Elden Ring - From Software + George RR Martin

Bald Brah

Golden Knight of the Realm
I walked through the roach Saint like nobodies business. Easily 1 shot with my flaming fire sword. Didn't even prep, just walked in with my street build.

Same with El manure. Walked right up to the top of the tower no problem, killed the whole room full of invaders 2nd try. Same setup.

Walked into the final boss. Well almost final, I skipped Bayle. Man he pushed my shit in hard. Just like his buddy is pushing his in.

Oh well gonna have to do some prep for the last couple fights. Might switch to that bullshit lightning perfume bottle build. Then fry some homos.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Lightning Perfume tactic is going to get nerfed, at least the Rolling Sparks weapon art will. The Finger Shield with Bleed Spear most likely will not. I beat him with a friend Shield tanking him for me while I zapped him from moderate distance, which was not too rough once we had our execution down. But I do not judge anyone for cheesing him as he exists right now. He is the ultimate expression of everything that is fucked with their boss design in this expansion, with the jumping around, mass AEs, and hyper aggressive attacks that chain into half minute long bullshit. And just in case you can somehow handle all of that, they gave him a grab that guaranteed kills you if it hits you twice (three times if you have a certain item) with the egregious grab hit boxes that permeate this DLC. I am kind of surprised that From recognized their shit choices in the base game (by letting you use a steed against Elden Beast) while instantly repeating the exact same mistake in design. They really wanted to make another Siekaro instead of this game and it shows.
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Potato del Grande
Yeah, Radahn is pushing my shit in hard. Best I did was got him down to 25% by riding around on Torrent for 15 minutes and clicking the NPC summons over and over. Seems kinda retarded
He's one of the easiest major bosses in the game right now because of all the NPCs lol.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
He's one of the easiest major bosses in the game right now because of all the NPCs lol.
I figured that given a few more tries, I could beat him since this endless NPC summon strat was how you supposed to cheese this fight, but it was late, and I wanted to win.

So I just planted a summon sign, some dude showed up 30 seconds later and he unga bunga'ed Radahn while I jogged around clicking NPC summons.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
It's pretty surprising how quickly you can make a direct run to the final area without really trying to, as long as Messmer isn't a huge roadblock, at least. It snuck up on me fast and I haven't had a lot of time to play. I made some progress up the tower (Taker's Flames > those bullshit lightning knights) and then left to explore a ton of the map that I hadn't touched yet.
  • 1Solidarity
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Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Only issue with killing Mesmer early is it locks out a ton of NPC quest chains, most of which have some fairly nice rewards tied to them. This also makes the second to the last fight a lot more challenging, Unlike killing Malekith however, it does not cut off any physical access to existing areas and their bosses.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
He's one of the easiest major bosses in the game right now because of all the NPCs lol.

Largly depends on if this is a first time run and how much pre-fight leveling you do, but yeah if you do what the designers wanted and toss Rot Breath in the mix he is very do-able for the point in the game where you theoretically should be hitting him (just post Renalla but prior to Atlas Plateau to prevent some quests from botching). For my money, Renalla is still probably the easiest remembrance boss, since an Unga can roll in and rag doll her and a caster can just spam rock toss. A dual bleed dagger user can practically melt her down in one or two close up engagements.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Largly depends on if this is a first time run and how much pre-fight leveling you do, but yeah if you do what the designers wanted and toss Rot Breath in the mix he is very do-able for the point in the game where you theoretically should be hitting him (just post Renalla but prior to Atlas Plateau to prevent some quests from botching). For my money, Renalla is still probably the easiest remembrance boss, since an Unga can roll in and rag doll her and a caster can just spam rock toss. A dual bleed dagger user can practically melt her down in one or two close up engagements.

yeah I didnt even bother with Rot Breath though I had a dragon heart. Figured if I was gonna keep getting wrecked, I'd just give him one blast of the rot and then let the NPCs do the rest.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Early game, the wind slice art that drops in Stormveil is a good one to pop on a generic two hander, if you are unga bunga. You can sick the NPCs on him and pop him at a distance, with or without Rot, and win the fight without having to learn his goofy hit boxes. The issue with the fight as designed is his agro is way too ping pongy with all the summons running around and you get nabbed on incidental swings as a result. There are a few fights like that where Summons just add too much RNG like that.
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A nice asshole.
Early game, the wind slice art that drops in Stormveil is a good one to pop on a generic two hander, if you are unga bunga. You can sick the NPCs on him and pop him at a distance, with or without Rot, and win the fight without having to learn his goofy hit boxes. The issue with the fight as designed is his agro is way too ping pongy with all the summons running around and you get nabbed on incidental swings as a result. There are a few fights like that where Summons just add too much RNG like that.
Easy early grab is Partisan spear or great epee and giant hunt ash, good for most mobs. Super easy to out space dudes, lock down bosses etc. Can shield up as well if you just want to turtle to learn attack patterns.


Confirmed Beta Shitlord, Fat Bastard
Yeah, I.was specifically recommending the wind slash thing.Because it lets you use your malay attack power at A distance against Radahn. Plus you can slot it to the guts great sword that he should have by now. Academic, since he down.


The bad part about doing completionary things w/ a guide at the end of a no spoiler initial run is figuring out which scadutree fragments you missed
  • 1Worf
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Bald Brah

Golden Knight of the Realm
The bad part about doing completionary things w/ a guide at the end of a no spoiler initial run is figuring out which scadutree fragments you missed

It's not that bad. Just takes a few minutes since you have most of the graces unlocked. I never knew the pothead guys dropped fragments. Missed so many easy ones.
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I'm missing one and being a grumpy old fart

In pvp I'm trying the other worldly staff with messmer talisman off hand. Flame give me strength + terra magica buff then Messmer orb into a timed explosive ghost flame is a nasty ambush.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Don't remember what game it was recently, but this topic came up, and we pretty much have the same sentiments regarding it. Just never understood the "I don't wanna look at a man's ass" deal.

Sorry, don't get off on female video game characters, but to each they're own.

Whatever, back to the game, don't want us to shit up the thread with this nonsense.

Can only speak for myself here but I don't care who I'm looking at in the game if they're part of the story and so forth. I just err towards females and dressing them up if it's a create-a-character and I'll be looking at them for a hundred hours.

And yeah, making a big deal about any of this stuff really is nonsense and shitting up the thread.
  • 1Worf
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
With my level 500 , Scadutree 13 / revered 8 unga - bunga toon from the base game I just beat
what looks to me to be a reskinned Radahn with a new name
, that can't be the final boss can it? What in the same sprites with different color clothes NES was that about? He was hard but......... I already beat him a year ago.

Yeah, that's what I said and people picarded or w/e. This DLC ends like a limp noodle.


<Silver Donator>
Can only speak for myself here but I don't care who I'm looking at in the game if they're part of the story and so forth. I just err towards females and dressing them up if it's a create-a-character and I'll be looking at them for a hundred hours.

And yeah, making a big deal about any of this stuff really is nonsense and shitting up the thread.
Hey buddy, whatever blows your skirt up...

OU Ariakas

Diet Dr. Pepper Enjoyer
<Silver Donator>
Ok, so they have said this is it for Elden Ring, no more expansions or DLCs, or sequels. I am frustrated because there is a ton of stuff that is just completely unexplained; stuff that Dark Souls eventually did in DS2 and DS3. Super disappointing knowing that we will never get answers to very fundamental questions.
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Bald Brah

Golden Knight of the Realm
Finished off Bayle, then jumped back and killed radagon and elden beast. Man that rolling sparks ash is something else. Even without abusing the feet aiming, just using it as a regular ranged attack it melts everything.