EQ Never


I'm personally going to the next fanfaire and demanding Innoruuk's return.


Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
I have a feeling that a trinity will emerge anyway.
It always does. 3 warriors, guardian, mesmer with gear linking to prove your full berserker for the most commonly run dungeon in GW2 for example. Even for super-easy faceroll content people are being pricks to their fellow players in order to get their gold piece 40 seconds faster.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And they've been at "this version" of the game for over 2 years. Really makes you wonder what the fuck they've been up to.... I'm sure its "making emergent, revolutionary AI DUH!"..... Derp.
They can't really claim that, since it was made by a 3rd party ;P


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
And they've been at "this version" of the game for over 2 years. Really makes you wonder what the fuck they've been up to.... I'm sure its "making emergent, revolutionary AI DUH!"..... Derp.
Pretty much. I like what they had to say at the "reveal" but it sounded like a Kickstarter campaign more than anything. A lot of "We want to do blah blah" and not a lot of actual gameplay. My guess is that they still have a lot of work to do on the voxel tech and can't jump into anything like actual gameplay except in a conceptual sense.

Once Landmark gets released things should start rolling but from what they said it sounds like they are still having issues with lava and other liquids (no ocean etc). Maybe the voxels leak.. who knows.

Rift was never good on paper.
Hah, I'll give you that. I was never on that bandwagon. Did enjoy the game for a few months after it was released though, then they started nerfing all the fun stuff... (Sabo ftw) and forcing cookie cutter builds.


I'm just thinking of a parallel universe where Norrathian gods show a glimpse of EQN's miserable future to the devs.
This makes them re consider the product,put more serious efforts this time to deliver a game that appeals their fanbase and eventually go for a full revamp...

Is there any chance at this point for a hypothetical scenario like this to happen?Just wondering ..


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I'm curious to see the ype of abilities they throw into the game. CC wise are the ones I'm most curious about. Would they have a charm, FD, etc...

Mr Creed

Too old for this shit
Theres a few thing wrong at the moment with Eqnext ( classes / removing holy trinity etc etc) but giving players the tool to expand the world after it gets SoE approval isnt one of them.

''Outsourcing'' to players is the answer the mmorpg worlds have been waiting for so long to counter player content consumption that cant be satisfied by a in house dev team. If blizz couldnt do it with their resources, who could.
We really dont know if Blizzard couldnt have done it - they didnt want to. I think they could have done it tbh, but they chose money hats and hookers over re-investing their gains into the game. Not that I blame them, probably would've done the same. But sometimes I wonder where the genre could be if it hadnt gone so mainstream.


Elisha Dushku
I'm hedging positive myself in case you missed it earlier - but either extreme its accurate for although I find the haters a bit more annoying since so many want no evolution to the genre.
We need both EQN and EQ3. Though I think the lore reboot on EQN was excessive and needs to be dialed back. Innoruuk should be in the game.

@Caeden EQN looks fun, just not a game I want to play long term. I played both LOL, Minecraft and Terria for a couple of months and enjoyed them, but a couple of months was enough for all of them. The long term replayability of EQN is the PvP and I'm not a PvPer. But I will enjoy my 2-9 months of EQN, just as I enjoyed my 9 months of WoW. EQ3 with EQN's world, StoryBricks and adjusted mob AI (Threat Agression + Hate table) with EQ/VG classes/combat and closer to original EQ lore is the game I want SOE to make, we'll see if they do.


are there not going to be any familiar names or gods to kill? and why do you seem so down on the game now? you sounded pretty optimistic yesterday.


We need both EQN and EQ3. Though I think the lore reboot on EQN was excessive and needs to be dialed back. Innoruuk should be in the game.
I don't think we can rule out Innoruuk just yet, can we? We know dark elves are in the game, they were supposedly changed by Innoruuk in the previous lore, and that ebook leaves off with the Tier'dal stranded on the Plane of Hate. From all I can tell, the 8 seraphs have a new toy (Norrath), and Innoruuk wasn't invited. But he found out anyway and his new Dark Elves are a sleeper cell waiting to go nutso. Take it a step further, and the Ogres are pre-curse as well, right?


