EQ Never


Lord Nagafen Raider
So EQLandmark - what is the main draw to the game? It's just Minecraft, right? Other than a small chance to have something in EQNext, it's not that exciting, or am I missing something?
The chance might not be that small if you dont make a dick shaped house in the middle of a dick field filled with roaming dicks at night.

Cause they mostly come out at night, right?


Golden Knight of the Realm
[Dave Georgeson, Director of Development] mentioned a life of consequence-if you haven't been making the good choices and being an upright and justice influenced person, you can't be a paladin. They won't let you, because the game knows what you're doing.
It will be hilarious when Timmy the warrior, who has his heart set on being a paladin, goes to the Paladin trainer and they shun him because all the farmers he helped slaughter months ago when he was getting the cool-ass orc skill he read about online. Then turns around and quits and complains the game is too hard.



Trakanon Raider
Where is Hartsman now? I think EQNext needs Hartsman. I say kick Georgeson and maybe Butler and give me Hartsman, McQuaid and Clover.

Bill Trost is the lead on Defiance I heard.
Hartsman? The guy who made that abortion of a game we call rift? The man with the vision to unquestioningly copy blizzard in whatever retarded thing they do with no thought to how it fits in his game?

The guys only decent contribution so far has been that he copied a bunch of WoW mechanics and put it into EQ2, it didn't even turn EQ2 into a good game, just slightly less of a trainwreck.


Elisha Dushku
Rogue example.

4 weapon skills from your weapon (short sword)
4 class abilities (from a selection of 8-12 total).
Class abilities are divided into four types
-Offensive (Attacks)
-Defensives (Healing, Spell Reflection)
-Utility (Buffs, Invisibility, CC)
-Movement (Movement skills)

Rogue has 2 O, 1 U, 1 M. No Defensive skills, so no healing, nothing like spell reflect, etc. Rogue can never slots a D skill no matter if Tier 1 or Tier 5.


Trakanon Raider
I told Smedley this directly in an email back in September 2012.

But I can tell you right now if you get rid of Butler and Georgeson and get in a few people who can actually lead a team (rather than a team hating their guts) they would get much better results. Obviously.

The ultimate coaching set up for this title would be McQuaid right where he is. Designing. Keep him out of running any sort of operation. His talent is needed where he makes the fun. Same with Clover. Fire Gerogeson and Butler, two of the most worthless individuals in the history of SOE next to George Scotto and Alan Crosby, and bring in Hartsman. He is well liked by his employees, he promotes a fun culture with respect for a plethora of ideas, and realizes the customer / gamer is number 1 all of the time - and most of all, he would keep a team on track.
I was in a much different branch of software before I got into my current job but friends of mine in the industry have pretty well said that exact same thing you have stated. I cannot tell you the people that have worked directly and even indirect associations with Georgeson and Butler have nothing very positive to say.

It is something we cannot help but it does impact my personal hope for this game. Maybe enough is riding on their shoulders or even from a career perspective that they'll make good decisions.


Mr. Poopybutthole
If you wanted a defensive skill, it sounds like you have to pick a main class that has a def slot. Rogues are probably all dps, so they can't slot a def skill. Maybe a warrior has 1 def slot, 2 off and a movement, but no utility, ect.
I thought that this was supposed to be open skill selection, once you earned it? Also, how does that jive with the dev statement that every class is responsible for their own survival?


Lord Nagafen Raider
Georgeson, for some unknown reason still, i can tolerate. He actually seems to hold this project close to his heart, i dunno. Butler annoys the crap out of me tho, especially in the Q&A pannels.


Elisha Dushku
EQnext Style crafting?

Can you elaborate on that a bit. Will it actually be a sample of the crafting that will be in game? Or is that just speculation.
They said Landmark is a full on MMO (minus classes) and a lot of stuff will be implemented in EQN/L first and then moved to EQN. The exception, obviously, is there is no class system in EQN/L but possibly a simplistic combat system (for critters - AFAIK no complex mobs in EQN/L but there are cows you can kill for their leather). Or maybe you just swing your pick at the cow and it dies??


The "cleric problem" was solved in 2004 anyway. Hybrid class X that does 90-95% of the healing efficiency of a dedicated healer pretty much made the problem obsolete under all but the most demanding circumstances. The idea that modern MMO grouping requires a class that does nothing well but heal is a strawman. MMO combat has been more about roles than about classes for a decade.


Elisha Dushku
I thought that this was supposed to be open skill selection, once you earned it? Also, how does that jive with the dev statement that every class is responsible for their own survival?
You can select any offensive, utility or movement skill you want for the rogue from among your class roster. But never a defensive skill. Go get a potion or find some item with a healing mechanic.

Better yet, group with someone who can heal while dpsing.



Buzzfeed Editor
But still limited by your base class set of class abilities. You can never slot a defensive ability on a rogue.
This is one thing I'm liking, and I said it a lot in the D3 thread--the need to control outcomes, prevents variables, which makes things very boring.

Think of all these variables from just two classes, of similar design.

Rogue: Movement/Offense/Offense/Utility (Weapons Garrote/Dagger) (Armor: Leather)
Assassin: Offense/Offense/Offense/Utility (Weapons Garrote/Dagger) (Armor: Leather)

It seems like a small change, but lets say there is a certain combooffensiveof skills out there, that when used in a three part succession, produces a dramatic result. That combo is closed to the rogue even though everything else is the same (Except the need to change gear to account for the extra strain the triple offense gives.)

but then you can do this.

