EQ Never


Golden Knight of the Realm
Same here. I'm going to play this game, no matter what ends up being discussed or what ends up being in the game or getting cut. Could be fun, could be shit, still gives me hope that it'll be something worth my time. I will give it a chance though and not throw a fit because oh no they took out the trinity or hell its not vanilla EQ! Going to hope for the best and hell its FREE to play, which makes it even better. If it sucks, cya. If its decent Ill give it a few months. If it rocks, then I'll open my wallet. I just don't understand the people raging because the discussion isn't what they wanted in a game.

there is no doubt im going to play the shit out of this game, it's just definitely not EQs "successor"


If you ever played gw2 you know someone will find out what the absolute best combo is and everyone will cookie cutter that shit straight up. That is the worst part about the system. Its not 40 classes its 40 options and there will be 2 or 3 "best" options.


Registered Hutt
The whole concept of one big monster beating on the most unkillable person while 18 squishy people surround him doing massive damage really is a dumb one, as are 'aggro' meters.
I agree that's weird, but there are plenty of other things that are just as weird. There should be a little bit more to this decision as far as pro/con than how logical that behavior is. They're cherry picking which silly concepts they're going to perpetuate.

Anyway, just hate the "why doesn't the dragon kill the healers!" argument...because if you ask that question, then you have to ask "why isn't my magical pike buried in the dragons knee when he goes to walk past me!"..Or "why didn't the dragon just fly up and incinerate everyone!"----Choosing that ONE level of abstraction, the healer, to focus on, while all the rest of the stuff has been abstracted too? Seems myopic.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You know, the more I think about getting rid of the 'holy trinity', the more I actually like the idea as long as they don't remove healing and crowd control completely.

The whole concept of one big monster beating on the most unkillable person while 18 squishy people surround him doing massive damage really is a dumb one, as are 'aggro' meters.

I'm hoping we have a good paradigm shift in PVE play, that still allows for teamwork, but not legacy pure roles.
And on the flipside, as soon as that big monster just goes after the dmg, it turns into kiting and the only way to stop it is massive CC(stuns, knockdowns, snares) so the dps can keep running and gunning. It turns very chaotic. Just go watch any gw2 dungeon video. It's all kiting with no reason to bring a tank style role because there is no need, no reason to have someone who can take damage if the mob just ignores it, it's better to just bring another dps.

In game all about choices and options, you remove one from viability.


Vyemm Raider
Community- We want something new and different our genra is stale!
Developer- Okay we made something different for guys.
Community-woah we were just kidding guys, please just give us more of the same
You can do new while keeping some old, like...trinity!


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm cautiously optimistic with all this.. I hope the game really pans out the way they are selling it to us. With some tweaks heh..

That said.. SoE needs to create a niche studio team that works on niche projects. Starting with a true EQ sequel.. They obviously have the engine. Give us something comparable in size to original EQ and see how it does.. I'm dreaming again... I know


<Gold Donor>
Something just occurring to me - they scrapped their previous plans, and started what we're looking at right now in 2011... Why is all we're seeing a glorified tech demo? In two years, they don't have anything to show us? No UI (even if its an early version), only 2 races/classes? I'm sure they have more than that done, so why only show that small an example of all their hard work? This is going to turn into another Project Copernicus isn't it? Well probably not, at least SOE's ideas are good. Seems odd though how "little" a reveal this reveal actually has been. A few screenshots, a few videos, and a pre-rendered combat scene (without UI, text etc).

Finding it hard to get hyped/excited without being able to see more. Hopefully we will soon(ish), but I'd be shocked if this was ready in the next 1.5 years.....


Vyemm Raider
They scrapped shit just last year iirc and that was not even a full year ago was it? 2012.


Registered Hutt
If you ever played gw2 you know someone will find out what the absolute best combo is and everyone will cookie cutter that shit straight up. That is the worst part about the system. Its not 40 classes its 40 options and there will be 2 or 3 "best" options.
Yea, that's why I'm less enthused about "mix and match" as I am about a system like LoL. Let classes be special and important and epic. Don't muddy the waters by letting me steal the druid's regen to mix with my lifeburn. Classes should have strengths and weaknesses without being able to address those weaknesses with another class's strengths. This shit will be mathed to death, and a few truly powerful builds will emerge from the casual wasteland.
Perhaps he doesn't even contact you specifically. Maybe he just rants about having an item stolen by some Kobolds. You could then set out to find it yourself. OR you could, in your adventures, just find the item. Maybe you'll remember that some guy lost something, or maybe you'll have to do some searching to see who it belongs to.

