EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


<Gold Donor>
I don't get all of the "Faceless has 120 people raiding!" like that means anything. Raids cap at 72 people. Whoever has the best group of 72 gets the kill. Doesn't matter if an EQ Baby type guild shows up with 300 people, it's their best 72 person group versus whoever they're up against's best 72 person group.
For racing, yes. But for loot distribution, OW loot is a meager target for 300 people vs 50. Loot to player ratio matters, particularly for gearing dps in future launch cycles (though not until post luclin cause lol tower gear). DZ splits are probably more valuable in that case, but god I do not envy the people who have to do loot on a free trade server for that many splits.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
lol How does that even work in terms of their liabilities? Can they just force convert people's krono to plat that way?

The fact that a random individual can receive krono via the trade window and just have it fucking vanish from their inventory a day later, because what, it originated from a stoel credit card?

It's so insane to me that I seriously cannot believe anyone even partakes in public trade at this point.
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Trakanon Raider
It's a pretty 'tarded comment, for sure.

I don't get all of the "Faceless has 120 people raiding!" like that means anything. Raids cap at 72 people. Whoever has the best group of 72 gets the kill.

Don't have a dog in the fight or really care but if you have 120 vs 72 the 120 is going to get more Monks, SKs, Necros, Rogues and classes that can actually DPS the boss in the main raid while the 72 is going to have DPS Clerics which can't exactly compete with a Monk/SK on a race like that. It gives the larger guild a massive advantage.
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I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Don't have a dog in the fight or really care but if you have 120 vs 72 the 120 is going to get more Monks, SKs, Necros, Rogues and classes that can actually DPS the boss in the main raid while the 72 is going to have DPS Clerics which can't exactly compete with a Monk/SK on a race like that. It gives the larger guild a massive advantage.
Yeah. I've been zerging shit for decades and you're always going to have advantages having an overstuffed roster. Aside from DPS stacking, you can funnel your highest levels into a crew, eschew boxes and replace attrition more easily. Conversely, the loot is distributed more sparsely in OW targets. Dispersed loot is significantly mitigated by instance splitting where a more organized, larger guild can maintain instance splits in your ideal timezone.

It's one reason why I think it'd be fun to have a TLP server that made OW raiding the predominant way to gain loot instead of just a thing for middle aged drama queens to meme over.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I can't imagine riding herd. Having to corral the masses. Respect to anyone who is in charge, in any guild, because the vast majority of gamers are just ugh. I get the strategy though.

If you are playing for long term, getting a huge roster is really the only way to last. In my experience, especially after PoP, populations drop like a rock. If you start with say just 72, you wont make it. You can start with 130 and by GoD you will be down to a normal raid size or lower. Usually you need a bit more to last, the 70 derth really kills off a lot, especially casters.


<Gold Donor>
I think regardless of starting size, every guild has to relax their "only bring one box" rule after pop. :emoji_smile:


Tranny Chaser
Wait krono is just disappearing? What were you doing? How did you know it was gone?

Before it happened to me it happened to others so I wasn't really shocked. I wasn't doing anything all that interesting, no big sales and nothing sketchy. I just got on one day and five were missing. When you don't have a ton it's easy to notice five less of something.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Are there any advantages to personas over a box? I just don't really get the appeal.

I like personas over alts because you can have everything in one place (achievements, keys, gear) and it's super convenient. Even on a server like this. Instead of putting a bunch of stuff in the shared bank, I can just switch classes and instantly have all the gear moved around to the way I last left it. Only downside is inventory space can get pretty scarce. Not sure if personas automatically take gear out of the bank or not, but if so, that'd solve that issue. I also like that augments get moved around automatically on persona change (so if you have a level 50 melee aug in your weapon and persona change to a level 1, you keep the weapon and the aug is removed, provided you removed it yourself at an earlier point). So yeah, I'm impressed with personas. Only thing I'm not impressed with is the $14 charge for every new class you add after the initial couple of them. That's basically $180 or so if you want to have access to every class on one character. Though very few people will have any need to do that, I suppose.

Boxes are always gonna be superior because more characters = better (unless they slow down your ability to play and react, in which case one good player can easily become three useless players).

This, it's also just nice being able to keep the one identity.
It sounds like it'll be a nightmare later on though with bank space and gear adding up with such limited bank space though in the later expansions but by then ill just stick to one class anyway

Yeah keeping one identity is nice. Also with 3 months of Kunark and half of Faceless' raiders sporting epics or VP equivalent BIS weaps, and the rest of the gear being meh, what else are people gonna do besides see how many personas they can get to 60?

As things progress it's going to be harder and harder to justify keeping a bunch of personas current (i.e. max level). Then again in TSS (or whenever live exp is now) leveling is sped up so much that maybe having a bunch of max level personas will be easier than I think it is. With the addition of AAs, though, good luck having more than one or two classes that are maxed out and can contribute after, say, SoF or so.


The Karenist Karen
<Silver Donator>
The fact that a random individual can receive krono via the trade window and just have it fucking vanish from their inventory a day later, because what, it originated from a stoel credit card?

It's so insane to me that I seriously cannot believe anyone even partakes in public trade at this point.
Wonder if this is a downstream consequence of having to comply with KYC/AML (Know Your Customer / Anti-money Laundering) financial regulations. Maybe PCI? (Payment Card Industry)


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Wait krono is just disappearing? What were you doing? How did you know it was gone?

There's a fairly significant chunk of people on level 1 trade alts in commons buying items with krono that is somehow illegitimate.

No one really knows how they are doing it or where they are sourcing fake krono from, but the end result is you as a regular boomer EQ gamer go to sell your fungi tunic for 4 krono and some level 1 guy buys it, then you log on tomorrow and that 4 krono he gave you is gone.

