ThErE's hArDly aNy boSSes ThIs woRKs oN!!
Trash clearing is easier, safer, etc. Some trash mobs are harder than some bosses. And some of the game's hardest bosses are trivialized with spells. Guys, why does Miyazaki hate sorcery?!?! DLC is mid! Shit is so hyper agro!!!!
When he has had to watch videos like the above for the past 2 years, is it any wonder why he might think to add in some "counters" to the finger wiggling faggotry?
Sorcery is boomer mode, period. There's no dancing around it. It's flat easier than melee in the vast majority of encounters. And I'm not even besmirching people who want to play that way. I'm just ROFLing that people are surprised that they'd add in more "counters" for it, now that the devs had 2 years to see how "EZ MODE" it is compared to most other builds.