Elite: Dangerous (Kickstarted Sandbox Space Flight Sim)


I did some mining today, bought myself an Adder with the proceeds. Had a surprisingly good time doing it. Far more entertaining than EVE mining (and frustrating). If there was one word I had to use to describe this game, it's "finicky".
I found it absolutely horrible. The cargo scooping mechanic is tedious and having to do it over and over again for long enough to fill even a moderately sized cargo hold made me want to claw my own eyes out.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
If the bonus was large enough it might work (talking about a HUGE fucking bonus here, I have troubles seeing me leaving a 2700cr/round trip route to go play war profiteer for anything less then 5000+cr/round trip), but you would only ever see traders at the warzones in open then. Imho they need the PvP flag system if they want a more "alive" universe.
Is that 2700cr/ton shit math or proper math?


Useless lazy bastard.
Is that 2700cr/ton shit math or proper math?
That is the profit of buying X, jump twice, sell X, buy Y, jump twice, sell Y. I make 955cr on X and 1784 on Y. Gives me slightly over 2700cr per ton and roundtrip, i.e. going back and forth between two stations.

If they want me to risk my ship and cargo they would have to at least double that (considering Im out 3.7 mil on X on the way there and in a ship thats 33 million in hull and upgrades I am not in the mood to hand that over to some bum playing "pirate" who refuse to put in time and grind into actually making his own money) and give me cargo Insurance.


Useless lazy bastard.
Agricultural (imp slaves) -> High Tech (Land enrichment systems), takes me 2 jumps to get from A to B. Seems to be Heavy traffics in the systems tho, but for some reason people dont seem to connect the dots and do the trade I do because the demand/supply has yet to change the last week.

20 trips or so until I get myself a Python and settle down with that ship. I love my current Imperial Clipper, but the hardpoint placements are all wrong and I struggle to do combat in it.


Lord Nagafen Raider
When I get home today I'll post my location and the refinery I'm patrolling for bounties. I got back online last night and made 100k in about 30 minutes of fighting. What is SWEET about asteroid fields is that all ships are Mass Locked so they can't warp out without clearing a fair amount of distance between them and the asteroid field.

So I'm probably going to stay here until I get a few million. Several times some big bounty Python's and Anaconda's with Plasma Accelerator weapons have showed up and started laying waste to the local secruity forces...but it seems to escalate because I've seen Security Anaconda's warp in and start a huge fight with the bigger wanted ships. The other night for instance, I got a 83k bounty after I used my K-Warrant scan on a python and 10 minutes later I got a 70k bounty after k-warrant on an anaconda.

I've also seen Anaconda's with a 600cr bounty on them...probably for attacking something by accident.

In those instances, I unload everything I can then float around asteroids so I can avoid their line of fire.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
I've been hanging out at a resource extraction site around Taureni B 10 killing lots of wanted guys. The issue I have though is sometimes the Federal Security Services turn on me and I'm lucky to get away before they blast me out of space. Maybe I'm accidentally hitting one in the crossfire but last time I was supper careful and almost positive not to and they still started shooting me after we killed the 4-5 wanted guys. One of which was a Master in a Cobra and only gave a 200cr bounty, hah.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That 200 CR bounty was probably not actually a pirate, that's why. Just hit something and got a wanted flag. It was probably from the same faction as the NPC police force in that system, so they attacked you.

The flagging/reaction code seems to need some work.


Person of Whiteness
<Gold Donor>
Ah I see, guess I'll have to pay more attention to that then. Mostly just find things flagged as "wanted" and open up. Maybe need to figure out how to use my KWS.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
How/where do you find 'good' resource extraction sites? The ones I've found are a bunch of Sidewinders.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Security flew across my beams now I gotta fly out, pay a 200cr fee, then come back.

1st world problems.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
Yeah, well, mom was yelling at me about ticks after spending all week clearing brush in sub freezing weather, took my headphones off to yell back and crashed into an asteroid without the prox warning.

170k down the drain.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Security flew across my beams now I gotta fly out, pay a 200cr fee, then come back.

1st world problems.
no first world problems in anarchy systems


Lord Nagafen Raider
PFFFFTTTT biggest bounty I've ever seen 170k Anaconda. Got it to 2% hull and it hits an asteroid and EXPLODES.

No credit for the kill.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
That's some fucking bullshit. They fixed the NPCs stealing your kills, but apparently not rocks. :p


Lord Nagafen Raider
I just killed another one and didn't get credit. Somethin fishy going on. He didnt hit an asteroid and that was a legit kill.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
I just crashed again coming in for a pretty normal landing at a dock. Something is up I think.