EQ Never


Vyemm Raider
Holiday 2014 at best. I'm still trying to figure out why everyone with an inside source was pushing the "it'll hit way sooner than everyone thinks" so hard (to the point I was questioning myself). It had to have been Landmark.
Not true, said 2015 alot then people kept saying 2014 b/c they had alot of saved resources from before they scrapped it.

That aside i cant find myself interested beyond wanting to beta to see the world. I really hate the fact that it will be an EQ without the holy trinity, it just sounds like an atrocity in the making.

Lost Ranger_sl

That has about as much chance of happening as them blowing this iteration up and inviting Qwerty as special advisor. I forsee a severe let down on moral choices a la ToR.
Hey I was pleased with the choices in ToR. My Imperial Agent was a pimp. Banged a bitch on every planet all James Bond style, but didn't shy away from being a ruthless killer. ToR had TONS of problems, but I actually really enjoyed my characters. IA being the best.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That has about as much chance of happening as them blowing this iteration up and inviting Qwerty as special advisor. I forsee a severe let down on moral choices a la ToR.
Yep. I applaud SoE for having the balls to do something new with the tech, but I have serious doubts that they will ever make any gameplay where choice actually matters. Too afraid of losing the casual chimps. The lack of consequence in mmos is part of the reason they all suck now.
Holiday 2014 at best. I'm still trying to figure out why everyone with an inside source was pushing the "it'll hit way sooner than everyone thinks" so hard (to the point I was questioning myself). It had to have been Landmark.
Not all of us where.

I said all the smoke and mirrors coming from Smokejumper and Smeds ass was just smoke and mirrors, that shit would ship be playable even in early pre alpha state was bull shit.

Nov-Dec 2014 Is what I will stand by and have been saying that for the last 1 year,

Even in Nov-Dec 2014 it wont be ready, they would need atleast another 1 year or more to finish baking this cake.

But this is SOE we are talking about here mark my words, I pray that I am wrong this Ship in Nov to Dec 2014 ready or Not.
That gives them the next 5 months and 1 year almost to get this shit going.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Hey I was pleased with the choices in ToR. My Imperial Agent was a pimp. Banged a bitch on every planet all James Bond style, but didn't shy away from being a ruthless killer. ToR had TONS of problems, but I actually really enjoyed my characters. IA being the best.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it too. It just did feel superficial in an mmo, but awesome as a single player portion. I fucking LOVED LOVED LOVED turning Jaesa. One of my top Star Wars moments of all time.


Golden Knight of the Realm
I applaud their daring, but am worried about their ability to execute. Great ideas, but will these ideas work? Will the game be fun and challenging and bring about the community that EQ had during its hey day? Not so sure about that.


Trump's Staff
Religion: gods are a tangible influence, not standing around as raid targets

No one has seen a God.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I honestly think the lack of a trinity could be amazing, or total shit.

I mean, if tanking actually means blocking abilities from hitting your friends, reactive shielding to absorb a blow, blocking the path to the DPS characters, etc. It could be awesome.

If it means the mob just wanders around confused about who to attack, or the defensive character can't actually defend anyone...then it will feel completely lame.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Coming in way late to this party, but I will say I'm very excited. And they have my money if for no other reason than I want to support them for trying something different and attempting to push the envelope in many ways.

I think I'm just as excited about Landmark being a free AAA Minecraft with block smoothing as I am about EQNext. I look forward to seeing (or making myself) old EQ locations. Maybe someone can even get a fully rebuilt EQ1 Norrath going! Yes, the next couple of years will be very interesting.


i cant find myself interested beyond wanting to beta to see the world. I really hate the fact that it will be an EQ without the holy trinity, it just sounds like an atrocity in the making.
I think there will be crowd control, healing, and aggro management but with their multi classing setup what they are saying is if your A number 1 cleric leaves, your group won't die. I'm actually cool with that.

I have concerns with the multi classing, but my guess is grouping will be a hybrid of roles with some variance based on their new systems. If anything, I think more options will be available and so groups won't be SOL due to no CC or Healer being around.


Religion: gods are a tangible influence, not standing around as raid targets

No one has seen a God.
I'd better be able to worship Innoruuk again. They better not kiddie-ize every fucking piece of the lore and gameplay. I swear, if I see a fucking children's week in this game.


Trump's Staff
There are 8 gods. Luclin/Drinal have been combined. Looks like we wont have the sub-deity convolution that EQ1 has.