EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
My mom who used to play a decade ago (shaman, druid, bard) is considering coming back for Teek.

What'd be the most fun out of those 3 classes in terms of starting from scratch? Shaman could back me up the best, but I'd like it if she was self-sufficient and could play on her own and get things done, which makes me lean Druid. However Bard would be the easiest to twink and runs the fastest, which is her favorite EQ thing, running fast. However she also likes healing and buffing.

I'm leaning Druid, and ultimately it's her call, but she's listening to my advisement. Haven't played Shm/Brd in years and Dru in decades, so curious which one people think would be the most fun for an older mom-type person.
shm is beast from start to finish and as you said there's good synergy there. shaman all the way my dude. this sounds like a blast too.
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<Gold Donor>
Finally blew through 40 and got seb key done. Killed pretty much every named past BR a bunch of times including ghoul lord, and not a single mask drop, which is the only thing I actually wanted out of the zone. If anyone really lucky and have a handful, I'd really appreciate one, I'm keeping it, not selling. Same name on Teek as here (Yes every variation of Cynical was available week after launch, I don't know either lol) Sure as fuck not buying one for a KR, I don't really need it, it's more a just useful item.
Guise is in the 31-35 classic pool. Ritualist, assassin, savant, etc. Anything higher than that is in a different pool (sage, sup, hamlord).

You can keep this open on a second monitor while farming to have an idea of what drops where:
Mischief/Teek Random Loot
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<Gold Donor>
Damn, back in the day drama was actually kinda fun to follow, not that cringe ass shit.
  • 1Worf
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
People still give a fuck about that shit?

Damn, back in the day drama was actually kinda fun to follow, not that cringe ass shit.

Oh noes you dps raced.....zzzzz
Gotta start with what you have and work your way up. Any victory is better than no victory and Teek will be better off if it has consistent OW contention instead of one guild dominating OW, getting huge and just running splits.

Keep the victory laps coming!


Canuckistani Terrorist
Me at Dizok camp all of a sudden after clearing PH's hours alone (yes I'm the white girl):

Of course I didn't get it lol. Ah well.
  • 1Worf
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Canuckistani Terrorist
I'd agree if it was good juicy drama, but this is some sad neckbeard cringe shit.

The Ice T ect stuff was about the peak for me for TLP's. I had some alts on Karana that I did a little raiding Luclin/PoP, that server had some of the most entertaining drama I've ever seen in EQ, honestly.

If we really want drama from a TLP, we need to mass petition for the next server to be a enforced raid kill rotation server like the KGC on Karana. And since DBG won't really enforce it 100%, it will spiral into mass hilarity for awhile.
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Toe Sucker
I cant get over how that video ended with salt bae in 2024, EQ players really gotta update their memes god damn

Persona's are addicting, now i wanna make a shaman too fuck.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Are there any advantages to personas over a box? I just don't really get the appeal.

They are worthless on a free trade server like this

On normal servers being able to bag no trade loot to use on personas is the main appeal
  • 1Truth!
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Are there any advantages to personas over a box? I just don't really get the appeal.

Honestly imo, box is better, as you can play 2 at once. But persona is nice for people who want to try different classes and use the same name, share gear if they want, can use all the claimed bags you got etc. You can share with alts , as its no trade, but still the hassle of moving gear back and forth.

On separate note, Holy shit this comment on that video :

"But faceless got all the server firsts though? Server firsts aint gonna feed the gear need for all the velcro shoe wearing, short bus riding, helmet having simpletons who need to get carried by a 1000 person zerg. Step in the soup kitchen line boys and girls...you just MIGHT get that Epic bottle neck item or you MIGHT get that BIS item after #821MiclessMonk gets theirs...if you wanna cut the line and get your slice of the pie sooner without the embarrassment of being lead by someone who ONLY cares about 25yo elf sim records (which he doesn't even hold all of them) and settling old Drama scores while the other side literally only cares about getting gear into the hands of people who contribute you know where to find us."

Pretty sure I lost IQ points reading this. I dunno what you did to this guy zaide, but he doesn't seem to like you. Also the "velcro wearing, short bus riding, helmet having simpletons", just wow. How does EQ TLP turn people into the most childish idiotic people, i will never know. People take this waaaay to seriously. I felt like I was reading a political propoganda statement at the end there.


