Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Unga Bunga question

I'm level 70, working my way through South Caelid right now towards Redmane Castle and Radahn

Right now, I'm just 2 handing a Grafted Blade Greatsword +5 but is there a better setup I should be using? Like 1 handing the GBGS and using a shield? Is it easy to spam counters or parries like that?

I'm not great at this game so mostly I'm just rolling, mashing R1+R2, chugging flasks, and occasionally doing R1+jump to "break poise" of the mob but I dont know if I am even doing that part right.
Have you beaten Volcano Manor yet? I would do that before Radahn and get the Blasphemous Blade from the boss remembrance at Volcano Manor. Probably the best greatsword pre DLC, especially for 'beginners'. Has a very powerful L2 attack and heals you on every kill.

Bald Brah

Silver Knight of the Realm
Unga Bunga question

I'm level 70, working my way through South Caelid right now towards Redmane Castle and Radahn

Right now, I'm just 2 handing a Grafted Blade Greatsword +5 but is there a better setup I should be using? Like 1 handing the GBGS and using a shield? Is it easy to spam counters or parries like that?

I'm not great at this game so mostly I'm just rolling, mashing R1+R2, chugging flasks, and occasionally doing R1+jump to "break poise" of the mob but I dont know if I am even doing that part right.

I used the claymore until I got ruins greatsword. Lions claw is the ultimate don't think skill. It never gets stance broken, it will always break even demigod stance in a couple whacks. You will still take dmg so keep an eye on your health and panic roll away and chug a pot when you need too.

If you learn to parry and get good with blocking, lions claw and a 100 percent shield with good guard boost will kill every boss in the game pretty handily. Without even cheesing with 8 buffs or stupid pathing or breaking AI type crap.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Have you beaten Volcano Manor yet? I would do that before Radahn and get the Blasphemous Blade from the boss remembrance at Volcano Manor. Probably the best greatsword pre DLC, especially for 'beginners'. Has a very powerful L2 attack and heals you on every kill.
I havent even gotten to Volcano Manor or Altus Plateau yet. Caria Manor + Ranni's Rise is as far North as I've gone.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I used the claymore until I got ruins greatsword. Lions claw is the ultimate don't think skill. It never gets stance broken, it will always break even demigod stance in a couple whacks. You will still take dmg so keep an eye on your health and panic roll away and chug a pot when you need too.

If you learn to parry and get good with blocking, lions claw and a 100 percent shield with good guard boost will kill every boss in the game pretty handily. Without even cheesing with 8 buffs or stupid pathing or breaking AI type crap.

Should I dual wield a Claymore for the Lion's Claw ash and the GBGS? 🤔



The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I havent even gotten to Volcano Manor or Altus Plateau yet. Caria Manor + Ranni's Rise is as far North as I've gone.
On my recent playthrough, I did Volcano Manor before the Radahn festival. That said, have you fought Radahn yet? If you're already near him, I would at least try him a few times. If he's giving you too much trouble, take a break and go to Volcano Manor and clear that, then go back and try again.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
On my recent playthrough, I did Volcano Manor before the Radahn festival. That said, have you fought Radahn yet? If you're already near him, I would at least try him a few times. If he's giving you too much trouble, take a break and go to Volcano Manor and clear that, then go back and try again.

I have never fought Radahn. I have heard terrible things about this fight


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I have never fought Radahn. I have heard terrible things about this fight
It's an awesome fight, but on my OG playthrough a couple years ago, it was probably the hardest fight for me other than Malenia at the very end of the game.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
It's an awesome fight, but on my OG playthrough a couple years ago, it was probably the hardest fight for me other than Malenia at the very end of the game.

Yeah I think I'll go do Rykard first and get that Blasphemous blade and then come back for radahn


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Unga Bunga question

I'm level 70, working my way through South Caelid right now towards Redmane Castle and Radahn

Right now, I'm just 2 handing a Grafted Blade Greatsword +5 but is there a better setup I should be using? Like 1 handing the GBGS and using a shield? Is it easy to spam counters or parries like that?

I'm not great at this game so mostly I'm just rolling, mashing R1+R2, chugging flasks, and occasionally doing R1+jump to "break poise" of the mob but I dont know if I am even doing that part right.
Get a Brass Shield for certain fights (lots of mobs drop them) and practice guard counter (its easy and good for certain fights). Grafted will carry you a long while until you can get the Ruins Greatsword or any of the multiple weapons that drop around the same time (The "Guts" greatsword that is in a chest in the early part of Caelid is also a very popular choice you can nab early on). The Bloodhound Knight sword is also really good (you can beat the entire main game handily with it) but its a little more finesse than most Unga Bunga style weapons. The simple fact is that aside from weapon arts you only care about attack power and occasionally damage type (certain times Slash and Strike are more ideal than their opposite number). That and Guard Counters, Jump Attacks, and strong attacks all break poise rapidly with the bigger weapons. If you like dodging and are good at it, two handing is the way to go, just expect to have to drop more into vitality and endurance (to wear better armor) to offset the lack of a block.

If you want to work shields in, get the one you can equip with the most guard reduction that also has 100 percent physical damage reduction and practice with that. Shockingly, a lot of bosses go down easy to Guard Counter, as well. But you can often just flat out rag doll shit with humping heavy attack when rocking a large weapon. Just never go above medium load no matter the strat, because you need to be able to roll out of grab attacks at the bare minimum.

