EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Garbled gobbledegook

But what does it matter if 100+ people were there if the raid cap on kill credit is 72? Were you not able to field 72 people for your actual DPS raid?

I hear you guys are poopsocking VS today. Or is that also just "logged out near the next target" and definitely not socking?


Trakanon Raider
We all know how raid caps work, the point was 100+ faceless were pooping in socks at juggs versus people who logged out near the next in window target.
Zaide already posted a pic of your batphone, you guys phoned a sock before we did. It isn't really in dispute. Jokert also has openly said you guys "sock everything."

No reason not to own it, you guys want to sock shit we've killed uncontested for 10 days (and then lose dramatically), more power to you. Not sure why you don't just own it? Like it is factually what you did.

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Log Wizard
So which guild were you in on Mangler?

I don't remember specifics, but Mangler's Velious unlocked on 28th of Aug and the first entries for ST raid i can still find on the DKP pages was from the 30th (2 days later).
We (EM) got 5 masks total out of ST before those warping douchecanoes woke the sleeper.
I was, and am still, in Mess. I don't recall the specifics, I know boxer crews get faster and faster at waking the Sleeper each server and maybe I'm mixing up Agnarr and Mangler, but I thought my guild got one round of pre woken loot up before sleeper was awoken. Could definitely be wrong.

A lot of lil' backpack buddies in here talking about how good their guild, they had 0 to dick to contribute to, is. Classic MMO brain.

Also RI was sitting on Trak with like 40+ people before Faceless went to sit on them with 100+ people. How do I know? At 3pm EST my guildmate said "bunch of fucking RI people sitting here waiting because trak is in window" and then the arms race began and lasted like 9 hours.


Log Wizard

We didn't clear ST until a week in, partially because we only raid on set raid nights (we did OW tunare on opening because the other guilds were busy jerking off in NTOV griefing each other over an un-spawnable Vulak). EM's not listed there, but we know you guys were doing as well as anyone so I believe it.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I like how the AoW kill a "month" later is actually 12 days, heh. Truth is the first casualty of war, I guess.
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Trakanon Raider
Point of order: killing AoW at day 12 is actually fairly bad, the only real scenario I can imagine for it is if a raiding guild in that era simply had like 2-3 warriors and no others. Most servers I have done even some of the fairly casual guilds get an AoW down in the first week. Now certainly not every guild, but one that rushed to kill Vulak, it would be strange to not have a force able to kill AoW for almost 2 weeks. AoW is not really a test of skill, it is just a test of whether or not you have enough defensives to run in a cycle, which is generally an understood requirement of any EQ raiding roster in this era of content.


Log Wizard
I can't remember, but I think that 9/10 AoW was OW they zerged down on a server start or something and their first 72 man was a monthish later. Doesn't matter. You ain't clearing all raid content for 14 days after "beating the boss" you aren't #1 at anything but strokin' it.


Trakanon Raider
Magic n Melee/Mischief were never a #1 guild on the servers they played on, solid top 3 for sure though.

I was on that first Vulak kill, my memory is hazy but I think we ran 2 splits of NToV, could be wrong though, hazy like I said.

Anyway I was only in the guild for like a week, had a death in the family and despite letting them know I probably wouldn't be on for a week, came back and had been guildkicked and forum access revoked. Oh well, went and joined Bloodthirst after that and enjoyed a few expacs of domination. No way I'm gonna do another Vicious or Tegs guild though.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Point of order: killing AoW at day 12 is actually fairly bad, the only real scenario I can imagine for it is if a raiding guild in that era simply had like 2-3 warriors and no others. Most servers I have done even some of the fairly casual guilds get an AoW down in the first week. Now certainly not every guild, but one that rushed to kill Vulak, it would be strange to not have a force able to kill AoW for almost 2 weeks. AoW is not really a test of skill, it is just a test of whether or not you have enough defensives to run in a cycle, which is generally an understood requirement of any EQ raiding roster in this era of content.

