Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin


A nice asshole.
In a game with incredible DLCs, this one is probably the standout. I had a friend who worked on the team for that game and according to him, this was them rolling all of the best ideas from Van Buren into the new Bethesda FO universe. Honestly FONV with its expansions might be the only game to rival Elden Ring for GOAT game.
Shit..never played that DLC… with the new mod manager I may have to give it a go.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Even when you do finally win it can feel like you somehow managed to extricate yourself from the middle of a rape rather than bested a tough encounter. Yeah sure it's great that you made it out alive but what the FUCK.

The best 2 sentence review of ER ever
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Isn't GBGS a collosol? If so it won't pair with the claymore. It's also very heavy so I doubt you can really pair it with ruins GS even though they are both the same type. Just too heavy.

GbGs has a decent buff but if you really want a one button kill weapon art. That's what's great about claymore, ruins GS, and eventually blasphemous blade mid-late game.

Claymore with heavy affinity and later blood affinity, or use a heavy weapon with bloodloss and put the lions claw ash on it are your best early game options.

You can easily get the lions claw ash from the small fort gael in caelid. All you need is a bunch of arrows to cheese the lion boss there. Then you can ditch the claymore and put the ash on any weapon you like.

I got the Ash with that explicit purpose but then realized you cant put it on Grafted Blade Great Sword, or Blasphemous Blade, or Ruins GS....

Bald Brah

Silver Knight of the Realm
Guts greatsword by the hyenas or the brick hammer from stormveil are decent lower level options.

You can get the big bonk hammer from capital outskirts as soon as you unlock Altus Plateau. It's just a run up and grab. Great stars is another good option as you can get one from the carriage and one from the beast man invasion for double bonk.


A nice asshole.
What were your blessings? I'm at 17/9 I think, I expect to maybe get to 20/10 tops.
18/8, 20/10 is supposedly the max, I checked the wiki and short of a few weapons I will never use I got what I could this run, have to do the quests differently to get the ashes and talismans.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
Yeah that's arguably the only major complaint I have with the DLC is the emptiness at times. A good example is Abyssal Woods, which I think has a cool and fitting theme to it but it feels a bit too big for that design, especially with nothing really in there except for a couple of cookbooks. You almost can't not find the Manse Hall area because it's literally the only place in there to find.

Almost makes me think I missed a dungeon entrance somewhere in there.

I evaluated this as I explored the DLC and I think I'm ok with some areas being relatively open and peaceful. It makes the overall experience a mix between fun Souls combat/exploration, and some pure non-combat exploration of just beautiful areas and vistas.

Like some of my most enjoyable times playing ER are when I'm just walking around canvassing and evaluating the view, mapping where I am in relation to other areas in my head, etc. Especially in this DLC where they have incredible use of Z-axis space. This is some of their most complex work for sure.
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Honorary Shit-PhD
<Gold Donor>
I freely admit as a long time Souls and From fan, I generally do my first play using the Monnlight Greatsword setup. I mean, its their signature weapon and been in every single game. But I also fuck around with other builds. In fact, yesterday I decided to try running three characters through the early part of the expansion (using prior knowledge to grab early Scadoosh shards and get some key graces for later).

First was the Lightning Gransax guy and he just tore through most everything, making it all the way to the Finger Church and initial Fissue graces in a little over two hours, even dropping an undead dragon on the way. At 70 Dex and 50 Faith, the weapon art was just one or two shotting nearly anything though lack of large group options hindered me in a couple places (as did my 30 Vit I can get away with in the base game). I can see some enemies (esp Mesmer) giving this character problems, but unlike my caster he can actually engage in close quarters fighting. Once I get a generic spear worked up with a couple expansion weapon arts, this will be a cake run.

Next it was dual weild arcane Dagger girl, who was admittedly hard in the base game, but fun and workable. Complete shitshow in the DLC, between all the point blank AEs and the virtual requirement of using a shield to avoid getting one or two shotted when you make even the slightest mistake. And I cannot even imagine getting in close to bosses or harder overland enemies with all the PB AEs they throw around and how froggy they are. Whips were sort of ok, but I had to go spear and shield so much I lost interest because I was basically just playing my lightning guy, but with Mohg's spear. This is definately hard mode because you are basically playing the naked katana meme, but with the short range of daggers and nothing I have seen in the expansion on my first run seems to be a real upgrade for Reduvia (which the character was built around). If Dancer Blades were not total ass, I would try to pivot to them, but even the most common hall trash seems stagger resistant in the DLC so power stancing daggers with quick rolls is really masochistic.