I'm not sure why you seem to prefer the!method, or think quests can't be presented in a more interesting way.
Yep Storybricks allows for NPCs to react differently to you based on all sorts of criteria, including whats in your inventory, what you are wearing, your past actions, etc. So in your example, if you found his lost family heirloom while out adventuring and you walk in town to vendor it, he could come running up to you and ask for it back.


Elisha Dushku
I'm cautiously optimistic with all this.. I hope the game really pans out the way they are selling it to us. With some tweaks heh..

That said.. SoE needs to create a niche studio team that works on niche projects. Starting with a true EQ sequel.. They obviously have the engine. Give us something comparable in size to original EQ and see how it does.. I'm dreaming again... I know
EQ 1++ would be nice.


Trakanon Raider
It's F2P, so if they want to make money, then it has to be fun enough to hook people for a long time.

Saying that, who spends the most money on Magic and LoL? 12-17 year olds I'm guessing. Why do they spend money? Skins, rune pages, new cards, etc.

I wonder if new classes could be like IP gains, where you're gaining class points by completing related tasks, which is fun but time consuming? Or you could borrow moms card and just buy the class during the 1 week sale?

The game will be fun, it has to be if its free, but trying to figure out their financial scheme may answer some questions


Vyemm Raider
TBH i was pretty amped when it was originally going to be EQ1 all over again with new engine etc. I just want to see someone call out a mezz target.


Lord Nagafen Raider
They scrapped shit just last year iirc and that was not even a full year ago was it? 2012.
Smed announced last year that they had scrapped it a 1yr 1/2 prior. So, in 2 1/2 years you got a tech demo. Nice huh?

EDIT: Here's the excerpt...

"I have to be honest with you. We have completely blown up the design of EverQuest Next.For the last year and a half we have been working on something we are not ready to show.Why did we blow up the design? The design was evolutionary. It was EverQuest III. It was something that was slightly better that what had come before it. IT was slightly better. What we are building is something that we will be very proud to call EverQuest. It will be the largest sandbox style MMO ever designed. The same exciting content delivered in a new way. Something you've never seen before. The MMO world has never seen before. We didn't want more Kill 10 Rats quests. We didn't want more of the same. If you look at the MMOs out there, they'r delivering the same content over and over again. So are we. We need to change that. When we released EverQuest, we changed the world. We want to do that again with a different type of game."


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
TBH i was pretty amped when it was originally going to be EQ1 all over again with new engine etc. I just want to see someone call out a mezz target.
yea man.. those originals blubs from Smed were exciting.. I appreciate what they are trying to do and I'm glad they are doing it but they could of just as well released that EQ++ and had a lot of us foaming.

EQN could possibly break SoE's back if it fails. it would be a good 7+ years down the drain?


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's F2P, so if they want to make money, then it has to be fun enough to hook people for a long time.

Saying that, who spends the most money on Magic and LoL? 12-17 year olds I'm guessing. Why do they spend money? Skins, rune pages, new cards, etc.
I've spent a shit ton on League of Legends, and it's mostly on new champions for the convenience of not having to grind IP (I don't play nearly as much as most people).

It's an interesting question whether they'll allow class unlocks for cash, even though they can be earned in-game.


Yea, that's why I'm less enthused about "mix and match" as I am about a system like LoL. Let classes be special and important and epic. Don't muddy the waters by letting me steal the druid's regen to mix with my lifeburn. Classes should have strengths and weaknesses without being able to address those weaknesses with another class's strengths. This shit will be mathed to death, and a few truly powerful builds will emerge from the casual wasteland.
Yep. OK I got some of my rage out now just took about 14 bong rips to calm me down. If you also would remember how the system works in dungeons NO1 wants to take dmg from the boss, so everyone runs around and trys to snare and root and then the tank goes in takes like 2 hits and runs away. Will there be taunts? Who knows. All i'm saying is going away from trinity makes the game right off the bat screwed for any type of raid or high level high damage encounter. The only way this will work is if EVERYONE spec's some type of heal. So everyone is going to have to heal the tank. Instead of 1 good healer your going to have 100 people spamming a 10hp heal to keep a mofo alive. Its a different system it just boils down to everyone having to spec some type of heal and be spamming it constantly.