Do it again and again until something changes.Randomly drink some nectar from a creepy plant found at the bottom of a dungeon. No problem, what could go wrong.
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carian sovereignty ash of war, really good int monster hunter gs play, try it!There is a tracking frost ring spell in the red area of the Cerelian Coast, guarded by a half dozen spell birds (Heima works great here) that tracks and chain casts faster than Ancient Rancor Call. It also completely melts Mesmer. This is the one spell in the expansion that has been money, as far as I am concerned. The Metyr quest line also has some options, but mostly just upgrades to existing sorceries. DMGS is still very viable, you just have to accept that against certain bosses the window to activate the shot buff is just not going to happen due to hyperagro. The biggest disappointment as a caster is the lack of items and spells, though, for certain. This AI twitch controller read shit has been a slow boil going on since DS1 DLC dropped. Like I said earlier, FROM really wants to turn this game into Seikero or Bloodborne.
Don't have much time to play so haven't even bought the DLC. Shame.
One of you nerds needs to post the lore video from whoever that lore youtuber is once it drops so I can get a contact high.
I think I got to the last bossRadahn
Wow he's really damn hard. I can get pass his first phase taking 0-2 hits but his second phase is fucking gnarly.
I got him to 20% HP before he. I'm at 13 flask charges and 11 flask tears, 57 vigor, and not using any consumables yet. I think I'll need to finish my upgrades and optimize my stats and talismans to kill him solo.meteored me
Don't have much time to play so haven't even bought the DLC. Shame.
One of you nerds needs to post the lore video from whoever that lore youtuber is once it drops so I can get a contact high.
Were I pure int, I would jump on that one. But I am INT FTH and nothing is coming close to the Uzi Spear. There needs to be a catalyst for pure INT thats at least competitive with the Death Prince Staff, because without that 438 scaling your basic sorc nukes are nerf darts.carian sovereignty ash of war, really good int monster hunter gs play, try it!
Not doing the "oh I need to solo or else I'm not gud" route (spoiler: I am not gud).
Doing mimic and Radahn swords special attacks which the mimic spams. Also nice to have one of the perfumes in your hotbar that gives you a defense bubble. I don't think the mimic is limited the actual charges.
Oneshot Ranalla. Did the boss in the dungeon they did at the preview event. Figured I'd die to it since I had fallen for every ambush I could on the way down, had 2 pots left. I think it might have been my quickest boss kill. It tried to get an attack off before it was pulled in by the Radahn sword special, then me any my mimic just spammed it which klled it in rougly 5 seconds.
I just run into packs now and jump off my horse and use the special + smash. Pull in does AE 5-600 damage and smash an additonal 2+k. The pull in stagger even works against mobs like the first gaol knight which I don't think can be staggered by hitting it. He gets pulled and flies back from the smash too. Humanoid invasions are a joke since they get pulled in from so far away, then fly back just as far with the smash. So it's just as good as it was in the base game so far.
The sniper ball run, I just held up my shield. One shot did like 3% stamina and did no damage.
I am thinking I need a better stagger weapon for dragons though while on a horse.
Frost pots bro…
You can skip to Mohg super fast pretty early in the game.I picked up the expansion yesterday, without realizing my character was in the middle of an NG+ playthrough. I had only just killed Radahn on this go around.
So I spent last night clearing up through Lyendell and made it to Castle Sol. I'm hoping I can knock Commander Niall and Mohg out early tonaght, so that I can actually jump into the DLC.