Finally, I busted out my Ruins Blade centered Unga Bunga guy, as my co op pal wants to do another paired run together. While not as killy or dominating as the Lightning guy, being able to simply hide behind a Finger Print Shield and counter/spam weapon art with impunity is laughably easy. The first Mausoleum boss everyone is complaining about hit the pavement in one try simply to guard counters. The overland undead dragon my lightning guy killed was dead before it knew what had happened. I generally put myself in the summon pool to get easy Rune Arcs, XP, and Erdleave mascara things when generally exploring, because I enjoy the co-op experience. But I had to refrain from that because people would literally pull me in to tank for them the instant I put my sign down. It was crazy and I gained so much XP being a rent a tank in three hours. This was good, because this character was the lowest level and also sitting at 30 Vit after beating the main game (had a lot of stats to cover base reqs for a number of weapons and END). Definitely the easy mode for this expansion, with maybe a couple bosses (Scadoosh Tree, Metyr, and maybe Pig Rider dude) likely to be an issue.

I read this post as just a single Willem Dafoe meme of him saying "I'm something of a gay classical music fan myself"
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Lord Nagafen Raider
What's your scadu bonus when you killed Messmer? I've only killed like 3 bosses(only 1 with a rememberance) and felt like I got to Messmer way too early.
My Scadu was 11/7 or maybe 11/8 so a bit further along than when most seem to take him on. I had reached his SoG much earlier on in my playthrough (the name gave it away - Dark Chamber Entrance) but I had recalled some folks mentioning that once you zone in to his chamber, you break some questlines. So I decided to hold off on him while I continued exploring.

I've now also heard that those questlines - still not entirely sure which ones - are broken the moment you enter Shadow Keep and not just Messmer's chamber. So I don't really know.

As others have mentioned, the trailer does seem to set him up as the big bad in the DLC. From a lore perspective, there seems to be some truth to that but from a gameplay perspective, that's hardly the case.

Not only is his health a bit on the low side but I was certain going in there would be another phase (like Malenia had, not just the latter half of his healthbar)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Not only is his health a bit on the low side but I was certain going in there would be another phase (like Malenia had, not just the latter half of his healthbar)

Scadutree has three phases which get increasingly punishing each time. It helps if at the end of each phase you run over and crit it while it's head is sagged down low before it respawns as it comes back with a partially filled health bar.
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A nice asshole.
Scadutree has three phases which get increasingly punishing each time. It helps if at the end of each phase you run over and crit it while it's head is sagged down low before it respawns as it comes back with a partially filled health bar.
For tree.
Fire of any kind shuts it down hard, didn’t know and my messmer flame headshots were doing like 4k and I one shot it.
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The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I've now also heard that those questlines - still not entirely sure which ones - are broken the moment you enter Shadow Keep and not just Messmer's chamber. So I don't really know.
Hmm. I wonder if it's when you get close to Shadow Keep and Miquella's Great Rune shatters. Oh well, too late for me now. Good old FromSoft!
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I've yet to kill one. They fall in to the "I can probably kill you but can't be arsed to spend the time/pots to kill you" group of mobs. Similar to any Crucible Knight in the core game I can just run past rather than waste a pot or two to beat. Those eye mobs are the same. Yeah, I can parry your wand attack and get some hits in and maybe kill you but it's so much of a fuck on trying to time the parries that I'll do without the item you drop (if you kill the one nearest the Site of Grace).

Do the wicker men drop anything good? Like scadutree upgrades? I'd kill 'em if so. Otherwise I just book it past them, like I do with bears and erdtree avatars.


Trakanon Raider
Do the wicker men drop anything good? Like scadutree upgrades? I'd kill 'em if so. Otherwise I just book it past them, like I do with bears and erdtree avatars.

Tears for Wondrous Flask abilities, and Furnace Visages(Used in crafting), they are basically a replacement for Erdtree mobs from base game.

They are not really hard, they just take forever to kill.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
This place sucks. Not a fan and have some serious special levels of hate for the GD divine warrior MFers.
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
There are so many goddamn weapons I want to try, but Donatello was my favorite Ninja Turtle, and this motherfucker was the coolest dude ever when you're 13 years old..

And so.. Eleonora's stays, as has been the case since level 65ish.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I have never fought Radahn. I have heard terrible things about this fight

In my original playthrough, Radahn was the boss that forced me to go level-grind and add like 15 points to Vigor before continuing. Up to that point I was fine, then he killed me like 10 times. Was the most trouble I had with anything in the base game besides Fire Giant and Malenia.
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Bald Brah

Silver Knight of the Realm
In my original playthrough, Radahn was the boss that forced me to go level-grind and add like 15 points to Vigor before continuing. Up to that point I was fine, then he killed me like 10 times. Was the most trouble I had with anything in the base game besides Fire Giant and Malenia.

You know you can run around summoning the warriors from the festival and breathe on him once or twice with rotten breath and run away again and win? Might have to dodge a meteor or two. He's actually the easiest demigod if you play him as designed.

Of course gimping yourself by not using scarlet rot or available NPC summons will make the difficulty increase beyond almost all the other remembrance bosses.
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