EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Molten Core Raider
Winning has always been well defined. You just gotta kill the end boss of the expansion first. Everything inbetween that is just talk.
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Log Wizard
Winning has always been well defined. You just gotta kill the end boss of the expansion first. Everything inbetween that is just talk.
I'd agree until Mangler. The M&M crew rushed Vulaek and killed him night one or two. Declared victory over the server, jerked off nonstop.

The didn't kill AoW until almost a full month later. That's not winning.


Molten Core Raider
I'd agree until Mangler. The M&M crew rushed Vulaek and killed him night one or two. Declared victory over the server, jerked off nonstop.

The didn't kill AoW until almost a full month later. That's not winning.

Where were the other guilds? You gottta kill Vulak and they beat them to it. On Phinny, when OGC kill AHR first, they won Luclin. They lost almost every open world boss in that expansion, but they won the expansion. That's the game.
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Log Wizard
Well in the time that they killed Vulaek we did OW Tunare, DZ Tunare, all of Kael, and some Klandi/Zlandi splits.

Also Vulaek being the final target is questionable. He's the longest fight but by no means the hardest boss. One could argue clearing ST is the real Velious "win". Because the requires keying a raidforce whereas Vulaek you can OW throatfuck with 300 people.

I don't know if you guys know this, but OW targets are largely broken by high player population. They don't go through events or trigger AE's. So when you see these OW "firsts" they're basically just beating the shit out of a training dummy that kind of hits their tanks. Most people don't know that and once you find that shit out you basically don't care about OW anything ever again as a measure of "skill".
  • 1Faggotry
  • 1Picard
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Molten Core Raider
The fact that you chose to split growth and fucking zlandicar while open world Vulak was up is blowing my mind
  • 1Truth!
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Log Wizard
The fact that you chose to split growth and fucking zlandicar while open world Vulak was up is blowing my mind
The fact you made this statement means you're either a p99er or don't understand raid loot.
  • 2Picard
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Trakanon Raider
Velious kinda has 3 end bosses in theory because of the 3 competing faction thing.

Nobody considers Dain to be the end boss, but yeah I remember previous TLPs having arguments about whether AoW or Vulak counted as beating the expac. Everything else has a clearly defined end boss though.

I assume it's been put to bed now or will RI and Faceless go different way at Velious unlock and repeat the argument?


Trakanon Raider
AoW and lord vyemm or w/e are the two hard boss of velious. Getting tunare day one doesnt compare with vulak/aow day one in term of accomplishment even if it s similar loot.


Trakanon Raider
Vulak is canonically the end boss of Velious, because Sleeper isn't a boss you kill, just one you trigger by killing 4 dragon warders who aren't particularly hard, and lore wise Vulak is positioned as the Velious boss. On a weird server where a lower tier guild kills the first Vulak but then doesn't do other major targets for a month, it kind of muddies the water but suffice to say everyone involved sucked, the stronger guild for letting that happen and the weaker guild for taking a month to kill AoW.
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Trakanon Raider
I don't think waking sleeper counts for much, some of the recent TLPs it's been woken by a rando box group that wouldn't have had a chance in hell of beating Vulak or AoW.


Log Wizard
I don't think waking sleeper counts for much, some of the recent TLPs it's been woken by a rando box group that wouldn't have had a chance in hell of beating Vulak or AoW.
Which is why my guild was splitting Zlandi and Klandi early to get keys so we could get pre-woken loot before it stopped dropping. I think we got 1-2 ST clears before it was awoken and we were in there about 7 days after launch maybe?

I don't even remember the specifics, but I THINK M&M went into OW NTOV and for some reason Vulaek event wouldn't trigger, so they then then went into a DZ and did it. So it wasn't even OW. Then they spent 3 weeks not being able to kill AoW.

But hey, they killed le dargonz first! BEST BTW!


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Where were the other guilds? You gottta kill Vulak and they beat them to it. On Phinny, when OGC kill AHR first, they won Luclin. They lost almost every open world boss in that expansion, but they won the expansion. That's the game.

IMO there are some expansions where it isn't that simple.

AHR is beating Luclin, yeah. It's the concrete endboss and has no competition. Someone might bark about Khati Sha being harder or something but nobody counts that or cares.

However for Velious, it's more convoluted. Vulak is considered the end boss, but for some guilds AOW is the harder fight that takes more preparation. Defeating the Warders is the thing that requires keying up and actual strategy as a guild (splits, prioritizing, etc) rather than just bumrushing a boss. So I would argue that in Velious, the first guild to clear Vulak, AOW, and Ventani the Warder (assuming nothing has changed and he's still the hardest by far) is the winner.

Later on this comes up again, specifically in The Serpent's Spine which has two alternate zone paths / progression paths / raid paths. Beltron and Lethar are both equivalent final bosses, and the first guild to clear both is regarded as the winner. IIRC OGC and AOS went different routes and both cleared one of the two final bosses before the other, then AOS was quicker to get the second final boss down.

At the end of the day, Classic, Velious, and TSS are the eras that I would say have multiple bosses as their endzone rather than just a single final boss. The end goal needs to be established before Velious, otherwise a guild can declare victory after the fact based on whatever criteria matches what they were able to do first.
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Trakanon Raider
On an unrelated note, it looks like the entirety of Relentless went /anon and are likely holing up in Trakanon's room. It's been a long time since I saw an actual EQ poopsock firsthand. Desperate times call for desperate measures
Calling out the wrong guild for starting the poopsockfest.
  • 1Seriously?
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Some of these mobs already enter window 16 hours after they die. If it was 4x faster people would just not care about them anymore due to extreme availability.
Yeah. In an ideal world it'd create a larger space for open world fights and multiple guilds would be able to sustain competition. More than likely what Rajaah Rajaah said is correct and a single group would dominate either by sweating harder or zerging harder.


Tranny Chaser
Calling out the wrong guild for starting the poopsockfest.

RI was telling people to log out in Seb. After you see a couple dozen people doing that with another dozen in zone after all the smack talking over Sev yesterday Faceless is prompted to take action and then everyone's standing around holding each other's dicks. It's just how the basic escalation goes. Some guilds used to straight up ban people from hanging around a zone like that because it forced socks and no one wanted to do socks.


<Gold Donor>
Parcel me necro gear.

And food/water, please.

Fast And Furious Dom GIF by The Fast Saga

Best item wins this TLP.

Not Me Shrug GIF by Peacock


Molten Core Raider
Meanwhile on Tormax, there are no un-anon 60s

I rolled and played to about 10 just to experience that museum piece of a tlp. It’s bizarro world especially after spending time with Teek’s population. Tormax feels like a live server with no central meeting hub and no items to buy. Everyone is playing self-found.

If they’d just increase the xp rate on the server I’d play soloquest over there, and just catch the Teek drama on reader’s digest.