Whats a good level to aim for to start DLC now that many of you have started it?
Currently lvl 53 on my Magic Build I had started earlier. And still got some content to do before I can even unlock it.
Can you still farm the bird for exp?
If you are Unga Bunga or a Bleed Build, 120 is workable. If you are a faith caster and/or Dex build, maybe a bit more. Sorcerer? Well you basically need to be setup like going into NG+ because pure sorcery is flat out useless in about half the content, ESPECIALLY the mandatory story bosses so much higher level. I think a Lightning Faith build might be the best to try it at a lower level because the stat dependencies are much lower and nothing seems to resist both lightning and holy. Mesmer and maybe the holy spear guy might be the only two bosses where Sorcery really shines (if you can call it that in Mesmer). And if you had a dagger/whip fast roller build, prepare thine anus because it is not going to be a fun run.
Having done most of it as a caster, let me highlight the major issues. First, the VAST majority of the enemies are hyper agro aggressive. This is especially true of most of the bosses who will unload long ass wombo combos from across the fight arena, often face raping you the moment you enter the arena. Mesmer, Bayle, and several of the NPC Phantom/Gaol type enemies are all like this and make it a struggle to even get a summon out. Mesmer takes that last bit to a whole new level by super leaping across the map to you and them putting the fucking NPC summon sign inside the room a ways in (thanks trolls for piling all the fucking white signs on that.....). Bayle literally either Bald Bull charges you the instant you zone in or drops a fire breath that does over half your health. Another thing is that a massive number of the boss enemies are very sorcery resistant, so even if you WANT to use Sorcery you need to rock the Prince of Death staff and a monster Faith to go with it just to hit a scaling high enough to matter. Ancient Death Rancor winds up being the best option for most of the expansion as a result, along with the Darkmoon GS for the bulk of the expansion since there are no real alternatives that are mana efficient until late in the progression. Basically you have to either have strong summons or be a spell blade to matter as a sorcerer (or be way high level to have a matchi faith stat).
Itemization also fucks over certain playstyles in this DLC. There is one useful spell and one situational spell (Frost Rings thing and Double Moon respectively) that I have come across. I have not seen a single armor piece for casters period, end of sentence, unless you want to count the fire knight helm (which is good for anyone). The only caster related talisman I have seen is the Storm Talisman which really only benefits faith casters from what I can tell. The twin light greatswords from Rellana look nice on paper, but really are not a viable alternative to the DMGS. The catalyst sword is completely broken (scaling does not work) unless you want a shitty rapier while using the two actually useful Sorcery Buffs and are too lazy to switch weapons. And I can't recall a single shield dropping at all that is even remotely competitive with Brass Shield/Silver Shield. So the itemization is truely dogshit. Its worse if you are a dual dagger/whip user type. The only interesting daggers all have shit scaling and elements, with the Dancer daggers doing WAY less damage than Reduvias even if you do go full Dex (most builds like that are Arcane) all with zero bleed for the handful of bosses that seem to care about it.
Faith Sword and spear is king in this expansion, though. The golden spear with the super inexpensive uzi weapon art completely tears shit up. Clunker spells like Elden Stars and Ancient Dragon Lightning completely dominate a few major fights. Lots of great weapon options drop along with several viable weapons, particularly the golden ring spell right before undead horsey guy. There are a TON of arts and items to fit that playstyle, along with many of the harder boss fights being weak to bleed poke strats or lightning, especially the early ones and the last two big ones. Unga Bunga pretty much cleans up in this expansion too, with a vast array of larger weapon options.
I like the DLC a lot (played it all last weekend) but there needs to be some balance tuning. And the whole 20 hit 30 second wombo combo shit (while your summons sit around picking their ass) needs to be dialed back, at least a little. Particularly there needs to be a window for people to get a summon out in fights like Mesmer or Bayle. And the viability of the smaller powerstance type weapons (including the new fists) needs to be looked at. Right now, the two main spear drops (Holy Uzi and Mesmer) completely outclass anything else seen in the DLC. Finally, if From wants to make Bloodborne 2 so bad, just fucking make that game and let the souls series be the tactical combat game. This DLC is way too dominated by twitch play and RNG boss AI, especially the ludicrous controller reads the AI does.