EQ Never


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Have you idiots never played a MMO before? It takes YEARS to create the game off the playstyle of the classes. They arn't going to change the shit it wouldn't come out until 2020 they have to remake the whole game to different mechanics. Alpha or not this is what your getting. Being able to kill some guards and be kos? Thats hardcore? I just peed a little.
I thought you were leaving?


Vyemm Raider
This game was the last hope. Now I have to grind FF reborn until WOW2 comes out and hope that game doesn't copy this game then I will just have to make ppl cry in fps for life I guess.
EQN may sound bad on paper, but FF14 is bad in reality, how can you justify this.


Registered Hutt
Fuck you, I'm still playing EQ thirteen years later. We all know how casual that is.
Pfffft, all your stuff goes with you when you die now. You probably drive a minivan and own a fannypack.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Remember guys, all this we are hearing is just talk. They don't have any of this stuff finished or solidified. They want the players to help develop this game. All the good and bad that could from that.
In the case of trinity based combat or class interdependence I don't think any amount of "player feedback" will change it. These are core things they want to do.

It's not just talk. If you are looking at next year release, that's 1 year out of what 2-4 years of a games development? when did they scrap the original EQ:N, something like 1-2 years ago? Talking was done before that scrap.

Good, one of the many good things taken from other games.


Registered Hutt
There isn't a MMO that exists that does that anyway. Your little tech demo you saw this weekend doesn't count.
And apparently water (and I assume lava) doesn't work right now because voxels. So how they implement...fluids is still up in the air. Many very basic systems have yet to be implemented.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
You're crying about a game that is still in fairly early development and a LOT is likely to change before retail. Get a grip, fagbot.
With the game being so early in development, it makes me worried that they will even be able to do half the stuff they say they can do. I don't think the things will work out how they like, and it is going to be a mess. Remember, this is soe we are talking about.


FoH nuclear response team
was she hot? pics?
I thought it was a really tall volleyball chick or something cause I only seen it from the back, then I heard a really deep voice and I'm talking Barry White deep and thought a guy was around the corner then it turned around and was on the phone and continued talking and I had to look away or start laughing.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yep, I highly doubt the final game will be what they are discussing right now.

With the game being so early in development, it makes me worried that they will even be able to do half the stuff they say they can do. I don't think the things will work out how they like, and it is going to be a mess. Remember, this is soe we are talking about.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Also, someone called this already.

Rek ?@RekMMO 4m

Large inventory to decrease going back and forth to storage #EQNext #Landmark

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Watch you not even able to die. I bet you just get knocked out, and recover later with no penalties.

Rek ?@RekMMO 26s

They aren't talking about death, but lava is dangerous #EQNext #Landmark


You know, the more I think about getting rid of the 'holy trinity', the more I actually like the idea as long as they don't remove healing and crowd control completely.

The whole concept of one big monster beating on the most unkillable person while 18 squishy people surround him doing massive damage really is a dumb one, as are 'aggro' meters.

I'm hoping we have a good paradigm shift in PVE play, that still allows for teamwork, but not legacy pure roles.


Molten Core Raider
Community- We want something new and different our genra is stale!
Developer- Okay we made something different for guys.
Community-woah we were just kidding guys, please just give us more of the same


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
there is no doubt im going to play the shit out of this game, it's just definitely not EQs "successor"
Pretty much. They do seem to be going out of their way to make sure it has nothing resembling EQ except the names, lore, locations etc. Not sure if they decided to just use the IP to bring it more media and attention instead of a new name.