EQ Never

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Storyline seems EQOA era using D3 characters with FPS/3rdCam in a Horizons world.

Waiting for destructive grieving

Epic large guilds scouting for dungeons and mining after a Quake happens and defending those tunnels and raid locations from AI and other players.
If you put PVP in the mix, you could have a completing guild backdooring into your discovered raid dungeon just to avoid your guild and taking out the boss leaving you with nothing. I dont like pvp but the idea seems like fun in this style world.

Guild hall locations you will need to defend from location AI.

No lvls but it seems the time sink to get all classes even with jumping good/bad and faction to unlock all available looks like 40 (stated for now) with 5 tiers each = 200 levels? Am I correct on that assessment? Given that I am sure some of those class skill will cover over many other classes though, meaning you may not need to get all classes to have all skills.

Oh the hate steaming from all this change. It isnt EQ1 reskinned but looks like just the name is the lore not the gameplay.

I can see why some of this has taken some time to build. Not just coding for a plain AI but a AI life-system. Grab the code, set focus to "Needs Fire" and you have Fire goblins moving to lava areas or doing an Isengard style cut and burn in the backyard of your home city when you werent looking just to have a place to live.
NPCs walking around meaning something, not just a path loop but delivering items and repairing or building things to keep it in working order or expanding.

I feel for those outraged, the class system I am not sure about but love the no lvls and the world I think couldnt be any better. Ton of automation to it with forced exploring and a reason to help NPCs build, fight back and defend areas. I want to see how they do Planes......Betting its a Rally to build a gate and could be underwater, in a mountain or a visit from the Entity itself that forces its NPC followers to make shines.

Crafting with focus to Tinkering is my interesting now from the reveal. I love the world but I too could be with all the Steamer here when it comes to crafting and Tinkering deal. Like always, tons of knee-jerking from something different.


<Silver Donator>
The class thing is very much how GW2 should have been, it's closer to GW1 than GW2 is. GW1 had you building from only 2 classes(main and sub) however each class had like 100s of abilities while this lets you pool all your class skills at once but by having a ton of classes with a lot less skills. The whole collecting abilities and shit is also the same as GW1. As is the removal or reduction of the trinity, as GW2 has shown though, you still have certain trinity aspect in pve even when you remove dedicated roles just because it is more efficient to have one guy healing and one guy taking all the damage than everyone doing everything. Also because pubs are retards.

Balance is probably going to be shit though. I don't see how they're gonna balance the 40 classes considering half your skills come from your base class and cannot be changed(other than switching weapons but all weapon skills are still class centric). There's bound to be a few of the classes having superior weapon skills and everyone will play that, with their own mix of utility for the 4 other slots. And it'll change with the patches, but that'll create massive fotm phases where everyone is a shadow knight or everyone is a ranger which sounds pretty dumb. Also class identity is very much reduced by that component.


Golden Knight of the Realm
In which part exactly did the industry decide that subscription based games is a business plan that has to change?

Did the masses suddenly become poor and can not afford a minimum fee each month anymore ordid the devs become incapable of making a game that truly delivers and therefore worth people's money?
This is it. This is all it is.

You make money on subs in the long run. I'm sure there are people out there who have given Blizzard $15 for 10 years now. That's almost 2 grand. Just a thousand of those people and you've got yourselves 2mil.

The problem is that no company these days can remove their heads from their asses long enough to make a game appealing enough to last longer than 3 months. Everything must reduced to the lowest common denominator and tailor it's design to mediocrity so it can be marketed to every idiot out there for the initial $50 purchase (or $70 so they can start 3 days early and get a necklace with +1 penis enlargement on it!). These games are never built to last long term in the first place due to their mediocre design and community destroying mechanisms so you may as well go F2P to drag in even more idiots and let the dumbest of them with money drop $2k in that 3 month period. Sure, it just causes them to quit even faster and drives out people who don't want any of that shit in their game but who gives a fuck when they weren't going to last anyway?

I wonder who has made more money: CCP on EVE or Funcom on Age of Conan
Ya know, the more I'm watching these videos of SOE Live the more I can't help this one thought....

What the hell made them do the reveal of THIS game at SOE Live?

The attendees are the most hardcore of their hardcore fans. People that have been playing everquest for years. Did they honestly believe this would get them fired up? They could have revealed this a E3 and had the whole industry jizz themselves at once... Instead they present controversial MMO mechanics to people with very strong opinions about them, and rooms fall flat and they have to beg for applause.

I feel like SOE doesn't understand it's base customers at all.
Spot on but sadly we are talking Smokejumper and SOE here so that was not much a surprise.
Also that etch sketch start was terrible, yah we get it a sandbox but if they had to do it, they should have way shortend the length of it cause after 1 min, most of us were facepalming.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think 40 classes is probably a bit of a gimmick, being that their skill sets are so small, you could take GenericMeleeClass01 and chop it up into 3-4 EQN classes. And while I don't prefer 10x hotbars full of nearly-identical skills, I think 4 (8 total with weapon slots) is a bit thin. I'm also a bit worried about having to always switch up my class b/c the next pack I come across isn't viable as the class I'm currently playing. Otherwise I'm pretty optimistic about the whole thing.
That's sort of the vibe I'm getting. These aren't necessarily classes as we know them. Since you can use any ability, they need to limit how they work together to ensure people don't just find one optimum build and stick to that. Classes sound like they are basically just a set of restrictions (mainly in the form of choosing which weapons sets you can use for your first four abilities and what types of class abilities you can use for your last four) designed to prevent this.

