EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
Also, none of this comes from forum posts. It comes from 15 years of leading a WoW guild and having to manage human expectations every week. Morale is a hugely important currency and I'd be suspicious of any leadership who doesn't understand that. Sending your dudes into a gristmill over and over to fail is going to tank your morale and affect attendance, particularly for batphones. People aren't going to drop what they are doing to log into shitty EQ when a batphone goes out if they expect that it's just going to be another L.
Where is the "over and over", dude? How many events do you think have happened. You realize you are talking about 1 60 second incident, right? There is virtually no impact to morale if you're trading off OW kills, I assure you. When was the last time you were actually in an OW raid racing another guild? Why do you think guilds like Faceless and Amtrak could trade OW kills for months and neither guild lost morale or disbanded? You seem to be fishing for drama or something, what guild are you in on Teek?

I've played (almost) every TLP since Aradune, and never played on Fippy/Ragefire. I skipped Mischief since I was still active on Aradune. I saw an occurrence of guilds losing races and delegating themselves to DZ guilds on Aradune and Oakwynd, so it's not just a throwback to a bygone era.
Mischief had multiple guilds raiding open world for the entirety of its open world era. As did Mangler, Selo, and most others I could mention.

I was on Aradune at the very beginning, and my perception was TEQB was by far the largest zerg guild ever, we had like 400 people actively logging in. I also think literally every major raid force that has ever fielded a guild had most of their "TLP cyclers" in TEQB, including Faceless, TL, OGC etc. I'm not sure Aradune is representative of a norm.

I wasn't on Oakwynd but had friends who were, who said lots of guilds were fucking around in open world. I suspect you are being hyperbolic there. I've even heard people were bind rush dot-killing some open world stuff solo on Oakwynd.


<Gold Donor>
Why do you think I'm talking about this event? All I said losing a race is worse than not showing up. That is a statement that applies in general, not particularly to some OW Sev kill on a free loot server. It seems like your defense is coming from a place of insecurity, cause you think I give a shit about Faceless and keep bringing it up.

I wasn't on Oakwynd but had friends who were, who said lots of guilds were fucking around in open world. I suspect you are being hyperbolic there. I've even heard people were bind rush dot-killing some open world stuff solo on Oakwynd.
Cool data dude. I was there first hand and people were losing DPS races to mobs they had the FTE tag on. Again, nobody is talking about some druid dot soloing Faydedar. If people don't show up and you get an OW kill, great. Nobody cares. Like you said, mob timers are fucked and shit is up all the time. If two groups compete for the same mob and one loses though, that is worse for the loser than if they just stayed in their DZ.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cool data dude. I was there first hand and people were losing DPS races to mobs they had the FTE tag on. Again, nobody is talking about some druid dot soloing Faydedar. If people don't show up and you get an OW kill, great. Nobody cares. Like you said, mob timers are fucked and shit is up all the time. If two groups compete for the same mob and one loses though, that is worse for the loser than if they just stayed in their DZ.

Hmm in the eyes of PR. What would you say is worse, going and trying even if you know your late, thus lose or not showing up. Both will be spun by the opposition, from "you lost" vs " too scared to show up". It's an interesting disposition. Some would stay the first is worse, others the 2nd.

This is why all the PR is stupid. Imo treat it like politics, ignore it and do your thing.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
If two groups compete for the same mob and one loses though, that is worse for the loser than if they just stayed in their DZ.

I actually concur that if you're delayed getting there and outnumbered 5 to 1 when approaching an OW mob, it's better to just turn around and go back to what you were doing rather than engaging and giving the enemy a propaganda win.

On an unrelated note, it looks like the entirety of Relentless went /anon and are likely holing up in Trakanon's room. It's been a long time since I saw an actual EQ poopsock firsthand. Desperate times call for desperate measures


Trakanon Raider
Why do you think I'm talking about this event? All I said losing a race is worse than not showing up. That is a statement that applies in general, not particularly to some OW Sev kill on a free loot server. It seems like your defense is coming from a place of insecurity, cause you think I give a shit about Faceless and keep bringing it up.
I'm coming from a place of experience running multiple TLP guilds (I notice you refused to answer which Teek guild you are in, telling.) I actually never got more grief from my own guildies than when I decided not to batphone something. Not 100% sure how your "15 years experience on WoW" inform that, but I'm telling you from my actual experience running multiple TLP guilds, people in OW guilds get very upset when you don't show up. Nothing ever caused me more drama. One of the biggest sources of drama on Agnarr was raiders being mad that too many officers were asleep or w/e to call a 4am Kael batphone, literally nothing. One of our biggest dramas was one day after 12 hours of raiding a combination of OW and DZ, OW Tunare spawned and we said we'd leave it for now (on Agnarr only 1-2 guilds ever tried Open World, and we knew the days of the week they tended to raid), and a Wizard in guild threw a huge fit about it.

On the flipside I can't even remember a time losing a DPS race caused drama. Again, maybe in...WoW, where DPS races aren't a concept, you have a different experience in guild leadership, I don't know. I know guilds I have ran, not showing up is a bigger hit to morale than virtually anything else. The only thing comparable that I have seen is when leadership implements a sudden and unpopular DKP system change.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Couldn't seem to grab a group last night, had multiple offers for Unrest, but since I always play the master race, it's a pain getting a port at 3am. Lots of nostalgia solo kiting inside sarnark fort, start it when they red/yellow, boring but easy.

Is there a lfg channel? I seem to recall one on phinny, maybe not. Me and 15 other people seem to be the only ones on the server to use lfg tool. I just never seemed to match up to groups, to low or too high. I'd join a guild but I hate jumping ship for the guild I fit better with, just because I was too low level to apply.

