EQ Never


Elisha Dushku
Yea, that's why I'm less enthused about "mix and match" as I am about a system like LoL. Let classes be special and important and epic. Don't muddy the waters by letting me steal the druid's regen to mix with my lifeburn. Classes should have strengths and weaknesses without being able to address those weaknesses with another class's strengths. This shit will be mathed to death, and a few truly powerful builds will emerge from the casual wasteland.
Limitations on mix and match based on base class abilities.

If hypothetical Brawler class has 4 offense abilities you can not slot utility, defense, or movement from anyone.


Trakanon Raider
And a fully destructible world? Multi-layered zones?

No offense but if they don't get some key elements right it doesn't matter. I'm assuming you are speaking in regards of what EQNext is going to expect hardware to consider but I'm going to take this opportunity to say I would rather suffer all the layers and computer upgrades and have a solid game. Again I know you are speaking in terms of hardware and the difference of what EQ is doing vs FF but I guess I just needed a push to rant about Georgeson. I'm scared we are going to get his typical bell & whistle approach and neglect the core game.

He did this with EQ2. He pushed emotes, dungeon makers and all these extra layers but when you peel them back you have a very mediocre game.

Sorry, I'm talking to a different point than you are addressing but I get real frustrated with him.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Community- We want something new and different our genra is stale!
Developer- Okay we made something different for guys.
Community-woah we were just kidding guys, please just give us more of the same
+1 for this, but it only applies to the small fringe minority here. Sure they are x1000 louder than everyone else, and that's what makes them seem larger in number, but fringe none the less.
Of what we've gathered so far, crafting sounds like it'll be fantastic.
*All resources are usable and relevant according to their attributes
*Crafted items can be identified by their materials and components
*No harvesting nodes
*Crafted gear can possibly be as good as Raid dropped gear
*Hints at SWG crafting

Personally, I would like to see a sprinkling of Vanguards crafting system in there too. I know a lot of people hated it and found it tedious, but I enjoyed it. I liked the mini-game aspect of it, as well as the crafting gear. I just hope there's something that will allow crafters to differentiate their skills other than RNG.


Registered Hutt
Saying that, who spends the most money on Magic and LoL?12-17 year olds I'm guessing.
No. 16-30 year olds. 12 year olds don't have the motor control to excel in LoL, the mind for Magic, or the money to be a significant spender in either. And LoL is HUGE amongst this age range.



Mr. Poopybutthole
Yep. OK I got some of my rage out now just took about 14 bong rips to calm me down. If you also would remember how the system works in dungeons NO1 wants to take dmg from the boss, so everyone runs around and trys to snare and root and then the tank goes in takes like 2 hits and runs away. Will there be taunts? Who knows. All i'm saying is going away from trinity makes the game right off the bat screwed for any type of raid or high level high damage encounter. The only way this will work is if EVERYONE spec's some type of heal. So everyone is going to have to heal the tank. Instead of 1 good healer your going to have 100 people spamming a 10hp heal to keep a mofo alive. Its a different system it just boils down to everyone having to spec some type of heal and be spamming it constantly.
I believe they said no to taunts, there's no 'aggro meter'. There will be defensive and supportive roles, and the game will recognize those roles - but every player is going to have to be active in their own defense. This doesn't mean everyone being able to heal themselves. Perhaps instead of just healing damage, it has to be avoided through movement or specific spell use (Utility spell that shields entire raid from a certain kind of attack). Healers will still be necessary for damage that can't be avoided - but you don't want even a majority of the raid sacrificing an ability slot for a heal if they can avoid most damage in the first place.

I'm not sure what to solution is, but I don't think it means no raids. It just means raids will be different. Think outside the box.


Trakanon Raider
It is worth asking whether we got the tech demo because that's all they had, or because they wanted to focus on showing a few specific features, and so built something to show those things off.

Not saying the game's feature complete, or any silly shit like that, but I dare say that people saying that all EQN devs have to show for their years of effort are two classes, two races, no ai, and two tiny playspaces are really just looking for an excuse to get pissed off about the game

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
Signed up for beta during the super-elite-only time period, right between the rapper and the gong show emcee during opening "ceremonies"


And who ever said this game graphics are so casuals can play too.. Did you SEE THE 5fps the dev's were getting on their computers? Your going to have to have a beast computer to run this shit smoothly esp in raid.