If the conclusion I am drawing is correct, then it sounds like these aren't "classes" so much as "frames". My Warrior and Wizard will each have the same selection of abilities to use, but I won't be able to have the same combination since my Warrior uses a sword and has four offensive abilities and my Wizard uses a staff and has two travel, one offensive, and one utility skill.

Which leads me to believe that unlocking a new class isn't going to be, "Oh, hey, look at this new class I have!" so much as it's going to be "Oh, hey, look at these new abilities I added to my collection, and now I can use this Ability A with Ability B!"
This Thread makes me sad.
Was all hyped up for the Next reveal , even though I knew over 1 year ago they were going to have the cartoon models, that part did not shock me.
I also knew before it that this game would not even be alpha playable for it. Despite all the horseshit Smed said that had most on the boards believing him.

The one thing however, I did not know was how utterly unprepared they were with the current state of the game.
I had expected it to be in early alpha stage, not the early pre alpha it was.

I did like the tech demo of the new engine it did not dispoint.
Then the more the day went by the last 2 days, the more we all heard of no trinty, I wanted to facepalm.
I don't know at this point if want to laugh or Cry about all this.

This was the number one bar none AAA New MMO coming out that even with cartoon graphics, I knew about over year ago that wanted to get, none of the others are even close.
Wildstar cant stand the cartoony art style,and Ncsoft so the jury is still out on it.
Teso love the elder scrolls, But they had to move it back 1 year already to launch which will make this game in development 8 years, sadly this is looking like train wreck just swtor and maybe even has the game engine.

Arch Age when Trion has it come out will maybe play, but in the end its Korean so don't think it will last.


The bottom line is the MMO genre has been in SERIOUS need of something other than the clones we've seen in the last 10 years (since WoW). Sometimes you have to step out beyond...way beyond what people are used to.....to create something truly unique and fantastic. Just as the Everquest team did many years ago - stepping into completely unidentified territory and breaking out into something that was completely foreign to the gaming industry at the time.

This game may be terrible or it may be good but one thing is for sure - I have to give SOE props for willing to take THAT step - when everyone else has just made clones since the day WoW came out.

It's time for something new. Bring it SOE.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
The bottom line is the MMO genre has been in SERIOUS need of something other than the clones we've seen in the last 10 years (since WoW). Sometimes you have to step out beyond...way beyond what people are used to.....to create something truly unique and fantastic. Just as the Everquest team did many years ago - stepping into completely unidentified territory and breaking out into something that was completely foreign to the gaming industry at the time.

This game may be terrible or it may be good but one thing is for sure - I have to give SOE props for willing to take THAT step - when everyone else has just made clones since the day WoW came out.

It's time for something new. Bring it SOE.
Crap like this makes me laugh. Sure there hasnt been a surplus of "Different" games, but there has been some since WoW. SOE is not some bold company beating a new path. Hell 90% of their ideas have all been done. I think the destructible aspect is the only thing new(in a mmo) and the promise of "amazing AI".

And I am not saying that's wrong, I am just laughing at the hyperbole going on, like SOE is delivering some messiah of the mmo genre that is going to change the world.


Trump's Staff
You can't deny that, at the very least, they are going to redefine minimum standards in the genre.


Crap like this makes me laugh. Sure there hasnt been a surplus of "Different" games, but there has been some since WoW. SOE is not some bold company beating a new path. Hell 90% of their ideas have all been done. I think the destructible aspect is the only thing new(in a mmo) and the promise of "amazing AI".

And I am not saying that's wrong, I am just laughing at the hyperbole going on, like SOE is delivering some messiah of the mmo genre that is going to change the world.
Ok so just as another example......having no levels. NO vertical progression.......instead....horizontal progression from the start. I know Age of Wushu did something similar, but I don't know of anyone else. Bottom line is they are being very bold with many of their systems and boundaries that lets be honest most fucking games have been copying WoW for 10 years.

Hell they aren't even doing quest hubs........when was the last time you saw an MMO that didnt do the quest hub treadmill......oh wait, that was Everquest.

OBVIOUSLY they aren't creating a completely new genre of games like Verant did with Everquest, but at least they are doing some very bold things and not just copying the cookie cutter.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
"Qeynos is the Mos Eisley of Norrath" - Lore Panel
This is the first news I really consider bad. As someone so eloquently put it, "fuck this".

Rebooting the IP to put some new angles on familiar faces is ok to a degree, but you twist it 180 degrees you have to present a damn good reason for not just making it something entirely new.