Mr. Poopybutthole
Lots of doom and gloom while the wizard isn't just a man behind the curtain. The expected EQ:Reskinned folks are upset, so that makes complete sense. But there isn't really enough known about the game to make the kind of pass/fail judgments that are popping up.


Silver Knight of the Realm
We really dont know if Blizzard couldnt have done it - they didnt want to. I think they could have done it tbh, but they chose money hats and hookers over re-investing their gains into the game. Not that I blame them, probably would've done the same. But sometimes I wonder where the genre could be if it hadnt gone so mainstream.
My guess is that when Blizzard caught wind of what SOE was doing with EQNext, they decided they'd pull back Titan for the meantime since for now they can continue reaping the fruits of WoW. When the time is right they'll put out a much more polished version of World of EQNextCraft. Just as they took Everquest and polished it with some specific changes to create WoW, they'll take EQNext and learn from SOE's mistakes once again. Why? Cause they can.

What does this mean on SoE's end? They can't afford to pull another EQ2. Don't release the game until it's ready to be released, until it's really completed, working as intended, and fun.


Avatar of War Slayer
For a while I was feeling they where going to debut two games, and they did... I kept waiting for the 3rd...but I think that's next year. To me the art direction is split... if you take away characters and buildings the game looks like a better EQ2 and EQ1-- then you toss in the style of character models, and the buildings that fit them and its like uhhhh... companies do not spend years paying for something and ditch it... yes they can start over- but the money people will make that work go somewhere...somehow...

I have a feeling that EQ3 or whatever they want to call it will come- EQN and its subsequent building machine game will produce them so much free shit its not even funny. You KNOW once the landscape thing pops in there will be many groups that will build EQ1.5 for them they just need to tweek the combat and class system to suit...

I dream every day... :)

All in all, the combat and class system are the only things I am "worried" about thus far...and what? no innoruk?! MY LORD MUST BE THERE FULE MY HATE AND EMPOWER MY BLADE! SKs = win...and no inny = no DE? hu?


Trump's Staff
EQN looks fun, just not a game I want to play long term. I played both LOL, Minecraft and Terria for a couple of months and enjoyed them, but a couple of months was enough for all of them. The long term replayability of EQN is the PvP and I'm not a PvPer
I disagree, I think EQN has the potential to stretch story lines out for years. Rallying calls can be extremely easy to conceptualize, and they only really need to implement the seed and the world is supposed to take it from there. They could easily plan out years of city building and slow enemy rises culminating in big events.


Elisha Dushku
are there not going to be any familiar names or gods to kill? and why do you seem so down on the game now? you sounded pretty optimistic yesterday.
You mean me? The game will be huge and I'll enjoy playing it when it comes out. I understand most of the decisions the devs have made (e.g. no autoattack, makes no sense in a non-taunt, non-trinity world, where the mob is moving based on constantly changing threat evaluation). And I even understand the business model and why the went the LOL MMO/Minecraft/Evelight topped with revised EQ lore. Indeed if you look back you'll see I correctly predicted about 70-80% of what was revealed. My biggest miss was I thought it would be DCUO-like action-y combat (DCUO has the trinity) with VG classes. The LOL combat/class stuff wasn't anywhere near my radar.

But at the end of the day I'm an old-school MMOer. The slower pace of VG or EQ fits my style more and I like single unique classes. The destructible voxel world is pretty cool, but not super necessary for VG2/EQ3, the StoryBricks stuff would be a neat add-on.

There's familiar gods in the Seraphs and Prexus is one of the Four but removing Innoruuk was a bad decision, none of the listed gods struck me as particularly nasty and you want at least one big bad guy.


Elisha Dushku
I disagree, I think EQN has the potential to stretch story lines out for years. Rallying calls can be extremely easy to conceptualize, and they only really need to implement the seed and the world is supposed to take it from there. They could easily plan out years of city building and slow enemy rises culminating in big events.
Well they've got big plans for the RC's so maybe but it all depends on how StoryBricks works. However, I think the everyday stuff that keeps people coming back will be the guild on guild conflict over resources (a la EVE). Which is certainly better than dailies :)