hot garbage?


Lord Nagafen Raider
With regards to the new weapons (at least the ones I've discovered), I really like the Backhand Blade b/c of its quick attacks and Blind Spot special attack. But even though it pretty much overwhelms most regular enemies, it's just not effective enough against most of the bosses I've tried it on.

Similar story with Relanna's light GS. Destroys many mobs you encounter but seems to lack the punch you want against the big bads. The special attack on that one is underwhelming in terms of damage.

I have not tried the Ancient Meteoric Ore GS yet due to lack of strength.Can anyone chime in on that one?

I also have the Death Knight Twin Axes. I haven't tried it yet aside from a few swings to gauge the feel. Kinda unimpressed. But, I'm intrigued by the lightning damage it brings and wonderhow much that might help down the road?

I have Smithscript Dagger, Circue and Spear so far. Haven't tried any of them yet.

Don't know how I feel about the Great Katana.

Repeating Crossbow seems overly complicated for practical use so that's in the chest for now.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
For you caster types, I came across an Incantation called Multilayered Ring of Light that dropped off the werewolf ghost like dude down in the Fissure area.

Is that useful to you caster types or hot garbage?
One shots most trash and is good on bosses who dont move a lot and are weak to holy, so basically nothing if consequence. It is very mana efficient for trash clearing, though. At 80 faith and DLC rune level 10 its one shotting just about every trash mob I run into and has medium to long range. Arguably one of the best incantations or spells I have run across in the expansion. Like about half the expansion spells, it also has a fast wind up and recovery. So I guess the idea here is "use our new spells so you might get to cast something against our hyperagro mobs before they skull fuck you from a mile away" or something along those lines. Don't use it on the Putrid Rider, though. He moves too much and Uzi Spear does a lot more damage overall.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
With regards to the new weapons (at least the ones I've discovered), I really like the Backhand Blade b/c of its quick attacks and Blind Spot special attack. But even though it pretty much overwhelms most regular enemies, it's just not effective enough against most of the bosses I've tried it on.

Similar story with Relanna's light GS. Destroys many mobs you encounter but seems to lack the punch you want against the big bads. The special attack on that one is underwhelming in terms of damage.

I have not tried the Ancient Meteoric Ore GS yet due to lack of strength.Can anyone chime in on that one?

I also have the Death Knight Twin Axes. I haven't tried it yet aside from a few swings to gauge the feel. Kinda unimpressed. But, I'm intrigued by the lightning damage it brings and wonderhow much that might help down the road?

I have Smithscript Dagger, Circue and Spear so far. Haven't tried any of them yet.

Don't know how I feel about the Great Katana.

Repeating Crossbow seems overly complicated for practical use so that's in the chest for now.

Backhand Blade's are mostly for PVP and little else. They are good in that niche, especially with the PvE shit railroading people into using shields more and more.

Relanna's pair is basically meant to be the MLGS / Nights Flame replacement. Its moveset is vastly superior, but the weapon arts are clunky and slow to use. You can use it to clear trash, but even in that role a M'Lady with (insert relevant affinity ash here) slotted is going to be a better option. The powerstance moves are not really worth dropping a shield and the clunky juggling if you are swapping back and forth with a catalyst/seal.

Twin Axes on a lightning guy I could see being good, but the moveset is meh.

I have the dagger and it is kind of nice, but mainly its a good manaless trash clearing range option. Shockingly, its base damage is higher than the dancer's curved blades in virtually all scenarios. I am curious to power stance them to see if there is a ranged power stance attack like their is for the perfume bottle weapons.

Great Katana is basically really just a greatsword in terms of moveset and reach. The dragon killing one is kind of baller if you have the stats for it and use it in those specific fights, but otherwise unremarkable. Missed design opportunity here, imo.

The crossbows are all gimick trash, except maybe the spread crossbow having a trololololo in arena. No real change in status quo there.

Side note, power stanced perfume bottles are a lot of fun, but not really practical on bosses. With the right stats, they do mow down trash in a ridiculously fun way.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
The bird gives 11k without talismans/etc, and if you practice it it's very very fast. You just have to learn where and when to shoot. It's a 10-15sec turnaround time.

Also, if you change the time of day to Night, you have the random chance to get a glowing eyes version that gives multiple times that.

