EQ Never


Elisha Dushku
Christ. Watching 2 minutes of that actually made me feel bad about myself.
Keep watching the good stuff is between 5-8:30 in - the shopkeeper who starts raising prices when you talk too much to his wife. Also DCUO like insta-questing.


Off-topic, but how did you hear about EQ?

A high school classmate who was also a member of my UO guild somehow found out about it before it hit beta and we ended up "signing up" on our guild web site for certain race/class combos, some of which weren't even available. I remember being really excited because I couldn't visualize a 3d MMO.
I was in my freshman math class. Two dorks were talking about it. I tried it. Druid. Misty Thicket. Hooked. Later rolled a Rogue and played that my entire EQ career. Best rogue on the planet. Confirmed.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Does this Storybricks stuff mean that stuff will run away from you if they perceive you as a big threat? That might be cool/broken. The example of the goblin/kobold alliance could be sweet, if you run into a goblin that fears you it runs off to the kobolds and returns with a kobold train that stomps on you.


Elisha Dushku
Does this Storybricks stuff mean that stuff will run away from you if they perceive you as a big threat? That might be cool/broken. The example of the goblin/kobold alliance could be sweet, if you run into a goblin that fears you it runs off to the kobolds and returns with a kobold train that stomps on you.
Those are the rumours.


Man I hope this Storybricks shit is as magical as the hype surrounding it is, but it's so easy to be a skeptic when the history of MMOs is over promising and under delivering.


Trakanon Raider
Off-topic, but how did you hear about EQ?

A high school classmate who was also a member of my UO guild somehow found out about it before it hit beta and we ended up "signing up" on our guild web site for certain race/class combos, some of which weren't even available. I remember being really excited because I couldn't visualize a 3d MMO.
my senior year of college, and i just bought a brand new computer. was talking to a friend of mine and told him i was looking for a game to play on my new comp and he said "have you heard of this game called Everquest? there was an article about it in rolling stone magazine. apparently it's like dungeons and dragons except completely online." i went to the store that day, bought the game, and remained completely and totally hooked for the next 5 years of my life. when i first logged in i played 42 hours straight (no lie) and missed 2 full days of classes. i actually got into a fist fight with one of my roommates because he started a character as well and we were fighting over play time until i realized "mother fucker, it's my computer and my game!"


The trinity is just a name for a process that involves more than one player. One player takes damage, another heals the damage taken, and the last does damage. At a high, abstracted level like we discussed pages back, it's just a process that involves multiple players shifting sets of numbers around from each other to the mob. But the key point, the key mechanic, is that this shifting involves more than one player working together: it requires multiple players working as a team to shift them efficiently.

Because one player can't shift these numbers alone, a 'role' in this process is realized. And this role means something specific: you cannot perform other activities involved in the process because those activities are reserved for other players, otherwise there is no teamwork, no working together.

If they get rid of the trinity as we know it, the question to ask then, is what process that involves multiple players will that be replaced with? You have to replace it with something - that is, if your game is numbers-based like every other rpg ever made, then you have to create a process that forces players to shift these numbers around as a team. You can't remove it and put nothing in its place. You cannot give everyone a piece of every role and expect it to 'work out'. You need a specific, systems design-oriented process in place that forces players to play ONE part in that process of shifting numbers, else whatever mechanics you have will not be a better design than the trinity.
I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up with this thread. This was a really good post though.

The way they described EQN combat/gameplay made me very weary. All I keep thinking of is GW2 with that horrible horrible 6th hotslot heal button that everyone has and all the generic weapon based skills. UGHHHHHHH no thank you, please give me defined roles. Please?


I was looking to EQ next but it looks a bit "bland" from the few videos I haven't seen.
And us, European, will be fucked again most likely, right now, the billing and account management/support is done by some german company that looks to have a poor track records for the other soe games, I really don't like the way it goes.
Just wish that companies will drop this kind of player segregation.

Big Flex

Fitness Fascist
I have mulled over the available info to much. Feed me Sony.
"Scheduled" release plan bro, expect some canned footage at Gamescom, and maybe a new heavily skewed roundtable vote between now and then. Although that combat doc would really hit the spot right about now, but I'm guessing we don't see that until after Gamescom.
I'm having a lot of trouble keeping up with this thread. This was a really good post though.[...]
eh. i find that speculative and subjective. should eqn suck in regards to combat/ai, it should not be proof that trinity or advanced ai is better... context/how it's implemented which amounts to saying nothing.
read through the gdc slides/blog to get an idea of how things may be implemented.

positioning is going to matter: attacking a sardine swarm alone isn't effective as moving in coordination. being attacked by wolves means that they are going to flank you. maybe groupmember intercepts is more importatnt than heals. someone could go out in front as bait/sacrifice, charging together, splitting your group's movement to split their group, moving to higher terrain, modding terrain (pits to trap/slowdown/redirect). etcetc

you'll get 'emergent' behaviors given a set of simple rules... but you'll also know how to counter all them (given time.. given that they can't learn (nerual networkai)) which may be that it is no more fun than scripted mobs.


Trakanon Raider
i actually got into a fist fight with one of my roommates because he started a character as well and we were fighting over play time until i realized "mother fucker, it's my computer and my game!"
Two of my friends are twins, and they played the same character/account in EQ for years ( could only afford 1 computer/sub ). I have no idea how they managed to do that without going completely crazy.

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
There's plenty of actual difficult content in modern MMOs. Yeah leveling might be easy, but that's because it's supposed to be.
I suppose I wonder why it is supposed to be. And dont take this as I want every fight to be life and death, but the way you say it sounds like "screw the leveling chore the game begins at level cap" which I hope is a slogan nobody cares for anymore.

I was looking to EQ next but it looks a bit "bland" from the few videos I haven't seen.
And us, European, will be fucked again most likely, right now, the billing and account management/support is done by some german company that looks to have a poor track records for the other soe games, I really don't like the way it goes.
Just wish that companies will drop this kind of player segregation.
Just do what you have to in order to stay SOE customer. VPN-apply for beta, etc. Existing SOE accounts so far worked just fine for playing PS2, I dont have to deal with that German company at all. I used TOR to appy for EQN beta but it's just an issue with the SOE website trying to put you in the right region I think. I doubt the game will be as restricted as Blizzard's servers since they said everyone can play on any server, that company just handles the European account management (bad enough but it is what is... reminds me of Mythic pawning off the Euro WAR to some french failcompany).


Golden Squire
On P99 they forgot the zone in patrol mob, so it was basically the biggest cakewalk ever.
And for the longest time they actually had LOS aggro in PoH fixed, so the zone worked how you would expect.

They've since "fixed" it to be classic (aka, broken), so when you zone in everything beelines for you through walls. Yay!