EQ Never

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Poked my head into the official forums the other night and there is a lot of dumb shit there ie "We want seasons! Can necros talk to undead? We want nunchucks! Soemote will really help me socialize!"
Fuck you, I want seasons (and weather). SB is going to be great with seasons and NPCs adjusting their behaviour depending on that. Havent read any word on wether that is something that might actually go in though.


Golden Squire
The problem I have with talking about EQN right now is that almost every damn bit of it is just "on paper". It's thoughts and ideas on what they want to do. Meanwhile they have a tech demo with some animations and some world destruction, but that's about it. They're talking a lot of cool ideas, but we all know that the only thing that matters is implementation / execution - and it seems like it'll be quite some time before we see that.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I find the sentiment that the AI changes everything when they had no functional AI at the big reveal hard to swallow. We'll see.


Elisha Dushku
The problem I have with talking about EQN right now is that almost every damn bit of it is just "on paper". It's thoughts and ideas on what they want to do. Meanwhile they have a tech demo with some animations and some world destruction, but that's about it. They're talking a lot of cool ideas, but we all know that the only thing that matters is implementation / execution - and it seems like it'll be quite some time before we see that.
Yep. The didn't reveal enough at the reveal.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Reveal was terrible, bunch of people who played EQ1, cool story bro, sand painting, some concept art... Sounds almost like GW2 hype, which was all lies.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, which is why its so mind boggling and funny we get all these nuts going crazy about how this game is this or that and that they're NOT going to play it and that it'll suck, etc etc

I'm wondering, what did you see during the reveal that tells you anything about the actual game? Did these guys get private secret screenings?

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Yeah, which is why its so mind boggling and funny we get all these nuts going crazy about how this game is this or that and that they're NOT going to play it and that it'll suck, etc etc

I'm wondering, what did you see during the reveal that tells you anything about the actual game? Did these guys get private secret screenings?
I saw a video reaction by some media from gamebreaker or something following the pre-SOELive reveal and it seems they got a word-for-word identical reveal that everyone else got. The only difference was the SOE Live crowd saw the "Live" gameplay.

edit: the live gameplay being when they had like 6 PCs going backstage so the Kerran and Human female could plow through three dozen static kobolds.


Lord Nagafen Raider
at the very least it seems that SoE learned what the uncanny valley is, and stopped trying to make hyper realistic models. EQ Next graphics look like Dota 2 characters lol


Blackwing Lair Raider
The weird thing about multiclassing is that if I rolled an ALT it would most likely be on a server with a different rule set then my main server. Like a hardcore or PvP one
This is the one sort of odd side of the system they seem to be aiming for. It looks like there is almost no reason to make an alt unless maybe right at the very begining of the game if you want to try out a couple different things initially as one character could/should be able to do pretty much everything eventually. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing I guess as long as it can keep me interested its probably a wash for me.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
Apparently a chick went missing at SOE Live.


One of SOE Live's attendees, Katherine Masson, was driving home from Las Vegas when apparently she vanished. According to The Raven-Mythic, she has been missing for over two days now after sending out a text message from a rest stop in New York. A police report has been filed, but there have been no announced leads concerning her disappearance.

So what happens when one of our own gamers goes missing? The community mobilizes, of course. The folks at The Raven-Mythic, an EverQuest II roleplaying guild, are continually updating a thread about Katherine's disappearance, spreading the word, and doing some of their own detective work.

Katherine is also known as Jia, Essie, and Willasye in-game. Her last known location was at a rest stop near Albany, NY off of I-90, heading toward Boston. Parties with any information should contact Dan at[email protected]/* <![CDATA[ */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* ]]> */.


Buzzfeed Editor
Yep. We can all probably guess the breakdown:

10 Tank-ish/Warrior-ish classes
10 Healer-ish/Cleric-ish classes
10 Pure DPS-ish (Melee/Ranged/Magic DPSish) classes
10 CC-ish/Enchanter-ish classes.

+/1 1 class for each (i.e. 11 Tankish and 9 CCis is a possibility but SOE will try to keep it 10/10/10/10 if at all possible.
Yeah, it's going to be like sorting classes in LoL. "Bruiser" and "tank" will be variations on the beefy DPS theme.


Elisha Dushku
Reveal was terrible, bunch of people who played EQ1, cool story bro, sand painting, some concept art... Sounds almost like GW2 hype, which was all lies.
Wouldn't go that far. The problem is they:

-Stated there was no Trinity, but it wouldn't be like GW2, without revealing how that would not be like GW2
-Didn't cover Death Penalty.
-Didn't cover PvP.
-Didn't cover Loot. (Armor sets shown, but that's it)
-Didn't really cover Crafting (5 Tiers, Blacksmith is one crafting class)
-Didn't show a static dungeon.

Those are the top 5-6 I can think of. I'm well aware they want to dribble out reveals to stay at the top of news sites newsfeeds but freakin a'.


Elisha Dushku
This is the one sort of odd side of the system they seem to be aiming for. It looks like there is almost no reason to make an alt unless maybe right at the very begining of the game if you want to try out a couple different things initially as one character could/should be able to do pretty much everything eventually. Not sure if that is a good or bad thing I guess as long as it can keep me interested its probably a wash for me.
Allows them to limit you to one char/server and charge you for an extra character slot. There has definitely been too much thought given to FTP monetization in this game design -_-. Yet another reason to dislike the FTP mentality that seems to infect the kids and devs these days.

@Flex that sucks, hope they find her soon. Long freaking drive Boston -> Vegas -> Boston :O.


Trump's Staff
Still, I much prefer charging for shit like character slots or bag space versus being able to buy items / classes. If you're gonna do F2P, that's how it should be done.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
yeah. A.I.

I suppose this is exactly what I suggested/predicted after seeing scribblenauts the first time.

Everything is given tags.
Like a lit torch would be something like [plant,dead,wood,fire,oil]

These tags then create AI behaviours, as well as interaction.
A troll might be something like [animal,intelligent,fire:hate,fire:fear,use:club,li ve:cave,spider:hate,food:like] attributes, and behaviours related to attributes. Trolls fear fire, and will either run from, or try to put it out. While throwing food on the ground might lure them into traps, or even distract during a fight.

The other problem here is this is simulation territory, NOT combat. simcity does not make a very good RTS. NPCs behaving in sim ways. dwarf fortress, gnomoria, etc do not really make good engaging player challenges. does the sim AI go on hold when combat engages? Hunting npcs to extinction, etc is what happens when players are let loose on simulations. there is a reason why games do not do that. Players quickly game the system, so its much better to have static spawns, etc.
My main worry. What happens to this amazing 3rd party AI when thousands are let loose on it in a persistent world. Everything is all nice in little simulations or demos, but doesn't come near what can happen on a actual populated server.

On iksar, not sure I want them. I am terrified of what a iksar would look like in a pixar world.