EQ Never


Mr. Poopybutthole
As to class switching... What I am getting is that you are going to find that there are classes that fit your play style. It will take a LONG time to "level/tier" and master the skills/weapons of those classes. So much time that you will tend to focus on a few classes that fit your playstyle and not have a character with all 40 fully "tiered out".
You don't know that it'll take a long time. You're just assuming because they kind of said something like that. But seeing how they don't actually have a game yet, not even they know how long it'll take. It may be that once you get a tier 5 guy, it doens't take very long at all to max out the rest. Hopefully they don't do that, but you never know.


as much as they're promoting class flexibility and strategic diversity, it's pretty clear that they're going to force people to switch their classes at certain times. that's fine for single-player games where you have everything at your disposal to ensure survival, but most people like playing a single class to complement other roles. they like that "identity" for lack of a better term. that's really what all this uproar is about.


Elisha Dushku
Do you have any data or link to back up this statement? If true they would only be able to have AI in small encounters.
I'm pretty sure the StoryBrick guys disagree with Malakriss on this one, and having met one, I'm going to go with the SB guys.

Also snippet that I didn't get at SOE


Are there base stats that characters start with?

McPherson: Yeah, we call those attributes. The attribute system is completely different in this game. So, instead of all of your equipment giving you attributes, attributes aren't found on equipment. Attributes are very rare things that you can work tremendously hard to modify.

Giving yourself a point of strength means that maybe you jump higher, or really significantly cool things.and that's one of the things you can progress and earn in the game.
Also as noted, classes may require other classes to obtain:

McPherson: Right, the assassin trainer won't give you the class until you're a really high level rogue and you've done a whole bunch of things. And the paladin for example, [Dave Georgeson, Director of Development] mentioned a life of consequence-if you haven't been making the good choices and being an upright and justice influenced person, you can't be a paladin. They won't let you, because the game knows what you're doing. So you have to live-in some of these classes, we restrict it to how you've been acting in the game.


Hartsman did a great job of making EQ2 fun again. Before that, it sucked. I even said it on FOH and got a response, EQ2 design was so controlled, that it wasn't fun. Scott made a bunch of changes on controls, so the game allowed for more emergent gameplay. Original EQ2 was so tight that Hitler would be proud.
Are you implying the fact you couldn't help that poor soul getting beat on by a mob by healing them or hitting the mob unless they took time to "unlock" their encounter as they were running away was bad game design ?
as much as they're promoting class flexibility and strategic diversity, it's pretty clear that they're going to force people to switch their classes at certain times. that's fine for single-player games where you have everything at your disposal to ensure survival, but most people like playing a single class to complement other roles. they like that "identity" for lack of a better term. that's really what all this uproar is about.
I don't know if it's switching classes completely or more of a tweak of your class. Remember that the class controls your armor, weapon, and ability slot types, but the actual class abilities can be selected from all your classes.


Molten Core Raider
I don't think there is enough information about groups, dungeons, or raids yet to make a judgement, maybe 85% of the time your role doesn't matter but in a certain dungeon or boss you'll need to change your make up? Alot of us are old and jaded when it comes to MMOs, you want a challenge but tedium shouldn't be the most challenging aspect of the game.

Wrangling cats isn't fun, having flexibility on the other hand gives you options and more importantly it gives the game designers options, if they know they can count on people having the ability to switch roles they can build around that, maybe no one wants to play a healer so you just try and DPS zerg a boss down via dodging attacks or interrupting attacks and if you are running a more traditional group maybe the boss will have a soft enrage timer or something that makes a tank/healer required if you don't DPS it down fast enough, it's all about choices. Now you could say you are forced to do what ever number crunchers tell you is the most optimal way to play but that's your choice, don't play what's fun, play what's best. We honestly don't know enough about the PvE to really say anything though, even the footage they showed just had mobs standing there because it's not very far along.

As for people saying go out and PUG someone to fill that last raid slot if someone can't make it, ask friends of friends, etc. You do know that 90% of the people are horrible right? Finding a DPS is easy, swing a dead cat, find a healer is harder, and finding a tank is nigh on impossible sometimes and hoping those people are good, well... Trying to find someone you want to group with is hard, very very hard. Back in the days of EQ the community was much small, much more hardcore so finding someone that wasn't a mouth breather was easier. Someone willing to wait on a list for a dungeon slot for hours is much different from people that log on to play for a hour or so after their kids have gone to bed.


