EQ Never


Whether they have you slotting enchants onto armor or getting tattoos on your character, they could find a way to put the mechanic in the game. It's just semantics.
I thought they implied there were armor tiers. Like needing to collect certain tier 2 armor to go up to the next tier in a class.
Really ? I swear I heard Georgeson say they were getting rid of armor and raid tiers that they were old news and they invented them and they were going to be the ones to move past the loot tiering type of ladder? I hope i'm wrong but I don't know how they would do it without any type of tiers, maybe I am thinking about raiding tiers and just assumed armor went with it. Anyone got a link?


I don't think I've ever been more afraid of a game than the first time I entered the Plane of Fear.
Haha true that +1 to you my friend I didn't even want to go through the portal I was a monk and everyone was like go in that shit and I responded.. fuck no I don't care if I got fd or not we are all going in at once LOL.


Dental Dammer
<Gold Donor>
The fuck are you talking about?

Anakin didn't become a Jedi after being a Sith. The Jedi don't go around recruiting Sith. You're basically proving the entire point that if a Sith showed up and said I wanna be a Jedi, he/she would probably be immediately killed.

You fall into evil. You redeem yourself with good, but redeeming yourself usually means you die. And if you don't there's still going to be a large portion of the population who have suffered losses at your race/class/religion hands. You will be killed. There are no good Ogre/Troll/Orcs, and if there are...there are plenty of people who don't want them in their city. And a few who will outright kill them.
Let me explain, then. This is *before* the Ogres were evil; they are just the biggest race in the Combine empire at this point. Everything we think we know about them from EQ is either untrue or not come to pass in Everquest Next. So it isexactlylike saying Anakin couldn't be a Jedi ever because he was a Sith, i.e. wrong because the reason for the objection hasn't yet come to pass.

On Trolls, though, I don't find any mention of them yet in a lore sense at all.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Haha true that +1 to you my friend I didn't even want to go through the portal I was a monk and everyone was like go in that shit and I responded.. fuck no I don't care if I got fd or not we are all going in at once LOL.
Just go in man, what you afraid of?!?!


I somehow became the unofficial Fear raid savior on my server. This basically consisted of me attempting to kite the entire zone while people scooped up their corpses and ported out. It was a rush every single time, and nothing I've experienced in any MMO since.

I'm not sure how they can recreate that without a meaningful death penalty.


Hopefully the action combat is more like tera's than gw2s. For an action combat game tera does an alright job, blocking dodging all feel responsive allowing for some decently challenging 5man content. But it looks like a lot of their ideas are coming from gw2 so the "action combat" will probably be hit x to roll for invincibility frames, soak up damage use shitty heals on cooldown aggroswap shitfest.


Just go in man, what you afraid of?!?!


I somehow became the unofficial Fear raid savior on my server. This basically consisted of me attempting to kite the entire zone while people scooped up their corpses and ported out. It was a rush every single time, and nothing I've experienced in any MMO since.

I'm not sure how they can recreate that without a meaningful death penalty.
Idk if seeing that portal is giving me a warm and fuzzy or what but I suddenly like you more now. Lol afraid of no1 else going in and me never getting my body back. Since we all know that melee got dicked and can't gate or ANYTHING lol.

Dr Neir

Trakanon Raider
Ogre History. Bugging me that I read it in game somewhere about their curse but wasnt sure where or when. Here ya go:

You say, 'Hail, Council Aide Mystrana'

Council Aide Mystrana says 'Well, well ______ you are persistent. I like that! You show a genuine interest in how our fine city is being put together. As you can clearly see for yourself this city is not of drakkin origins. I would like you to [learn more] about this city's history before we speak any further.'

You say, 'Learn more?'

You have been assigned the task 'Getting to Know You: For Those Gone Before Us'.

Council Aide Mystrana says 'There is a book in a hidden room that you should study. Enter Gekkdar's Haunt on the third level and locate the hidden room. Once you have read the book you will find there return to me and I will have more to say to you. Good day to you, ______.'

Head up to the third floor. The book is called "The Ogres Come of Age," and may be found on top of a crate in a nook to the left after you go through the curtain, at -1453, -1193, 116. It reads:

The Ogres Come of Age

Rallos Zek, in his wisdom, created the ogres -- a race that embodied the best of all of his other races, including the giants, goblins, and orcs. We are, and shall always be, a reflection of what the Warlord sees as perfection. Our intelligence and brawn make us a deadly force as we have continued to prove.

