I understood these tower expeditions to be 1 and done, but it appears you can repeat them? Each kill was nearly 3%, easy single pulls (CH crocs wtf) Sure you gotta wait 6 hours, but it's basically a solo daily for a chunk of XP while you lfg. Do you still get the same reward, like the coins? I ask because you don't get them from 2nd achieve but the expedition? If so I don't understand why people are deleting lvl 1 alts for coins as you can just run this 4 times in a day, and get the XP on real characters. Didn't even see if I could charm the spectre yet, that would just make it even easier.
Gonna just get them all all done now at 26, seems like something easy to repeat for some decent xp pp and currency. Even just for XP seems worth it.