Trakanon Raider
Where is Hartsman now? I think EQNext needs Hartsman. I say kick Georgeson and maybe Butler and give me Hartsman, McQuaid and Clover.

Bill Trost is the lead on Defiance I heard.


Elisha Dushku
Imzeweiner_sl said:
but the actual class abilities can be selected from all your classes.
But still limited by your base class set of class abilities. You can never slot a defensive ability on a rogue.


Space Pirate
<Bronze Donator>
Maybe their emergent AI will figure out that player A is a retard with no motor skills, and have the mob stand in one spot, using just it's autoattack so that player A can beat it.

And then when faced with player B who is a super skilled hardcore player. It starts using it's advance combat AI, using different abilities, different combos, different strategies, move around etc.. to challenge player B.

Oh, nm it's SOE we're talking about.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Strict raid limits are just bullshit, and if EQ:N is going to be even half as sandboxy as they claim they will be it's going to run against the grain. It will be bizarre to see a studio create a new MMO that is revolutionary on several fronts, and then just take raiding as it is currently and jam it into their core design like an unlubed penis into a dry asshole.It'll be like Lyrical hosting a sleepover, the lights are out and he's running through the house naked after taking RHW - pray he doesn't trip.
Nice try, but when it comes to assraping, I don't need erection pills. Man-ass alone is all the stimulant I need. Also, if I'm hosting a sleepover, you know what I'm expecting, so don't be coy.


So EQLandmark - what is the main draw to the game? It's just Minecraft, right? Other than a small chance to have something in EQNext, it's not that exciting, or am I missing something?


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So EQLandmark - what is the main draw to the game? It's just Minecraft, right? Other than a small chance to have something in EQNext, it's not that exciting, or am I missing something?
I don't think we know enough to really say yet.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Long and a bit annoying video, but gives you some idea of how storybricks works, for those interested.



Molten Core Raider
So EQLandmark - what is the main draw to the game? It's just Minecraft, right? Other than a small chance to have something in EQNext, it's not that exciting, or am I missing something?
Better building tools, spheres are round?

I just hope they patch in a character creator like they had for EQ2 into Landmark so that you can fiddle with that as well.
But still limited by your base class set of class abilities. You can never slot a defensive ability on a rogue.
Ok, so for instance if a rogue has 2 offensive, 1 support and 1 movement, the you could select ant of those types from your other classes, but not a defensive one?

Did they say if the skill has a tier, or if the class tier unlocks the abilities?

Also, does each class only have 4? Or do you choose between different options within the class?


Elisha Dushku
So EQLandmark - what is the main draw to the game? It's just Minecraft, right? Other than a small chance to have something in EQNext, it's not that exciting, or am I missing something?
-Has full MMO social aspects (Guilds, chat, etc).
-Can build for EQNext. You can build a house, and when you finally get a land grant in EQN you can import that template (if it meets art direction requirements).
-Not using blocks.
-Can build stuff and sell the template to other players.
-First introduction to EQN style crafting.



F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
Where is Hartsman now? I think EQNext needs Hartsman. I say kick Georgeson and maybe Butler and give me Hartsman, McQuaid and Clover.

Bill Trost is the lead on Defiance I heard.
I told Smedley this directly in an email back in September 2012.

But I can tell you right now if you get rid of Butler and Georgeson and get in a few people who can actually lead a team (rather than a team hating their guts) they would get much better results. Obviously.

The ultimate coaching set up for this title would be McQuaid right where he is. Designing. Keep him out of running any sort of operation. His talent is needed where he makes the fun. Same with Clover. Fire Gerogeson and Butler, two of the most worthless individuals in the history of SOE next to George Scotto and Alan Crosby, and bring in Hartsman. He is well liked by his employees, he promotes a fun culture with respect for a plethora of ideas, and realizes the customer / gamer is number 1 all of the time - and most of all, he would keep a team on track.