This. There's a flash at the top of his jump which is when you roll. Getting summon out is easy on him. Messmer is not hard.

Now Commander Gaius on the other hand...

Are you using your mount? Torrent is usable for that fight.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Edit: Impenetrable Thorns is completely busted if you don't mind respeccing to int/arc and using the new Maternal Staff with it. Not much bleed immunity in the DLC so it works on nearly everything.
I actually fucked around with the Thorn shit when I was helping my friend out, but the scaling for co-op is so horrendous that it made it almost pointless. I have gotten a lot of mileage out of opening co-op fights with the Malekith spell and the similar dagger weapon art dot, shaving a quarter health and applying a big dot. Lot of shit is not immune to Scarlet Rot either. Percentage based dots seem to be really good, if you can survive the agro response.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
The big holy great mace the knights can drop is like the heavens themselves parted and descended directly from God himself for us str/faith bros.

No stupid ash gimmick attached to it, huge mega str scaling, baked in holy damage + can still blade of order it.

I was chunking the death dragons for over 3k per hit lol.
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A nice asshole.
Are we playing the same game?

I could read Messmer's actions and just needed to work on my skill level and build.

Putrid Knight is ??? I don't even know where to start. The last boss looked easier.
His horse is the asshole random. I got his three main combos down but that fucking horse comes out at random angles. His big AOE is easy to jump over. After that killed him second try. After 10 or so attempts.

Mesmer though…he caught me like 20 times when I thought I knew what was next.


I got farmed by the Putrid knight for 4 hours until I learned to jump all of the fire regardless of what it looked like, that and his 3 second delay attack that just chains into another stagger hit before you can recover. Pretty salty over that fight still. I also had an attempt that got him to 30% and then he just did riding drive-bys for 2 minutes straight never giving me an attack opportunity and I get extremely pissed off at that design.

This also really cemented in my mind how much I hate the dual functionally of the dodge/run key, since dodge is an on-release action and if you hold it just long enough you trigger the sprint and then you can't dodge anymore. So having to have the brain to get your thumb off of the dodge button and then quickly mash and release to actually dodge things properly really got me going as well.

I gave up and used summons on Rellana and Mesmer (he was the third boss I fought because I never found the proper holes in the walls to go to the correct zones in sequence). My fourth boss was the centipede chick and she was a complete joke compared to everything else I'd fought. The difficulty curve is all over the fucking place.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
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I am digging the buffed explosive ghost flame, can do insane damage to the right large targets. Buffs with magic dmg far as I can tell.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah it seems like Rancor/blackflame is the mainstay for a lot of this DLC, which kind of cements the fact that you need to pair Faith in an INT build to be viable. This has more or less been my experience, anyhow. There is a whole lot of "this would have been cool in the early base game, but is completely obsolete now" kind of drops in the DLC as well. The Death Bird spear, Elden Stars, and anything holy/lightning damage based seem to be the main things that are better in the DLC than in the main game.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
How are you bros building FTH + STR/DEX chars? I think I went way too heavily in to actual FTH at 45 and should respec again to do like 60 STR + 25 FTH or similar just to meet spell requirements since the only things I ever actually cast are buffs and the occasional rock sling. I'm mostly just a bonk setup + blessing of the erdtree and golden order weapon buff.

How are the super high FTH actual caster builds with lightning faring? I don't see how you'd ever reliably cast shit vs some of these bosses, but having access to blackflame DoTs seems like it'd be sick.


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
It's hilarious reading/watching all the little magic coomers bitch about "hyper aggressive" enemies, now that they have to sorta play the game.

It must be real tough to no longer be able to drink your psychik and comet azur bosses to death, before they even get to you. Or just chain poise break with Ancient Death Rancor.


A nice asshole.
How are you bros building FTH + STR/DEX chars? I think I went way too heavily in to actual FTH at 45 and should respec again to do like 60 STR + 25 FTH or similar just to meet spell requirements since the only things I ever actually cast are buffs and the occasional rock sling. I'm mostly just a bonk setup + blessing of the erdtree and golden order weapon buff.

How are the super high FTH actual caster builds with lightning faring? I don't see how you'd ever reliably cast shit vs some of these bosses, but having access to blackflame DoTs seems like it'd be sick.
Mesmers spell is the tits so I went to 60 fth 60 str.
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