We need both EQN and EQ3. Though I think the lore reboot on EQN was excessive and needs to be dialed back. Innoruuk should be in the game.
@Caeden EQN looks fun, just not a game I want to play long term. I played both LOL, Minecraft and Terria for a couple of months and enjoyed them, but a couple of months was enough for all of them. The long term replayability of EQN is the PvP and I'm not a PvPer. But I will enjoy my 2-9 months of EQN, just as I enjoyed my 9 months of WoW. EQ3 with EQN's world, StoryBricks and adjusted mob AI (Threat Agression + Hate table) with EQ/VG classes/combat and closer to original EQ lore is the game I want SOE to make, we'll see if they do.