Could be them trying to police RMT, could be from fraudulent purchases, could be someone that figured out how to generate krono some other way etc.
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TLP Idealist
Loot just isn’t a factor like that on Mischief/Teek. If you’re 72 manning DZs maybe but if you are a dz only guild and you split down to 36-42 per raid you are all going to be bis. The mobs are dropping 3 tables per kill. A single DZ clear of Kunark is netting 36 corpses worth of loot every single week.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Outside a few things I figure most are going to be done gearing rather quickly. Probably before the month is over.

Tower just speeds up the problem, because its 5 slots you do not have to worry about and are done in 10 minutes. With another slot supposedly coming on the 15th.

Month 2 and 3 of kunark is going to be the time to buy alt loot, should flood the market.

Will be curious if any guild banks suddenly up and vanish.

More curious too how it will affect attrition.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
For racing, yes. But for loot distribution, OW loot is a meager target for 300 people vs 50. Loot to player ratio matters, particularly for gearing dps in future launch cycles (though not until post luclin cause lol tower gear). DZ splits are probably more valuable in that case, but god I do not envy the people who have to do loot on a free trade server for that many splits.

I would agree with this normally (and certainly for an EQ Baby type zerg). However FF currently has nowhere near 300 active raiders. Maybe half that.

Also we also had a whole bunch of VP weapons just sorta rot (i.e. sit in officer banks) on the last clear. Five Frozen Zweihanders and two of them didn't even go to anyone IIRC. A TON of stuff is going to alt bid already. Nobody is hurting for loot. Deep splitting also offsets the larger number of people (and then some).

Don't have a dog in the fight or really care but if you have 120 vs 72 the 120 is going to get more Monks, SKs, Necros, Rogues and classes that can actually DPS the boss in the main raid while the 72 is going to have DPS Clerics which can't exactly compete with a Monk/SK on a race like that. It gives the larger guild a massive advantage.

I see what you mean, point taken. It's still 72 vs 72 when it comes down to it but raid leaders have more to work with in a larger turnout.

I can't imagine riding herd. Having to corral the masses. Respect to anyone who is in charge, in any guild, because the vast majority of gamers are just ugh. I get the strategy though.

If you are playing for long term, getting a huge roster is really the only way to last. In my experience, especially after PoP, populations drop like a rock. If you start with say just 72, you wont make it. You can start with 130 and by GoD you will be down to a normal raid size or lower. Usually you need a bit more to last, the 70 derth really kills off a lot, especially casters.

Yarp, on Phinny I watched a roster of like 12 enchanters drop off to 1 enchanter by the end of OoW. One. The number of monks ballooned in the same timeframe, incidentally.

That 70 era just does people in. Can't believe it still hasn't been addressed or consolidated, but at least we got OoW and DoN put together. DoDH and PoR should also be put together, and hell combining all four wouldn't be the worst idea. Adding LDON to PoP without any time extension, and combining TSS/TBS are the other two big changes that would keep server population high a lot longer than it is now. It's a shame that most people drop off by SoF+ because that's when the expansions start getting really good IMO.

The_Black_Log Foler

PalsCo CEO - Stock Pals | Pantheon Pals
<Gold Donor>
My mom who used to play a decade ago (shaman, druid, bard) is considering coming back for Teek.

What'd be the most fun out of those 3 classes in terms of starting from scratch? Shaman could back me up the best, but I'd like it if she was self-sufficient and could play on her own and get things done, which makes me lean Druid. However Bard would be the easiest to twink and runs the fastest, which is her favorite EQ thing, running fast. However she also likes healing and buffing.

I'm leaning Druid, and ultimately it's her call, but she's listening to my advisement. Haven't played Shm/Brd in years and Dru in decades, so curious which one people think would be the most fun for an older mom-type person.
Lmk her username once she’s back..
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Trakanon Raider
The fact that a random individual can receive krono via the trade window and just have it fucking vanish from their inventory a day later, because what, it originated from a stoel credit card?

It's so insane to me that I seriously cannot believe anyone even partakes in public trade at this point.

TBH i don't believe that story. I've traded literally 1000s of Krono at this point and NEVER had any Krono vanish. I've had dozens of times when they will "freeze" your Krono and prevent you from trading Krono while they investigate "dirty" Krono.

I would want to see some real proof, rather then just someones word. DPG doesn't give you Krono right away if you purchase from them, presumable waiting for payment to be verified.

If i had to take a guess a server crash or something caused a rollback and undid a trade or something like that.


Tranny Chaser
I can't speak to anyone else's experience this is what it looked like on my end -


And he did. I had the platinum in my parcel. I have no idea why they poofed and I certainly wasn't expecting to get anything back. It was the first time it ever happened to me for as long as there have been krono.
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Trakanon Raider
I can't speak to anyone else's experience this is what it looked like on my end -

And he did. I had the platinum in my parcel. I have no idea why they poofed and I certainly wasn't expecting to get anything back. It was the first time it ever happened to me for as long as there have been krono.

Yeah cool so the Krono didn't "poof" they reverted a trade. A poof to me would be if they just disappeared with no explanation or refund. Sucks if it was days later and the price of Krono triple, but if not you can just use the plat to buy legit Krono. Rather live in this world then a server full of Duped Krono.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Someone mentioned how much the price of krono was rising and I was shocked to see that $14 on EC tunnel is a pretty common price now. That to me shows they're doing something to crack down since that's only a few dollars less then DPG.
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<Gold Donor>
I believe there are a few videos of the krono disappearing floating around. You get the successful message and everything but the krono doesn't appear. Logging out doesn't fix it, waiting 24 hours doesn't fix it, etc.