EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


TLP Idealist
I'd agree until Mangler. The M&M crew rushed Vulaek and killed him night one or two. Declared victory over the server, jerked off nonstop.

The didn't kill AoW until almost a full month later. That's not winning.
Velious is a weird one because there isn't a super well defined end point. I'd argue that first to kill Tunare/Vulak/AoW combined wins. Maybe add ST clear.
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Log Wizard
Velious is a weird one because there isn't a super well defined end point. I'd argue that first to kill Tunare/Vulak/AoW combined wins. Maybe add ST clear.
It's definitely this. Going almost a full month without killing AoW is fucking disgusting in Velious.

Vulak essentially means you clear NTOV, so yes that's important. AoW means you did a real tank check fight. Sleeper's means you keyed a raid gear. Tunare I think is kind of whatever, but it's got great BiS pieces, but for progression count I don't think it's as valuable as the other 3.

Vulak = AOW = ST clear for dick jerking purposes. You ain't got one, the other two don't matter.


Vyemm Raider
If Velious wasn't completely retardedly designed, Kerafyrm would be an actual killable boss that wakes up every time you kill the 4 warders and is repeatable and should be the true end boss of Velious.
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Toe Sucker
how did the warder loot work on mischief again? i know theres a metric fuck load of tinkerer masks and SODs so it seemed like they just stayed on the loot table the entire time?


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
If Velious wasn't completely retardedly designed, Kerafyrm would be an actual killable boss that wakes up every time you kill the 4 warders and is repeatable and should be the true end boss of Velious.

Always thought the same thing. Figured they were going to bring him back soon enough and we'd find out where he went off to. But no, Luclin came and went, no Kerafyrm on the moon. Planes of Power came and went and they reused his model for a low-tier boss. 10+ more expansions went by. It was pretty clear that there was no story plan for Kerafyrm, the original devs just wanted it to be a cool one-time event where their super-mob could rampage around for a few minutes. If that was the case, he should have just been the final boss of Velious and been done with it.

Later a different dev team brought Kerafyrm back for the level 80 expansion Secrets of Faydwer and made him the final boss there, with a pretty cool endzone. However the whole thing had a definite feeling of them bringing the idea out of the mothballs due to popular demand, rather than actually continuing the original story. Kerafyrm even looked totally different (and much less interesting, IMO).

Later for the 115 expansion Claws of Veeshan they brought back the rest of the Velious dragon crew. Vulak is the final boss there and takes up residence at the center of the Sleeper's Tomb chamber, so after several decades we finally did get a final boss fight in the Sleeper's room.

Kerafyrm's never been seen again, and was never actually slain even in SoF, so I consider it one of the great loose ends of EQ. Surprised CoV didn't address it, considering we deal with Yelinak and the Crusaders in that expansion and they're technically the ones imprisoning Kerafyrm to date.

The Muramite storyline never really got finished either, nor did the back half of The Burning Lands with the water citadel Loruella. Not even sure what Live is doing at this point with the weird recent expansions.
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Trakanon Raider
Technically, on Live, AOW was the boss killed last. Always considered him the final boss because of that.


Blackwing Lair Raider
It's definitely this. Going almost a full month without killing AoW is fucking disgusting in Velious.

Vulak essentially means you clear NTOV, so yes that's important. AoW means you did a real tank check fight. Sleeper's means you keyed a raid gear. Tunare I think is kind of whatever, but it's got great BiS pieces, but for progression count I don't think it's as valuable as the other 3.

Vulak = AOW = ST clear for dick jerking purposes. You ain't got one, the other two don't matter.
special olympics training GIF by South Park


Molten Core Raider
Arent the people who "win" servers the people that dont play? I mean trying to claim you won at anything in everquest really just makes you even worse than the people arguing about it.
Its like being the helmet wearing retard that smears shit on themselves instead of just being the retard that drools all over themselves.