After being set upon these great lands, we quickly found a place that would be a perfect home -- both strategically and in its beauty. Most creatures would look upon the great rock face rising from a deep crevice as impossible and inhospitable, but we saw its great potential and our knowledge gave us the tools we needed to carve a great city in the stone.

A great architect emerged from among us, named Nokk Stonechipper. He scribed great plans not just for the city itself, but the tools and contraptions needed to build it. And so we did. Within five years the city was complete. It became clear as we prospered that we had made the right choice. The city was well defended against all creatures who attacked.

It did not take too many years for our ogres to begin to outgrow this city and rather than compromise Nokk, the decision was made to expand our empire to the north. And so a great caravan of ogres left to build it. And they did.

From then until now, these days when Rallos Zek has called us to battle in the Plane of Earth, our Chief Dronuk Rockjaw has led us to greatness -- the heads of the Rallosian Empire that I dare believe will someday rule over Norrath.

More in the comments:

You say, 'Hail, Yuvill the Spirithunter'

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'Ah, yes, Heshyrr sends you. I have learned much in my time here. Luckily most are not too willing to endure the spirit who haunts this area. The spirit that cannot rest is named Gekkdar. I believe he is [bound] here.'

You say, 'bound?'

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'Indeed, bound. There is a great and powerful trinket here called the Amulet of Gekkdar as I ascertained from a tome that was buried in the rubble here. It tells a tale of a great amulet that was handed down from one ogre chief to another in the long lost [past].'

You say, 'past?'

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'Yes, in the years long before the ogres were cursed by the gods for Rallos Zek's actions -- the ogre and giant god who betrayed all the gods by invading the Plane of Earth. Then the ogres were intelligent as evidenced by this beautiful stone city they built here. They called it, Nokk. The amulet is said to have very unique [properties].'

You say, 'what properties?'

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'It was once thought that it was simply a symbolic trinket of office, but it is not. Upon being handed to a new chief, it was bound to his soul by the ogre heyokahs, the high shamans, and the amulet then took the chief's name. And so, the amulet is named after Gekkdar, the [ogre] chief who haunts these halls.'

You say, 'ogre?'

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'From the history I've been piecing together, Gekkdar remained even as he watched all of his ogre kin turned from proud, intelligent war beasts to slovenly and stupid fools. The ogres were overcome by the power of a god, Cazic-Thule, who many of them worshipped. That power was fear. The ogres fled the city . . . all but one . . . Gekkdar. It is thought that in some way the amulet [protected] him.'

You say, 'protected him?'

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'I believe the amulet contained a strong shaman protective ward that slowed the curse of the gods very much in him. He was tortured by the slow creep of idiocy that began to overtake him. And, as the honorable chief he was, I believe he took his life while he still had control over his faculties. I believe he wanted to remain here as a [symbol] of what the ogres once were.'

You say, 'a symbol?'

Your task 'Heshyrr's Wisdom' has been updated.

Yuvill the Spirithunter says 'As long as he remains here, he is a reminder of the glory of the ogres. What allows him to remain here, I believe, is the Amulet of Gekkdar. As long as that exists, I believe Gekkdar will reside here. Please tell Heshyrr I will not retrieve the great amulet. I will not disturb the purpose of Gekkdar. That is not our place. Hurry along now before we are seen.'

Head back to Heshyrr
Soooo, EQN has no Rallos Zek and Mithaniel is a suggested replacement? He is the god of war, honor and duty. In the original lore, he was simply the god of valor. His new role as the god of war seems to suggest he has replaced Rallos Zek.

Mithaniel Mar creates the Ogres? Could explain the different look.........................They DID hire and retain the original lore guys right? Something I am missing besides someone popping off "It's not EQ 1"? They suggested and stated like the reboot of "Star Trek" in their panel but I dont remember those movies replacing Capt Kirk or other major key things. lol


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Just think of a m alternate reality female dwarf spock yelling "BEARDS!" and that will solve all continuity problems.


Trakanon Raider
Remember how Plane of Hate zone in was a big deal too. I remember just hoping to make it to the wall while a rogue patrolled the area, checking mobs, dragging corpses, etc.

