Jesus dude, get a fucking grip.I'm sorry, as much as I want to agree and give him another chance he basically did the equivalent of raping his own daughter and then blaming it on the voices in his head and/or drugs. (note his daughter = Vanguard and is meant in no means to be a real world equivalent relating his actions to those of sick twisted fucking rapists). Vanguard will always be the Al Bundie "could have been" and I will never forgive the part he played in ultimately leading to its relative demise. The only redemption he could make is to donate his work for a year with no salary on a new project tied to Vanguard Unleashed, a 2014 updated version based on mainly the same classes, general dungeons etc with all the bugs/performance issues worked out and a few more additional things added and extra raid content. Then i might forgive and would even pay 50 dollars a month for his game if he delivered!
Until then he is on my select list of piss on sight list.