Ninja: Offense/Offense/Offense/Utility (Dagger/Katana) (Armor: Cloth/Leather)

And lets say, that same triple ability earlier, combined with a specific skill on theKatana, can produce another different set of effects...and lets say cloth armor allows for different mods to be built in, further augmenting things.

So you have very similar classes, with very small variables, that can produce radically different results. And given the time it might take to build up a class to support these combos, it would really be about constantly playing to try new combos and see how further layers of armor can exploit these small shifts: And then when a class becomes dominant, exploring ways to negate it, like say.

Magi-Assasin: Offense/Movement/Movement/Movement (Dagger/Wand) (Armor: Cloth)

This class, because it can chain a certain movement combo can make that single offensive slot as deadly as the triple offensive combo of the ninja class, and therefor, counter the ninja class.

This kind of open ended variable design DOES sound, I admit, very cool. If D3 had been designed more like this, where items had specific interactions with skills, we all said it would be a great game. I really believe the key to a great game is, well, making it difficult to balance, because even the developers shouldn't be able to control all ends, because it's so broad and deep. THAT really makes a game world feel alive, when the players feel in control and the world feels like anything is possible. When even a small shift can create a whole new set of options to build on, because the amount of interaction is so broad.

One of the best parts of EQ was the fact that the programming was so bad that the players could exploit the shit out of it. Having that kind of "millions of variable" complexity does seem, very fucking cool. Lets just home they don't blow it by having their assholes pucker when players invent and exploit the thousands of combos and some precious raid boss gets his shit pushed in laughably easy.


Trakanon Raider
Hartsman? The guy who made that abortion of a game we call rift? The man with the vision to unquestioningly copy blizzard in whatever retarded thing they do with no thought to how it fits in his game?

The guys only decent contribution so far has been that he copied a bunch of WoW mechanics and put it into EQ2, it didn't even turn EQ2 into a good game, just slightly less of a trainwreck.
I don't think you can put all of Rift's issues on Scott. To my understanding Scott was pretty much a cheerleader. He had the title but to my understanding didn't get the entitlement that should have come with the title. My opinion, I think you have Hartsman all wrong but you may know something I don't. I'm simply going off my experiences and from testimonies from friends that worked under him.


Golden Squire
I told Smedley this directly in an email back in September 2012.

But I can tell you right now if you get rid of Butler and Georgeson and get in a few people who can actually lead a team (rather than a team hating their guts) they would get much better results. Obviously.

The ultimate coaching set up for this title would be McQuaid right where he is. Designing. Keep him out of running any sort of operation. His talent is needed where he makes the fun. Same with Clover. Fire Gerogeson and Butler, two of the most worthless individuals in the history of SOE next to George Scotto and Alan Crosby, and bring in Hartsman. He is well liked by his employees, he promotes a fun culture with respect for a plethora of ideas, and realizes the customer / gamer is number 1 all of the time - and most of all, he would keep a team on track.
Woah holy shit, you've EMAILED a guy DIRECTLY?! DAMN DUDE! TELL ME MORE!!
arallu;311059 said:
It will be hilarious when Timmy the warrior, who has his heart set on being a paladin, goes to the Paladin trainer and they shun him because all the farmers he helped slaughter months ago when he was getting the cool-ass orc skill he read about online. Then turns around and quits and complains the game is too hard.

The game will have no alignments as was racial factions.
I fixed that for you.

Even if they did Smokejumper will just sell in station cash shop potions of faction or missdeeds potions.


I thought that this was supposed to be open skill selection, once you earned it? Also, how does that jive with the dev statement that every class is responsible for their own survival?
What I interpreted from the class Q & A is that the 4 weapon skills came from your class's ability to use a certain weapon set, and more specifically what that weapon set can do; those don't change unless your weapon set changes. The 4 class skills can be cherry picked from all of the class skills that your character has obtained, be it 4 from the class you are currently playing, 3 from your current class and 1 from another, or 4 single class skills from 4 classes that you have collected but aren't currently playing as. The class skills are in no way restricted to what class you are playing or the weapon you are using. Obviously, slotting a class skill that enhances something that your active class/weapon set aren't capable of would be useless.

That's how it was explained on the class panel.

A question I have is in regards to the weapon sets: it's clear they are equipped as a single unit (dual wield, sword + shield), but I wonder if they are found in the world as a single item, or if you can alter the sword or shield or one of the two. I want to say someone on the panel said "you can swap out a different shield," but just wanted to be sure.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You can select any offensive, utility or movement skill you want for the rogue from among your class roster. But never a defensive skill. Go get a potion or find some item with a healing mechanic.

Better yet, group with someone who can heal while dpsing.

But a rogue could learn to heal, right?


Elisha Dushku
EQnext Style crafting?

Can you elaborate on that a bit. Will it actually be a sample of the crafting that will be in game? Or is that just speculation.
McPherson: It's not a skill-based system, it's very much like the system of advancing your classes. We have multiple tiers. You begin digging, you explore and you find, and those things give you progression and advancement that can be spent on your crafter.

So, to advance your blacksmith, you don't have to only create many items over and over again. That's not the way it works.
From the pcgamer article. Most I've seen on crafting. So presumably multi crafting "classes". 5 Tiers.
So ... after 700+ pages of speculation and EQ nostalgia looks like we are gonna get Minecraft/LoL with Disney art. Time well spent? I'm never reading one of these threads again btw.