TLP Idealist
Damn RI wins one Sev after 9 days of nothing and they run here to celebrate. The next day they sock Trakanon for 8 hours and get smashed then batphone Talendor and come up short and suddenly winning is stupid.
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Molten Core Raider
Damn RI wins one Sev after 9 days of nothing and they run here to celebrate. The next day they sock Trakanon for 8 hours and get smashed then batphone Talendor and come up and suddenly winning is stupid.
You seem real desperate for validation. Yes, trying to claim you are winning at everquest by killing X mob faster than someone else has or really even playing everquest is indeed stupid.

Although I do hold the world record for fastest group 1-50 on a classic launch. So even though I am a god tier everquest player, it is indeed stupid.
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Karazhan Raider
how did the warder loot work on mischief again? i know theres a metric fuck load of tinkerer masks and SODs so it seemed like they just stayed on the loot table the entire time?
The wardens were in the same loot pool as most of the ntov dragons. So clearing ntov could get you warder loot even after they sleeper had been awakened


Golden Baronet of the Realm
You seem real desperate for validation. Yes, trying to claim you are winning at everquest by killing X mob faster than someone else has or really even playing everquest is indeed stupid.

Although I do hold the world record for fastest group 1-50 on a classic launch. So even though I am a god tier everquest player, it is indeed stupid.

Bro you can't drop a well made sev win video and then bitch that the other side is desperate for validation.
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Trakanon Raider
Damn RI wins one Sev after 9 days of nothing and they run here to celebrate. The next day they sock Trakanon for 8 hours and get smashed then batphone Talendor and come up short and suddenly winning is stupid.
Faceless moved a raid of more than 100 people in and sat on top of Trakanon (e: before RI and started the poopsock) also sat there for 8 hours. RI lost that one, didn't batphone Talendor. Did get the next OW Sev. Win some lose some.
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TLP Idealist
Faceless moved a raid of more than 100 people in and sat on top of Trakanon (e: before RI and started the poopsock) also sat there for 8 hours. RI lost that one, didn't batphone Talendor. Did get the next OW Sev. Win some lose some.
Lines get really blurry on socking when you batphone to have people camp in zone and you've got 3-4 other groups hanging around afk or grinding in the base pick during the mobs window. Besides I hit your leadership up and said "We socking Trak?" they responded with "We sock everything if they aren't actively doing something".

Talendor aborted batphone

I agree with you about win some lose some though. Both sides will kill many more OW raid mobs. This Kunark content doesn’t even matter, it’s literally the worst expansion in EQ.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Which is why my guild was splitting Zlandi and Klandi early to get keys so we could get pre-woken loot before it stopped dropping. I think we got 1-2 ST clears before it was awoken and we were in there about 7 days after launch maybe?

I don't even remember the specifics, but I THINK M&M went into OW NTOV and for some reason Vulaek event wouldn't trigger, so they then then went into a DZ and did it. So it wasn't even OW. Then they spent 3 weeks not being able to kill AoW.

But hey, they killed le dargonz first! BEST BTW!

So which guild were you in on Mangler?

I don't remember specifics, but Mangler's Velious unlocked on 28th of Aug and the first entries for ST raid i can still find on the DKP pages was from the 30th (2 days later).
We (EM) got 5 masks total out of ST before those warping douchecanoes woke the sleeper.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Arent the people who "win" servers the people that dont play? I mean trying to claim you won at anything in everquest really just makes you even worse than the people arguing about it.
Its like being the helmet wearing retard that smears shit on themselves instead of just being the retard that drools all over themselves.
fuck that, anything worth doing well, and anything worth doing well is worth beating someone else at. Winning is winning no matter what it is.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Faceless moved a raid of more than 100 people in and sat on top of Trakanon (e: before RI and started the poopsock) also sat there for 8 hours. RI lost that one, didn't batphone Talendor. Did get the next OW Sev. Win some lose some.

100+ people doesn't matter at all in this case, with raid caps being what they are. Whichever raid did more damage won. All of those extraneous people were basically just there to hang out.

So it wasn't "we were outnumbered 2 to 1", it was full raid vs full raid on fairly even footing for the actual kill while all the other people who didn't get into our main raid kept an eye on Tolapumj to make sure he didn't try anything funny.

Edit: Also, fairly certain we didn't start the sock, ours was the counter-sock after a while of RI being there unopposed. But I don't know, I was at work for most of it.
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