Hmm. Either way I lose. I predict:
-Actiony combat (DCUO meets VG meets EQ) but with an auto-attack and some resource management involved. I define actiony is either soft-targeting or mouse-targeting plus duck/roll. Not an FPS. Hope I'm wrong on this one.
-Some form of multi-targeting(OT/DT) that works with Actiony combat. Maybe heal spells auto target you or your group (DCUO did this IIRC)? Unlikely to actually be OT/DT given my first prediction. I hope I'm wrong on this one too.
-Limited hotbar (DCUO meets EQ)
-Class system. But you can change classes by going through many many hoops (faction/quest/grind/etc)
-Race limited classes. But you can get access to additional classes by going through many many hoops.
-Factions. But you can switch factions by -- you get the idea.
-Storybricks AI resulting in dynamically changing quests. As described previously: bandits will take over town if not stopped, and once they've got the town they'll start raiding and growing. No question mark quests except possibly in the newbie area.
-Advanced player building creation tools beyond cookie-cutter (i.e. beyond something like Neverwinter's Foundry) but some mechanism to prevent Giant Dongs. For example you can create castles but they have to be submitted to SOE before you an actually build them.
-EvElike world PvP with security sectors - but called something stupid instead of security sectors. With one original continent or large area of original continent being the equivalent of 0.0 like Odus
-Semi-destructible world/terrain. You target a forest or wooden building with a fireball, it'll burn.
-Mostly open-world. Some very limited instances such as a final boss area in a raid zone.
-Auction Houses and an AH app for your iPhone/Android.
-March 2014 official release, with a soft open beta-keep your characters release prior to the official release.
-Beta starting as soon as September/October.
That's all I can think of right now. Betting may be an issue if you agree with any of these, so we'd have to narrow down to where we disagree.