Anomander Rake

Golden Knight of the Realm
And who ever said this game graphics are so casuals can play too.. Did you SEE THE 5fps the dev's were getting on their computers? Your going to have to have a beast computer to run this shit smoothly esp in raid.
Lol, you are really jumping the shark today. Better reign it back in before you are forever lumped together with Dumar and qwerty. This shit is straight up pre-alpha. And we all know that pre-alpha is a bug free piece of software that has zero background bug report processes right!?!


Mr. Poopybutthole
It is worth asking whether we got the tech demo because that's all they had, or because they wanted to focus on showing a few specific features, and so built something to show those things off.

Not saying the game's feature complete, or any silly shit like that, but I dare say that people saying that all EQN devs have to show for their years of effort are two classes, two races, no ai, and two tiny playspaces are really just looking for an excuse to get pissed off about the game
They've said it was basically a tech demo. The combat scenes were mostly to show off the destructible world. There's more, but it wasn't polished enough for presentation, yet - if I recall correctly.


I believe they said no to taunts, there's no 'aggro meter'. There will be defensive and supportive roles, and the game will recognize those roles - but every player is going to have to be active in their own defense. This doesn't mean everyone being able to heal themselves. Perhaps instead of just healing damage, it has to be avoided through movement. Healers will still be necessary for damage that can't be avoided - but you don't want even a majority of the raid sacrificing an ability slot for a heal if they can avoid most damage in the first place.

I'm not sure what to solution is, but I don't think it means no raids. It just means raids will be different. Think outside the box.
Then why have a weak trinity and say your not going to have a real trinity? Your saying there is going to be a tank, there is going to be healers, and there is going to be dps. Only no1 can do anything amazing. Its basically saying they are toning down the damage so you don't have to heal through it. Raiding is always about avoiding damage in every game. Their idea is to scale battles down from 1000hp shots to 10hp shots but you can't heal that 10hp as much as you could heal the 1000hp before. So there will still be a trinity but it will just be a weak variation of what is proven to work. Also players are defined by their skill to play that class. In every game I friends list ppl that are good at what they are playing, not because they told me some sweet story around the bbq. Taking these definied roles out means that no1 can be good at anything specific everyone just does a little of everything. Its like having a raid of only bards and a warrior.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Raids already confirmed.
Have they confirmed that the "pace" that they demonstrated in the demo was their intended pace? Or is there still room to convince them to go for something more measured like EQ1? Quick and flashy makes sense for an introduction to something to catch the eye, so I could see them dialing back - but I'm not sure if that's even on the table.

Asking since that's my primary concern BY FAR. Literally everything they've said sounds interesting to me, done right - just kerran model annoys me but is fixable, and in theory the pace could be adjusted or have just been "faked" to make the demo run within the allotted window they wanted to show it.


Lol, you are really jumping the shark today. Better reign it back in before you are forever lumped together with Dumar and qwerty. This shit is straight up pre-alpha. And we all know that pre-alpha is a bug free piece of software that has zero background bug report processes right!?!
It doesn't take a genius to realize with all those spell effects and shit exploding and ppl falling through ground your going to need to ramp up your system. I don't care what you or some other neck beard on here says. I've been on these boards since foh was breaking into nagafen...do you even lift?


Elisha Dushku
Have they confirmed that the "pace" that they demonstrated in the demo was their intended pace? Or is there still room to convince them to go for something more measured like EQ1? Quick and flashy makes sense for an introduction to something to catch the eye, so I could see them dialing back - but I'm not sure if that's even on the table.

Asking since that's my primary concern BY FAR.
They said less sound and fury in general. That was for the demo.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
It doesn't take a genius to realize with all those spell effects and shit exploding and ppl falling through ground your going to need to ramp up your system. I don't care what you or some other neck beard on here says. I've been on these boards since foh was breaking into nagafen...do you even lift?
JFC calm the fuck down. You act like this is your first MMO.


Now unbunch your panties.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Many a hope dashed the past few days. I'm expecting gw2-esque pace. I noticed the little red circles!