If anyone leveling up 20+ love to jump on for the ride, I'd rather save my necro soloing for loots at max level. Happy to do pulling too, decent MR + CoS, knock off some rust, but I remember most of the leveling zones. I was almost tempted to do that AoE PL shit to get close to 40, but the mad man wanted 6 kronos, I mean maybe 1-2, I assume ya fill the group, and still 20 levels shy of the goal.


<Gold Donor>
Hmm in the eyes of PR. What would you say is worse, going and trying even if you know your late, thus lose or not showing up. Both will be spun by the opposition, from "you lost" too " too scared to show up". It's an interesting disposition. Some would stay the first is worse, others the 2nd.

This is why all the PR is stupid. Imo treat it like politics, ignore it and do your thing.
Exactly. And like politics, I bet the side people fall in is whichever side most recently happened to them. :emoji_smile:


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
On an unrelated note, it looks like the entirety of Relentless went /anon and are likely holing up in Trakanon's room. It's been a long time since I saw an actual EQ poopsock firsthand.

If true, the worst thing ever to do in a TLP. Did it a few times and just no. It's a horrible thing that should be exterminated. Can't be that hard to find though if someone wanted to find them. Especially if sitting at the major raid targets.

Exactly. And like politics, I bet the side people fall in is whichever side most recently happened to them. :emoji_smile:

More power to you, I can't stand it. It's a game, I get enough stress from RL , no reason to add to it.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I only ever did batphones at my convenience the one time I was in one of these types of guilds, but as far as demoralization goes... poopsocking instead of mobilizing seems super demoralizing, especially on this kind of server where any one individual spawn isn't nearly as important as it used to be.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Someone should probably set some ground rules as to what constitutes "winning" on this server, to keep guilds from cherry-picking an area where they succeed and making that the win criteria in future expansions.

-Normally "first to beat the expansion" is the winner. It was in AOS vs OGC, it is on modern live content, it is on other TLPs, it basically is everywhere. Faceless beat Phara Dar after several days, Relentless still hasn't. Though the great Trakanon poopsock will help for sure.

-First groups to 60? Faceless was 1st place on that (and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th...).

-Most OW kills? Faceless has, what, dozens of OW raid kills so far vs Relentless' one? I think Rampage Unleashed has one as well but I'm not sure because they aren't running around talking shit about it.

I think most people consider "first to beat the expansion" the winner. But then the question becomes, does that mean beat the final boss, or beat all the major targets? It should be the latter, otherwise a guild could snipe the final boss before everything else and claim "victory" while the other guild is beating all of the raid content normally.

In an expansion like Velious that has no clear final boss (AOW, Vulak, and the Warders could all be considered the final boss), it makes sense to have it be "first to down everything". Or at least all of those targets, plus maybe Dain/Tormax/Yelinak.

In any case, I have to get back to work because I'm old and RL sucks.


TLP Idealist
In a few years we'll all be very very thankful that this wasn't just dead endgame sever #500 where you only race RMT bots. We lost that Sev but everyone loses sometimes, it's no big deal. We've bagged multiple OW mobs since. We'll lose more in the future. We'll win more in the future.
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Trakanon Raider
I only ever did batphones at my convenience the one time I was in one of these types of guilds, but as far as demoralization goes... poopsocking instead of mobilizing seems super demoralizing, especially on this kind of server where any one individual spawn isn't nearly as important as it used to be.
This is the way frankly, the # of people I have seen burn themselves out and even develop weird real life problems trying to attend every batphone is high. No guild should be based on you individually making every batphone. Attend what you can IMO.

Where I'm running a guild on live and not looking to make TLP my life anymore, I've said there are specific days of the week I will be doing stuff on Teek, and what happens outside of that is outside my concern.
-Normally "first to beat the expansion" is the winner. It was in AOS vs OGC, it is on modern live content, it is on other TLPs, it basically is everywhere. Faceless beat Phara Dar after several days, Relentless still hasn't. Though the great Trakanon poopsock will help for sure.
This is the criteria RI's leader, Jokert, agreed to prior to launch FWIW. It is also how basically every MMO ever defines winning, it is beating the "main boss" of the era first.

Winning an expansion is on those criteria. Winning a server is based on actually reaching live--but it is talked about far less since the # of guilds to do so is very small, basically just RoI (in an era where it was much shorter to reach live), OGC and Faceless.


El Presidente
DPS races are fun. Obviously, if you literally never win any that's worse than AIDS, but if you have a reasonable shot to win it's a fun 15 minute side show.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Small race stuff is fun imo. I remember with AoS and GoD, with goats and txevu. Those were fun(even with grisvok being a complete douchebag). Huge zerg races, not so much.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Speaking of a hardmode TLP, I'd be interested in a TLP with 2x slower instance timers and 4x faster openworld timers.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
That's not hard imo. Just constant going and going.

There was a time in velious on selo where they did 1/2 locksouts iirc like that for 2 weeks. ON top of the already sped up lockouts selo had. It was the most crazy and tiring 2 weeks ever.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Speaking of a hardmode TLP, I'd be interested in a TLP with 2x slower instance timers and 4x faster openworld timers.

Only the sweatiest would dominate on such a server. OW would be locked down by that fat guy with the hand brace from South Park WoW episode.

Small race stuff is fun imo. I remember with AoS and GoD, with goats and txevu. Those were fun(even with grisvok being a complete douchebag). Huge zerg races, not so much.

Yeah I agree. Farming the Qvic nameds with small groups is a good time. GoD is also pretty much the last time there's any OW competition before everything goes to instances where you're only racing the timer and only the first time around.


TLP Idealist
Speaking of a hardmode TLP, I'd be interested in a TLP with 2x slower instance timers and 4x faster openworld timers.
Some of these mobs already enter window 16 hours after they die. If it was 4x faster people would just not care about them anymore due to extreme availability.
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