Rest of it is all common sense. Unlike earlier entries in the Souls series, stacking big armor and leveling Endurance actually has a pretty big impact (until the DLC, but scadoosh roots fix that eventually) on tanking. Vigor is always valuable, but as I said I beat the main game comfortably with only 30 Vigor. Pumping STR for damage and END to be able to wear the heaviest stuff was more important in the long run. Once you get to the DLC, you will want VIG 40 at a minimum and likely want to pump it to 60, especially if you tend to go two handed all the time.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
PS the Ruins Greatsword is coming up soon as an option (can be done prior to triggering Radahn Festival or after completing it) along with many great Bunga weapons in the Rykard area (big red hammer thing, Hephan's Steeple if you have some INT, Star Beast club, ect) so if you are bored of the Grafted, your options are about to really open up soon.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
On my recent playthrough, I did Volcano Manor before the Radahn festival. That said, have you fought Radahn yet? If you're already near him, I would at least try him a few times. If he's giving you too much trouble, take a break and go to Volcano Manor and clear that, then go back and try again.
If he has not been doing the Ranni quest line, then Radahn festival might not be triggering. He can do the rape fight in the festival area for Ruins Greatsword, in that case. BB is indead among the best weapons in the game for the art, for a two handed user with the right stats (even post nerf). But I think a properly configured "Guts" Great Sword, Ruins GS, and the boat anchor are way better for full on Unga Bunga play. Boat Anchor is really easy to get early, too.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Animal Crossing: New Horizons - 2.0 Happy Home Paradise​


Having never played a lot of stuff, just going by what I've heard, I think this is a potentially good, rudimentary DLC ranking:

12. Mario Kart 8: Whatever that was that added 50% more tracks
11. Bioshock 2: Minerva's Den
10. DS1: Artorias of the Abyss
9. FONV: Old World Blues
8. AC4: Freedom Cry
7. DS2: Ivory King
6. W3: Hearts of Stone
5. Bloodborne: Old Hunters
4. XB2: Torna the Golden Country
3. W3: Blood and Wine
2. MH World: Iceborne
1. Shadow of the Erdtree

Though everyone's gonna have their own rankings, which is why I'd like to see someone do a gritty analysis of the subject.

I've got to say, Bayle and Midra have two of the best boss "build up" areas I've ever seen. Lots of creepy exposition that you are about to enter the lair of a bad mother fucker.

Haven't seen Midra, but I totally agree on Bayle. That area was insane and not like anything else in the Soulsborne series.

Never saw the Scadutree Avatar, or several other bosses, either. Now that I beat Messmer and reached the final boss (and lost) I think I'll leave the rest of the DLC for my NG replay.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah I think I'll go do Rykard first and get that Blasphemous blade and then come back for radahn
Radahn is rough as an unga bunga. You definitely want a weapon art to be able to apply damage at range (rot dragon breath is also a big help with minimal requirements) to tackle him. Killing him as a dagger user was really aggravating, prompting me to eventually resort to spamming the Reduvia weapon art to drop him. But he can be stance broken, at least. His rewards are shit, but the bow can be fun on an Unga build with decent dex.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
9. FONV: Old World Blues

In a game with incredible DLCs, this one is probably the standout. I had a friend who worked on the team for that game and according to him, this was them rolling all of the best ideas from Van Buren into the new Bethesda FO universe. Honestly FONV with its expansions might be the only game to rival Elden Ring for GOAT game.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I have never fought Radahn. I have heard terrible things about this fight
The "terrible" version was nerfed not long after release. Unless for some reason that was reversed later, as long as you aren't severely under-geared/under-leveled the fight's not too bad.

As far as ranking this DLC as the "best ever", eh, I don't know. I think Elden Ring is certainly one of the best games of all time, and by extension the DLC being largely great gets to tag along with it. But for me, it's not as strong as the base game. Some of the new areas are impressive, but so far nothing has compared to the scale and awe delivered by the original. The first time you climb up to a ledge and overlook Liurnia is fucking incredible. There are similar moments to be had while picking your way through the capital city. Also, while I ran my voice ragged screaming at the TV at times during the original, I don't remember literally coming within a millimeter of smashing my Series X to dust at any point (thanks, Commander Gaius). A handful of the fights are simply more frustrating than fun/satisfying. Even when you do finally win it can feel like you somehow managed to extricate yourself from the middle of a rape rather than bested a tough encounter. Yeah sure it's great that you made it out alive but what the FUCK.

It's still mostly amazing but there's a little magic missing.

Bald Brah

Silver Knight of the Realm
Isn't GBGS a collosol? If so it won't pair with the claymore. It's also very heavy so I doubt you can really pair it with ruins GS even though they are both the same type. Just too heavy.

GbGs has a decent buff but if you really want a one button kill weapon art. That's what's great about claymore, ruins GS, and eventually blasphemous blade mid-late game.

Claymore with heavy affinity and later blood affinity, or use a heavy weapon with bloodloss and put the lions claw ash on it are your best early game options.

You can easily get the lions claw ash from the small fort gael in caelid. All you need is a bunch of arrows to cheese the lion boss there. Then you can ditch the claymore and put the ash on any weapon you like.