Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


<WoW Guild Officer>
I did on my first try, was more survivable but didn't seem to do much damage.

Perhaps I should try again. Any weapon suggestions?

2hander with charged attacks? Joust him.

He does some spectacular attacks but then can leave himself wide open. Unfortunately if you're on the ground that's hard to handle. If you're riding the mount, you can haul ass away and just wait for him to do the right move that you feel comfortable to ride in and attack.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
It's hilarious reading/watching all the little magic coomers bitch about "hyper aggressive" enemies, now that they have to sorta play the game.

It must be real tough to no longer be able to drink your psychik and comet azur bosses to death, before they even get to you. Or just chain poise break with Ancient Death Rancor.
thats me, humbled. I now rock heavy armor and defensive tailsman and fast cast speed.
dungeon clearing boils down to one range bolt, charged up 4 arrows for super ranged enemies and Haima hammer, aoe grenade.
still use night and flame sword, the lazer beam stuns alot of crap, was never good at close combat.

past 4 boss fights with just choice of two spells. took mesmer down with just rainni ice moon with my mimic, took maybe 30 tries. there's an NPC u can summon inside the fight.

overall am satisfied as caster. too bad all the new spells suck serious shit and not usable so far.


<Silver Donator>
Never did Elemer of the Briar on my first playthough. Fucker died to my scarlet rot tick, right as I got the YOU DIED screen. Fucking finally.

JFC was he a motherfucker. He's so much more aggressive than the version of him you fight at the shack, during nighttime, for the ball bearing.
Is that the armored night dude with the square sword that he shoots at you? You fight the final time at the shack in Caelid right?

Sorry I just don't remember what that guy's name is but you mentioned a shack, and the guy just being a real pain in the ass. I don't remember what I did the first time but I think I was running around on the roof just shooting stuff at him, and try not to get killed, hehe.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Is that the armored night dude with the square sword that he shoots at you? You fight the final time at the shack in Caelid right?

Sorry I just don't remember what that guy's name is but you mentioned a shack, and the guy just being a real pain in the ass. I don't remember what I did the first time but I think I was running around on the roof just shooting stuff at him, and try not to get killed, hehe.

Elemer of the Briar is the boss of Shaded Castle (its in the poison swamp west of the windmill area). He's very much the same as those guys but an "official" quest related boss. Its part of the MIllificent -> Melania line.
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Avatar of War Slayer
Putrid was definitely easier than Messmer. Putrid's telegraphs were clearer and I dont think changed throughout the fight.

But I killed Messmer first, which really got me acclimated to From's tricks.

Im looking forward to the last boss after hearing you guys talk about it. We'll see!

I think I got to the last boss

Wow he's really damn hard. I can get pass his first phase taking 0-2 hits but his second phase is fucking gnarly.

I got him to 20% HP before he
meteored me
. I'm at 13 flask charges and 11 flask tears, 57 vigor, and not using any consumables yet. I think I'll need to finish my upgrades and optimize my stats and talismans to kill him solo.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
It's hilarious reading/watching all the little magic coomers bitch about "hyper aggressive" enemies, now that they have to sorta play the game.

It must be real tough to no longer be able to drink your psychik and comet azur bosses to death, before they even get to you. Or just chain poise break with Ancient Death Rancor.

I'm pure melee (10 Mind, IIRC) and still bitching about hyper-aggressive enemies.

Completely ignored magic in DS3 so when I replay it for a plat I'm gonna have to run some sort of omni-mage to try everything out.


Potato del Grande
Wait, no Miquella? No Godwyn? No St. Trina? ...Radahn?
Miquella is part of the fight, but has no body as you should already know.

St. Trina is in Cerulean Coast, I'll let you find out where. Look for points of interest on the map.

No Godwyn. Ranni killed his soul via the Black Knife assassins.
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thats me, humbled. I now rock heavy armor and defensive tailsman and fast cast speed.
dungeon clearing boils down to one range bolt, charged up 4 arrows for super ranged enemies and Haima hammer, aoe grenade.
still use night and flame sword, the lazer beam stuns alot of crap, was never good at close combat.

past 4 boss fights with just choice of two spells. took mesmer down with just rainni ice moon with my mimic, took maybe 30 tries. there's an NPC u can summon inside the fight.

overall am satisfied as caster. too bad all the new spells suck serious shit and not usable so far.
I dunno, those thorns seem bonkers.



Silver Baronet of the Realm
I tried abit of that, uses sorcery staff but requires fth and scales off arcane, damn mixed up. there are other cool heavy two handed of similar which require high arcane but is seemingly magic? abit confusing atm
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Is that the armored night dude with the square sword that he shoots at you? You fight the final time at the shack in Caelid right?

Sorry I just don't remember what that guy's name is but you mentioned a shack, and the guy just being a real pain in the ass. I don't remember what I did the first time but I think I was running around on the roof just shooting stuff at him, and try not to get killed, hehe.
He's the dude you fight at the end of the Shaded Castle. His first version is at the Warmasters shack, only at night. I fought his first version by accident in my first playthrough, but never did the Shaded Castle and supposedly there's a 3rd version of him in Caelid. I haven't done that one yet either.