I'm still missing like 20+ pages on this thread, it's moving faster then I can read lol. So maybe this has been answered, but, starting areas/factions: Everyone from qeynos or more similar to have EQ1 (and WoW) did it?


Maybe Freeport doesn't exist yet?
How's that for one of those big public flashpoint things - "Build Freeport". All the reprobates move there which then opens the next one up - "Gentrify Qeynos".


It's actually really simple economics. When you set a sub price rice at, say $15, you get the people who are willing to pay more than $15, but you get no more than $15 from any given person.

When you set a sub price at zero, you get the people that like the game but are too cheap to pay $15, but you *also* get the people who were willing to pay a whole lot more than $15 if you give them some outlet to do so. You know, those people who bought fungus tunics off ebay for $300.

It also lowers the exit threshold a bit - if you have to unsub for a while because you are bored, or playing the next hot thing?, you have less chance of coming back.
I understand that logic, even though I disagree.
There's still plenty of room to get more money from people, besides the normal subscription.

I'd like to remind you the blizzard store pets,the TCG mounts etc, even the cosmetic bullshit they just recently added.

In my opinion devs decide to go f2p coz it makes them sufficient money for the mediocre games they chose to make. It's like they know their game is average and don't have the balls to take the risk of adding a monthly subscription to it.

I mean even if there was a monthly fee required, they could still sell all the non p2win items they intend to sell. Blizzard does it.

The reason they chose not to ask for a sub, is because the game will fade into obsolescence eventually.


Yah, not very similar to EQ1. I'll definitely try it though, it looks intriguing.

Many games have had destructible content, not to the extent in EQNext but we've all seen barricades that you have to attack and destroy to continue on your path.


This is it. This is all it is.

You make money on subs in the long run. I'm sure there are people out there who have given Blizzard $15 for 10 years now. That's almost 2 grand. Just a thousand of those people and you've got yourselves 2mil.

The problem is that no company these days can remove their heads from their asses long enough to make a game appealing enough to last longer than 3 months. Everything must reduced to the lowest common denominator and tailor it's design to mediocrity so it can be marketed to every idiot out there for the initial $50 purchase (or $70 so they can start 3 days early and get a necklace with +1 penis enlargement on it!). These games are never built to last long term in the first place due to their mediocre design and community destroying mechanisms so you may as well go F2P to drag in even more idiots and let the dumbest of them with money drop $2k in that 3 month period. Sure, it just causes them to quit even faster and drives out people who don't want any of that shit in their game but who gives a fuck when they weren't going to last anyway?

I wonder who has made more money: CCP on EVE or Funcom on Age of Conan
Glad to see its not just me feeling that way.
You pretty much nailed the whole market there.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Weapons are the mechanics, like a character you can craft or find during gameplay compared to LoL.
Abilities by Class/Multiclass are sort of a bonus ability system that acts as a modifier to the main weapon gameplay.

Big Arse Sword of the Gods gives you a Arcing Swing, thundering smash, Thrust, and Rooted Parry.
Broken Twig of the Fey gives you Poke in the Eye, Sponk!, Light Hot and Spark.

Both Weapons would play differently and with class abilities you can really change your playstyle.

So with weapon releases coming from content expansions (monthly - bimonthly?) you'll have alot of interesting styles to choose from.
Is this a fact from the panels or just your assumption based on the info bits we have? Sounds kinda like Card Hunter if it's true (that's a good thing).

Sounds like "walk into a inn, hear some guy at the bar drinking talking about his lost/stolen goods or his kid/wife kidnapped by XXX". Will be interesting how its handled, do they still allow some kind of journal so you can keep track(quasi quest log) but not paste the quest onto the UI etc.

Though everything will be mapped out and datamined rather quickly, so if you want item that gives awesome_ability_01, you go look it up to see where it comes from.

Sounds exactly like GW2, almost literally and it was laughable to consider healer anything in that game besides everyone having their own heal(their own safety). I guess you could say the guardian was a tank, in regards to it could take more damage.

Maybe it will be different, maybe it wont. Atm though it sounds eerily similar with the same exact buzz words and marketing.
It has been said here and in the GW2 thread at times, but the difference between a group of 5 players that know each other and their professions and a pug is staggering. Lack of class roles aside you can see player skill very clearly in GW2. You only rarely see it because for 99% of the game it's simply not needed and/or the general gaming populace today is trained to faceroll, whine and ragequit instead of manning up and getting shit done.

I played WoW from beta, even before TBC you could pull packs in strath and other zones and AE while tank spun in circles or other random bullshit. Their is no CC w/o a designated utility class to do it.
It always depends on the gear you do that stuff with (and for strath, if you did it with 5, 10 or 40 players). At the appropriate gear level (single group blues and maybe a reputation epic) TBC heroic was hard and required coordination, combat encounters during that time were great in WoW. Dungeon design had already collapsed into McDungeon style though.

Bottom line for all of this is SOE doesnt have a playable game as far as all this goes, so it's really wait and see time. If nothing else the Minecraft clone will be neat, a playable version of the actual game is a year+ away.