I loved it...


Remember how Plane of Hate zone in was a big deal too. I remember just hoping to make it to the wall while a rogue patrolled the area, checking mobs, dragging corpses, etc.

I loved it...
We've had nothing like PoF, PoH breaks since then. So fucking depressing.


Here's a nice, true, heartwarming story of PoF.

I played on the Tribunal server from Kunark-OoW with an RL buddy of mine who was a cleric, I was a necro. I introduced him to the game right about the time velious released. I did the good ole buddy thing, hooked him up with the best gear I could get him, and plvled him a bit. Although I powerleveled him some, he really did do most of his leveling on his own, making his own groups and such. He got himself most of the way to 46. Oh yeah, its worth mentioning we were both guildless. One night, we were lanning it up, and when he dinged level 46 we decided to call it a night. The next morning comes around and he was up before I was, for about an hour. Only problem was, he was red-faced, stark raving lunatic pissed off.

According to him, he was excited about dinging 46 and was stoked to be able to finally enter the planes. He'd heard a lot about epic lewts and such. But he had never done any research on PoF, its mobs or anything. He decides, while waiting for me to wake up, to go do a little bit of exploring. No harm in that, right?

He got gate memmed up before he zoned in, just in case. But not divine aura for some stupid reason. So he zones in, by himself, and immediately gets jumped by a scareling. He tried to cast gate, but not only did it interrupt him, the scareling ported him to some random spot in the zone. As anyone who has been in PoF before, the aggro range on mobs there is fucking huge. He gets ported to some random spot, and is killed. And when he dies, he gets de-leveled to 45. Uh oh. Not that he'd want to, but he couldnt even zone back in.

He tried for a week to get his corpse back. Tried paying guilds, getting friends, petitioning ect. Nobody was willing to break fear just to get his corpse. The GMs wouldnt help him. He canceled his account after his corpse rotted.


Trakanon Raider
Remember how Plane of Hate zone in was a big deal too. I remember just hoping to make it to the wall while a rogue patrolled the area, checking mobs, dragging corpses, etc.

I loved it...
Fucking hated PoH breaks as a rogue, it was what, two right turns till you hit the wall? I found assholes all over that fucking zone including the second floor during break in. How? How!? And fuck you if I found your corpse after 20mins of searching and I didn't have consent.


Here's a nice, true, heartwarming story of PoF.

I played on the Tribunal server from Kunark-OoW with an RL buddy of mine who was a cleric, I was a necro. I introduced him to the game right about the time velious released. I did the good ole buddy thing, hooked him up with the best gear I could get him, and plvled him a bit. Although I powerleveled him some, he really did do most of his leveling on his own, making his own groups and such. He got himself most of the way to 46. Oh yeah, its worth mentioning we were both guildless. One night, we were lanning it up, and when he dinged level 46 we decided to call it a night. The next morning comes around and he was up before I was, for about an hour. Only problem was, he was red-faced, stark raving lunatic pissed off.

According to him, he was excited about dinging 46 and was stoked to be able to finally enter the planes. He'd heard a lot about epic lewts and such. But he had never done any research on PoF, its mobs or anything. He decides, while waiting for me to wake up, to go do a little bit of exploring. No harm in that, right?

He got gate memmed up before he zoned in, just in case. But not divine aura for some stupid reason. So he zones in, by himself, and immediately gets jumped by a scareling. He tried to cast gate, but not only did it interrupt him, the scareling ported him to some random spot in the zone. As anyone who has been in PoF before, the aggro range on mobs there is fucking huge.He gets ported to some random spot, and is killed. And when he dies, he gets de-leveled to 45. Uh oh. Not that he'd want to, but he couldnt even zone back in.

He tried for a week to get his corpse back. Tried paying guilds, getting friends, petitioning ect. Nobody was willing to break fear just to get his corpse. The GMs wouldnt help him. He canceled his account after his corpse rotted.
bahahahaha epic.


Off-topic, but how did you hear about EQ?

A high school classmate who was also a member of my UO guild somehow found out about it before it hit beta and we ended up "signing up" on our guild web site for certain race/class combos, some of which weren't even available. I remember being really excited because I couldn't visualize a 3d MMO.