He's WAY more aggressive in the Shaded Castle, tiny room vs. open field outside Stormveil in his first version, he charges, etc. Just a real fucker. Took me like 20 attempts. Only boss in Plateau I had a rough time with. Everything else was 1-2 shots. Lightning Dragon took about 7.
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Bald Brah

Silver Knight of the Realm
Well I'm officially stuck on 3 bosses. Evil sunflower, guy riding an armored elephant, and messmer.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
It's hilarious reading/watching all the little magic coomers bitch about "hyper aggressive" enemies, now that they have to sorta play the game.

It must be real tough to no longer be able to drink your psychik and comet azur bosses to death, before they even get to you. Or just chain poise break with Ancient Death Rancor.
Because dumping all points into STR and spamming jumping strong attack is somehow more skill intensive.....

Comet was never the problem (it was useless on most boss fights in even the base game) with sorcery. It was the ease and safety of trash clearing. You still had to learn reads off of bosses and phases. Lightning and Unga were the real EZ mode and still are. Amd Amcoemt Death Rancor spam is still a thing, but then again you have to be much higher level than you do to get the same level of performance as say, Ruins GS or Gransax Spear. And you are super squishy while doing it. Thats not even getting into the whole hoplite counterpoke being the dominant safe mode going all the way back to Demons Souls....


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
How are you bros building FTH + STR/DEX chars? I think I went way too heavily in to actual FTH at 45 and should respec again to do like 60 STR + 25 FTH or similar just to meet spell requirements since the only things I ever actually cast are buffs and the occasional rock sling. I'm mostly just a bonk setup + blessing of the erdtree and golden order weapon buff.

How are the super high FTH actual caster builds with lightning faring? I don't see how you'd ever reliably cast shit vs some of these bosses, but having access to blackflame DoTs seems like it'd be sick.
FTH STR has plenty of options and weapon styles, plus you get to use the best buffs in the game. The various Beast Incants also are incredibly effective and efficient for such a character and require very little initial stat investment to be useful. Unlike the base game, there are not a lot of holy resistant mobs and even lots of enemies who are weak to holy. At high stat levels of FTH, a lot of weapons really start to shine. Fire hits hardest of any build with this setup, but your basic weapons and weapon arts will always wind up being superior.

FTH DEX is for my money the most powerful build both base game and DLC, especially if you lead off with high DEX before leveling FTH all the way up. Lightning spells are strong in base (until the last fight) and absolutely wreck most bosses in the DLC, due to wet floors in the arenas or built in vulnerability. Again, you also get all the major buffs for minimal stat investment plus some of the strongest PvE weapons are open to you (Uzi Spear, Gransax Spear, Mesmer's Spear, Morgot's Blade, Malekith's Sword, ect) and it only gets better once you start ramping up FTH later on. You also get the best Fire damage options of any build, both with weapons and incants, largely due to casting speed reduction from DEX. Biggest drawback is a lack of stagger generation compared to other top builds.

Pure FTH builds start slow in the main game, but gains some viable top tier options later on. The main issue is that the healing spells are shit for bosses and fire/lightning don't really start to shine until you ramp up another stat to back them up. You also generally do not get a good scaling on casting unless you are going golden order (FTH/INT) and most of the workhorse damage spells are located in that build, when it comes to basic damage. The golden sword low rent MLGs from the winter cave changes that somewhat, but that item (or the Uzi spear) come way late. Until that point, you are relying on weapons and black flame/fire/ligtning spear for basic damage. If you want to do damage with mostly FTH, then you probably want to pair it with either DEX or ARC.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
overall am satisfied as caster. too bad all the new spells suck serious shit and not usable so far.
There is a tracking frost ring spell in the red area of the Cerelian Coast, guarded by a half dozen spell birds (Heima works great here) that tracks and chain casts faster than Ancient Rancor Call. It also completely melts Mesmer. This is the one spell in the expansion that has been money, as far as I am concerned. The Metyr quest line also has some options, but mostly just upgrades to existing sorceries. DMGS is still very viable, you just have to accept that against certain bosses the window to activate the shot buff is just not going to happen due to hyperagro. The biggest disappointment as a caster is the lack of items and spells, though, for certain. This AI twitch controller read shit has been a slow boil going on since DS1 DLC dropped. Like I said earlier, FROM really wants to turn this game into Seikero or Bloodborne.
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Many such cases.....

Expect a couple dozen attempts where you don't even get to phase two to follow.


A nice asshole.
The wind up is long and it drops you in the middle of enemies, but the damage on this is unreal with the right stats.
It staggers who you hit and then the AOE is damn near full screen. It gonna get nerfed. Currently using it for chafe clear and boss dmg/stagger. Second dancing lion got bodied hard with it, and the bear boss. Shut them down hard.

Also, Mesmer helm with knights lightning and incantation medallion fucks
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