EQ Never


Trakanon Raider
Bringing this back up, on the off chance Tad's heard anything:

So about the weapon-based skills, have they specified if the skills are just weapon-specific, or both weapon- and class-specific (GW2 style)? I'd imagine it's the latter, but it never hurts to clarify.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Then why have a weak trinity and say your not going to have a real trinity? Your saying there is going to be a tank, there is going to be healers, and there is going to be dps. Only no1 can do anything amazing. Its basically saying they are toning down the damage so you don't have to heal through it. Raiding is always about avoiding damage in every game. Their idea is to scale battles down from 1000hp shots to 10hp shots but you can't heal that 10hp as much as you could heal the 1000hp before. So there will still be a trinity but it will just be a weak variation of what is proven to work. Also players are defined by their skill to play that class. In every game I friends list ppl that are good at what they are playing, not because they told me some sweet story around the bbq. Taking these definied roles out means that no1 can be good at anything specific everyone just does a little of everything. Its like having a raid of only bards and a warrior.
They've likened the combat to League of Legends. It's sort of hard to wrap your head around that, considering it's Player vs Player. However, just trying to think how it works - There are certainly roles. But just because you're the Tank on your team doesn't mean the enemy HAS to focus you. The Tank wants to protect the AD CArry, but the AD Carry is primarily responsible for their own survivability through positioning, item use, abilities, etc.

I think you're right that everyone will do a little bit of everything, they want everyone to be involved in combat and not just sitting back launching fireballs while jerking themselves off. In League of Legends fore example, the Tank/Bruiser still does damage, even though their primary goal is to peel for the Carry, etc. From the sounds of it, most DPS classes will provide some utility as well.

They've said they want tactics to be more important than roles, but we'll have to see how it works in practice.


Trakanon Raider
Community- We want something new and different our genra is stale!
Developer- Okay we made something different for guys.
Community-woah we were just kidding guys, please just give us more of the same
a lot of people here were not clamoring for something new and different, what a lot of people posting here were wanting was for the MMO industry to return to its roots; which was the original EQ. what we got instead is a UO, WoW, GW2 mishmash; ironically a game involving everything except the actual original EQ, which is the game that a lot of us loved and wanted to see in a, you know, EQ game....


Bronze Knight of the Realm
It is going to be funny when the first raid boss in EQN is killed by luring it to a big hole it can't escape from and everyone killing it from range.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They said less sound and fury in general. That was for the demo.
Officially excited then - hopefully pace ends up just a smidge past EQ1. Everything else has been part of my own "If I was making an EQ1 remake" list except for the minecraft elements, but the minecraft elements sound like they'll add some nice layers into the game (in more than one way, /snaredrum) - the "rallying cries", most of the class system and emergent AI were all on my personal list of inclusions to go for if I ever had a chance to join the team to make my pitch. (Not that it would ever happen, nor would I want to live in Cali... but you know, mindless daydream stuff that I wasted far too many braincells on)

There's a ton of potential to screw things up with each aspect obviously, but it has some amazing potential if all those things are done right.


Mr. Poopybutthole
They've said it was basically a tech demo. The combat scenes were mostly to show off the destructible world. There's more, but it wasn't polished enough for presentation, yet - if I recall correctly.
He was talking about how the devs had shit FPS, and you say it's a tech demo...so, shouldn't they have given us something as smooth as possible to show it off? Why show off something that looks bad?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Bringing this back up, on the off chance Tad's heard anything:

So about the weapon-based skills, have they specified if the skills are just weapon-specific, or both weapon- and class-specific (GW2 style)? I'd imagine it's the latter, but it never hurts to clarify.
I believe your base class determines which weapons you can use. Those weapons will give you your weapon skills.


they want everyone to be involved in combat and not just sitting back launching fireballs while jerking themselves off.
I lol. Good post, we are in agreement. But why be a tank if the mobs arn't going to be attacking you? Isn't that the point? Maybe the wizard will take all the damage and then he can heal himself and then jerkoff lolol.


Mr. Poopybutthole
He was talking about how the devs had shit FPS, and you say it's a tech demo...so, shouldn't they have given us something as smooth as possible to show it off? Why show off something that looks bad?
Isn't it pretty common for games to undergo optimization a little later in the development process? They're still in pre-Alpha. It's basically a proof of concept.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
It is going to be funny when the first raid boss in EQN is killed by luring it to a big hole it can't escape from and everyone killing it from range.
They've already clarified that it's not going to be that easy to make craters in the final product and that it will "heal" quicker when there's tons of players in an area. So it sounds like they're already making sure the system will prevent that unless it's absolutely intended as a tactic for a given boss.


It is going to be funny when the first raid boss in EQN is killed by luring it to a big hole it can't escape from and everyone killing it from range.
+10 thats the first thing I thought of when they said you can basically shape the area you fight in there is going to be so many exploits the world has never seen before. I almost want to play just to get in on all the early sploits there is going to be.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Have they confirmed that the "pace" that they demonstrated in the demo was their intended pace? Or is there still room to convince them to go for something more measured like EQ1? Quick and flashy makes sense for an introduction to something to catch the eye, so I could see them dialing back - but I'm not sure if that's even on the table.

Asking since that's my primary concern BY FAR. Literally everything they've said sounds interesting to me, done right - just kerran model annoys me but is fixable, and in theory the pace could be adjusted or have just been "faked" to make the demo run within the allotted window they wanted to show it.
They've said combat in the demonstration was basically to show off world destruction. Although they've said that it is going to be action and movement oriented, with loose targeting.


<Silver Donator>
I'll play this game at launch, no matter what. For good or ill, it will probably be the last MMO I ever play. I just hope it's worth more than a month of play.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
a lot of people here were not clamoring for something new and different, what a lot of people posting here were wanting was for the MMO industry to return to its roots; which was the original EQ. what we got instead is a UO, WoW, GW2 mishmash; ironically a game involving everything except the actual original EQ, which is the game that a lot of us loved and wanted to see in a, you know, EQ game....
They could of made EQ++ in a sandbox. They still could if they wanted too. It would be pretty awesome with what's in right now.. They just think what they are doing will be better. Lets step back and see if they are right. Maybe they are just being cautious to not upset too many but they do seem ready to listen to suggestions. I'm not as done with SoE as others are so ill half believe that.


Trakanon Raider
I believe your base class determines which weapons you can use. Those weapons will give you your weapon skills.
Yeah, but I wanted to check if, say, wielding a staff would give everyone the same four abilities, or if a wizard would have one set of staff abilities, and a necro would have an entirely separate set of staff skills.
Weapon skills are weapon and class specific.
Thanks for the clarification.


The only more delicious tears is when the entire communtiy cries out over the failure of another ez-as-shit disney-like MMO.