EQ Never


Golden Knight of the Realm
The boss mod in the demo was actually controlled by a dev.

The thing is that most of these systems aren't even fully developed yet. You could see from the videos they posted that some stuff like AI is basically non-existent right now. Those videos were VERY scripted. Any real information about the inner workings of this game is not going to come out of SOE Live. Not this year anyway.


Vyemm Raider
Hype Train!


That aside, this falls back to the 2015 release date i was told. It may come by end of 2014 but this was always a ways off. Regardless of what shit they kept before they scrapped it, this shit is no where near ready, and now that trinity is gone im more so hoping WoW pulls its heads out of its asses and puts out a real xpac that doesnt have shit to do with panda's, koala's, or babar.


Holiday 2014 at best. I'm still trying to figure out why everyone with an inside source was pushing the "it'll hit way sooner than everyone thinks" so hard (to the point I was questioning myself). It had to have been Landmark.


I agree Big Flex. I think a lot of people are missing this:

Terry: Things are not set in stone, we're committed to working with you. This is not Gospel. Things are subject to change based on feedback.

I think the foundation will stay the same but a lot of things class wise probably are still up in the air.


Molten Core Raider
I really believe EQ1 was close to having it figured out. You needed a healer but healers ultimately need slowers or cc'ers. Who all needed tanks. Your mana pool needed DPS. In a sense, you be completely efficient in groups and in raids, you needed the pieces of the puzzle. They came in different packages and I know we've all been in a ton of different group make-ups but I don't see why they can't just make it to where groups of classes possess a piece of that successful equation. You categorize classes into Tanks, DPS, CC/SLOW, Heals and then allow them to choose which category they choose. Then everyone has the freedom to build their class and everyone is part of the equation.
Hark VG classes! Built on EQ's approach and made the classes even more unique yet all interdepedant. Some where better in certain situations etc but everyone brought something to the table.


Golden Knight of the Realm
So pretty much this game is in its infancy and everything discussed is just that, a discussion. Nothing is set in stone and the game's not releasing until 2015 probably.


<Gold Donor>
Hopefully we get in the beta and can help unfuck this.
Agreed 100%, though they probably aren't interested in the opinions of jaded old fuckers like us.

And of course I'll still play 100% - they could have literally shipped out EQ with updated gfx and if it was FTP, I'd still knock around in it a few hours a week. My point is simply that I wanted (still want) this to be great... in spite of SOE's track record. Think the doing away of the trinity is the first thing I've heard/read that immediately shot up red flags/alarm bells, as I don't think SOE/Storybricks/Whoever has the tech or the ability to implement it right.

What will be funny, and typical is now that SOE has "shown" its hand and its ideas (again, some of which are exceptional) - a better company, with more talent and better programmers will come in and make "this game", only correctly. If nothing else comes of this, that would still be a great step forward in the genre.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I agree Big Flex. I think a lot of people are missing this:

Terry: Things are not set in stone, we're committed to working with you. This is not Gospel. Things are subject to change based on feedback.

I think the foundation will stay the same but a lot of things class wise probably are still up in the air.
The feedback to this panel on other forums is 99% negative.


Trakanon Raider
Hopefully we get in the beta and can help unfuck this.
I hope so too. I really think they've tried too hard to differentiate their game from others. They may want to be cautious to not overlook some key mechanics that I feel are necessity in a MMO. I'm concerned about the trinity. I'm sure there may be other ways but players are going to completely lose their identity. I think classes should be simplified a bit. I like their idea but I don't want a gating, cc'ing, self-healing, invising, tank with SoW and snare. That's an exaggeration but what's to keep them from going this route? Hopefully classes are restricted within certain disciplines. I'm going to attempt to look back through the notes but to my understanding, just about anything is possible. 40 class combinations is a lot.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Well, when the Blizzard exec saw this at E3, he went back and you heard about the dismantling of the Titan team. Yeah, they had started phasing out the dev team even before then, but I think after seeing the E3 presentation, Blizzard just blew the Titan team up completely.


Elisha Dushku
The interaction of the skills you have available (from your various unlocked classes) and how your gear modifies them (choice of the items you have acquired) kinda sounds like Diablo 3 abilities and their respective runes. I hope they have alot more "rune effects" then.

So far I have the impression each of the classes comes with only a few skills, like 4. Is that correct? I'm wondering if that means utility isnt part of the skill set (wizard ports) or hidden in the various sub classes (qeynos wizards knows that portal, acquire "Sorceror of the plains" class that knows Karana portal, etc). Or does each class have more skills with higher tiers? How many more when we're looking at utility stuff like port/levitate/invis/sow?
More than 4 character abilities per class, much less than 40 character abilities for class (many more classes than any one class' abilities). Is the current official answer unless there was clarification somewhere else.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Nobody asked the obvious - does class determine load-out question. I'll try and track down a dev.

Also stop saying GW2. It's MTG and LOL - they made a straight up comparison.
I realize they said that, but I think they're just trying to be "unique." Everything in your blog reads like a bulleted list from Arenanet.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
So pretty much this game is in its infancy and everything discussed is just that, a discussion. Nothing is set in stone and the game's not releasing until 2015 probably.
My thoughts too. This feels sorta like when Bioware blew their load way too early for ToR. Then again, that game was awful anyway.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
My question is this.

If I'm in a group running a Paladin, and guildies are making evil type choices won't this cause barriers in groups/guilds. I'm not going to want to help them with their content, and vise-verse.