If all your care about is st because your guild is full of those annoying kerafyrm lovers who obsess over it, then it sorta makes sense. You kill aow if you can get him in ow, but for instanced kael you can do tormax and statue with a fraction of the force required for aow, so you just deep split your raid way way down for more chances at hsagra shards. This logic can come back in luclin where many places you might deep split easy orb droppers like servitor or burrower and skip grieg and khati as a consequence.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah that could be true, I hadn't considered it since I am about as anti-ST 1.0 as it gets. I think it is stupid. The loot is stupid. The waking is stupid. Everything about it is bad / dumb. I would literally get erect if DPG said "hey we consider ST 1.0 a special event back in the year 2001 Velious and it isn't intended to be reran, so all TLPs will just open with ST 2.0 forever." I would have a fucking feast on the tears of all the kronobabies over losing out on the ST 1.0 loot.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I consider people obsessed with kerafyrm lore to be about the single most annoying group on earth and would consider them a good competitor to a vegan selling solar panels door to door.
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Trakanon Raider
Point of order: killing AoW at day 12 is actually fairly bad, the only real scenario I can imagine for it is if a raiding guild in that era simply had like 2-3 warriors and no others. Most servers I have done even some of the fairly casual guilds get an AoW down in the first week. Now certainly not every guild, but one that rushed to kill Vulak, it would be strange to not have a force able to kill AoW for almost 2 weeks. AoW is not really a test of skill, it is just a test of whether or not you have enough defensives to run in a cycle, which is generally an understood requirement of any EQ raiding roster in this era of content.

AoW loot is super trashy on a AoC servers. Everything besides the Ring is rot tier or sold for Krono. Vulak, Doze and ST1.0 are loots guilds generally don't get enough of. If you don't care about bragging rights and are after loot it makes sense for a smaller guild to Split KT/Statue week one for a few extra ST keys.


Trakanon Raider
The thing is, at some point are you a guild or are you a gear farming crew? They aren't 100% the same thing. I can't think of an MMO guild scenario where my goal would be to not at least clear all the raid content. Maybe it makes sense afterward to do things like deeper splits of Kael where you skip doing AoW, but I dunno, the gamer in me would want to have cleared the content. I wouldn't be thrilled if I was in a guild that sat on AoW for 2 weeks is all.
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Log Wizard
Yeah they weren't splitting AoW for keys for ST. They just didn't have the tanking capabilities.

Dick can tell you, he was in M&M. :)


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I've given away so much stuff to Faceless members that I haven't made any real kroner on this server.

Well, that changes today! WTS Fungi Tunic and Fungi Staff. One of each. Message me here with a reasonable offer. I'll come to you. (Edit: Gone)

I consider people obsessed with kerafyrm lore to be about the single most annoying group on earth and would consider them a good competitor to a vegan selling solar panels door to door.

I feel personally attacked after I just wrote a few paragraphs about how I wish they'd done more with Kerafyrm.

Considering what a big deal the Sleeper was 23 years ago and seems to still be to an extent, it's an element of the game lore that really got people's interest. Probably the best job they ever did at creating a villain that people had any real investment in, outside of Mayong Mistmoore.
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Trakanon Raider
But they killed AoW eventually. For guilds that aren't large, it's not about what people bother killing but the priority. You have less chances to do ST 1.0. So even if your goal is to "beat all the content" it's better to focus on ST 1.0. AoW will still be there in a week, ST 1.0 might not.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
What's all this bullshit about Mangler server AOW kills on the Teek thread? Relive your high school game winning tackles elsewhere, this thread is for people bragging about Severilous kills and arguing over poopsocks.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
If all your care about is st because your guild is full of those annoying kerafyrm lovers who obsess over it, then it sorta makes sense. You kill aow if you can get him in ow, but for instanced kael you can do tormax and statue with a fraction of the force required for aow, so you just deep split your raid way way down for more chances at hsagra shards. This logic can come back in luclin where many places you might deep split easy orb droppers like servitor or burrower and skip grieg and khati as a consequence.
A minor point of contention... But Grieg is one groupable (boxable, even) in era at the start of Luclin. Unless you're talking doing shit like 3 person Servitor splits.