El Presidente
They are worthless on a free trade server like this

On normal servers being able to bag no trade loot to use on personas is the main appeal
Oh that makes some sense I guess. But even on a more normal TLP I don't really think that box gear availability is generally going to be an issue.


Toe Sucker
Shared keys/flags but that shit is all pretty easy now.

This, it's also just nice being able to keep the one identity.
It sounds like it'll be a nightmare later on though with bank space and gear adding up with such limited bank space though in the later expansions but by then ill just stick to one class anyway


Tranny Chaser
I had five krono poof and Spoom parceled me enough plat to replace them. What even is this server.
  • 1Double Worf
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<Gold Donor>
I had five krono poof and Spoom parceled me enough plat to replace them. What even is this server.
lol How does that even work in terms of their liabilities? Can they just force convert people's krono to plat that way?
  • 1Worf
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Tranny Chaser
lol How does that even work in terms of their liabilities? Can they just force convert people's krono to plat that way?

Hey man, I'm not complaining. When the first wave of these poofings started to occur the emails people got to their petitions were along the lines of "sorry can't do shit."


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Honestly imo, box is better, as you can play 2 at once. But persona is nice for people who want to try different classes and use the same name, share gear if they want, can use all the claimed bags you got etc. You can share with alts , as its no trade, but still the hassle of moving gear back and forth.

On separate note, Holy shit this comment on that video :

"But faceless got all the server firsts though? Server firsts aint gonna feed the gear need for all the velcro shoe wearing, short bus riding, helmet having simpletons who need to get carried by a 1000 person zerg. Step in the soup kitchen line boys and girls...you just MIGHT get that Epic bottle neck item or you MIGHT get that BIS item after #821MiclessMonk gets theirs...if you wanna cut the line and get your slice of the pie sooner without the embarrassment of being lead by someone who ONLY cares about 25yo elf sim records (which he doesn't even hold all of them) and settling old Drama scores while the other side literally only cares about getting gear into the hands of people who contribute you know where to find us."

Pretty sure I lost IQ points reading this. I dunno what you did to this guy zaide, but he doesn't seem to like you. Also the "velcro wearing, short bus riding, helmet having simpletons", just wow. How does EQ TLP turn people into the most childish idiotic people, i will never know. People take this waaaay to seriously. I felt like I was reading a political propoganda statement at the end there.

It's a pretty 'tarded comment, for sure.

I don't get all of the "Faceless has 120 people raiding!" like that means anything. Raids cap at 72 people. Whoever has the best group of 72 gets the kill. Doesn't matter if an EQ Baby type guild shows up with 300 people, it's their best 72 person group versus whoever they're up against's best 72 person group. Anyone over that is just backup, and against these dragons that go down in 20 seconds, nobody needs backup. Now in situational conditions where neither side has a full raid formed, then you can make arguments about amount of people present, but not when there are 72 people on each side competing.

Also like the way people do this thing where if their side wins with more people, it's because they're better, but if the other side wins with more people, it's only because they had more people. People in both camps do this stuff. Partisanship is a hell of a drug.

When it comes down to it, there are certain zones one guild is stronger at mobilizing for than the other, and (especially) certain times of day where one guild or the other seems to have the advantage. I notice RI is cleaning up at 3 AM.

We need a third contender to hit OW and shake things up. Mess? Rampage?


Trakanon Raider
Are there any advantages to personas over a box? I just don't really get the appeal.

You can use them to port around to other cities or to do turn ins that require faction like Velious Armor. On free trade boxes are still far superior as secondary toons since they aren't tied to the same DZ lockout.

Killed pretty much every named past BR a bunch of times including ghoul lord, and not a single mask drop, which is the only thing I actually wanted out of the zone. If anyone really lucky and have a handful, I'd really appreciate one, I'm keeping it, not selling. Same name on Teek as here (Yes every variation of Cynical was available week after launch, I don't know either lol) Sure as fuck not buying one for a KR, I don't really need it, it's more a just useful item.

IMO fundamentally change your mentality on free trade random loot servers. Don't view it as "spending KR or plat" rather considered the time spent farming a Guise vs time spent farming other things and selling them to buy a Guise. If you're doing anything other then using a 60 mage/necro to borderline AFK farm Guise you're better off farming other stuff and selling them it to purchase a Guise.