EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Toe Sucker
Whats up with the fuckin need to be exactly behind a mob on Teek to get backstabs off, this was not a thing before and not on p99 lol


Log Wizard
They fucked the rogue BS arc apparently recently. It's really bad.

That said, an epic geared rogue FUCKS on burn fights.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
People sleeping big time on rogues for this server.

When contested mobs are dying in ~10-20 seconds that means a rogue gets to just highroll their duelist disc for the entire fight. Once they have an epic they should be parsing in top 10s pretty easily if they are at all competent and can position themselves.
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Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
I never find the time or motivation to sell stuff in the tunnel , if anyone wants any of this stuff send me a dm , just pay me whatever you think is fair

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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Kind of a loaded question - because I dont necessarily want more gear to be invalidated - but when do they typically add the next series of quests for the Anniversary Tower? Ive finished up everything, but I dont want to miss some other obnoxiously over powered piece of gear getting put in.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
My mom who used to play a decade ago (shaman, druid, bard) is considering coming back for Teek.

What'd be the most fun out of those 3 classes in terms of starting from scratch? Shaman could back me up the best, but I'd like it if she was self-sufficient and could play on her own and get things done, which makes me lean Druid. However Bard would be the easiest to twink and runs the fastest, which is her favorite EQ thing, running fast. However she also likes healing and buffing.

I'm leaning Druid, and ultimately it's her call, but she's listening to my advisement. Haven't played Shm/Brd in years and Dru in decades, so curious which one people think would be the most fun for an older mom-type person.
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Log Wizard
Kind of a loaded question - because I dont necessarily want more gear to be invalidated - but when do they typically add the next series of quests for the Anniversary Tower? Ive finished up everything, but I dont want to miss some other obnoxiously over powered piece of gear getting put in.
Patch day each month. Should be 19th this month I believe. Belt slot is suspected.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Kind of a loaded question - because I dont necessarily want more gear to be invalidated - but when do they typically add the next series of quests for the Anniversary Tower? Ive finished up everything, but I dont want to miss some other obnoxiously over powered piece of gear getting put in.

Patch in the middle of the month every month, think June is the 15th. So there'll be a new key quest and a new mission to do at that point to unlock another gear slot and another stat aug (probably +4 Stamina or Dexterity, for what that's worth). Probably going to have to run an extra mission to have the currency to get those plus an FT aug for the gear slot. Which would take like 3 extra minutes so it's whatever.

Wish I knew which gear slot they were adding in next so I didn't waste DKP on something for that slot. Specifically thinking of waist. It'll be a real waste (hyuck) if I spend a bunch of DKP on an RBB and then they drop a 31% haste Tower belt. And it'll be super lame if the Tower belt doesn't have haste.

Kind of cool that we're going into Luclin with, I guess, 12 free AAs right off the bat though. And no forced spending in General or Archetype, can go straight into defining class abilities on launch. Like Run 3 + Dire Charm, or Run 3 + the first two levels of whatever your big 3-tier class power is.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
They need to make the message red if it's a non instance kill, along with the guild name.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Do both guilds have public dkp by chance? Be cool to keep a measured tally of ow success, for epeen fighting and whatever.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Nothing wrong with touting your wins. In the interest of it not sounding one-sided in here, we should post the video of Faceless running over and beating RI on OW Hoshkar even though RI engaged it while Faceless was already in the middle of fighting Phara Dar. 6-0 VP sweep bois.


Canuckistani Terrorist
Finally blew through 40 and got seb key done. Killed pretty much every named past BR a bunch of times including ghoul lord, and not a single mask drop, which is the only thing I actually wanted out of the zone. If anyone really lucky and have a handful, I'd really appreciate one, I'm keeping it, not selling. Same name on Teek as here (Yes every variation of Cynical was available week after launch, I don't know either lol) Sure as fuck not buying one for a KR, I don't really need it, it's more a just useful item.

If anyone running Seb,or honestly anything else on the regular, would love to tag along and finish this first ride, if you farming shit, I don't care about loot, hell I'll hold onto lore shit for ya if ya want. Solo necro, having a hard time finding groups? Let finish HS key, and go rape HS.

If anyone has extra drops from Demi Lich cap quests I'd appreciate that as well, I'd say I'm close to half the various drops. I need to get HS key out of the way too, but usually wait till around 45, as Kaesora is stupid easy by then, and I'll kill Xalgoz a dozen times to see if he drops staff (still hasn't dropped for me in 23+ years) Generally this is what I work on when I'm LFG, so it's not quite so bad by the time I hit 40's. Due for getting started on Epic too i suppose, not expecting to see that complete anytime soon, no rush.

Question on keys, can you just borrow the key and zonein/flag yourself with it, then hand it back? (seem to recall doing this on FV with alts, especially the PoE Cave) If so I'd just love someone to take 10min in OT so I can skip all the BS.


Canuckistani Terrorist
People still give a fuck about that shit?

Damn, back in the day drama was actually kinda fun to follow, not that cringe ass shit.

Oh noes you dps raced.....zzzzz
Every EQ TLP/WoW Classic player has a little Al in them, we all nostalgia in different ways.
disgusted married with children GIF


<Silver Donator>
I'd agree if it was good juicy drama, but this is some sad neckbeard cringe shit.
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