EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


<Bronze Donator>
I remember when eq drama was actually fun. Millie being a dude, the Megan Fox of Ohio, you have 14 days, etc. Now it’s only neckbeard autists jerking themselves off over OW kills that no one outside of them gives a fuck about
Congrats Michael Jordan of EverQuest! You live in a section 8 apartment and haven't seen a woman's asshole in, well, ever.
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Never knew how awful charming was until I played one up to 60 on this server. Took me too long to figure out it was safer for everyone, including me, if I just let charm break, mez the pet and then go take a piss. Rather than hoping and praying that I dont come back to a dead enchanter.
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
I might be mistaken but I think it can spawn 4-8 hours after server reset which includes popping a DZ?

We tried to get one by popping dz 2 hours before we went in but no dice.

Also would like confirmation that it can spawn in a DZ.
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Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Servers pointless

What the fuck are they doing

This is literally just a live server with all the content locked behind an arbitrary timeline

  • 2Worf
  • 1Salty
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Golden Squire
I might be mistaken but I think it can spawn 4-8 hours after server reset which includes popping a DZ?

We tried to get one by popping dz 2 hours before we went in but no dice.

Also would like confirmation that it can spawn in a DZ.

I think it is random in a 2-6 hour window but it can spawn in DZs from what I have "read". Just havn't done it yet myself to confirm. Also it may not guaranteed to spawn even if it can.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
This is incorrect. Just tested.

100% works if you don't drop past char select

It's done every day in groups all over live and for an infinite number of random reasons on TLPs.

Can do it right now on Teak no issues


Trakanon Raider
I mean what's the point of raiding on a free trade server at all? Even if OP tower gear wasn't in you could just bust out the credit card and pay 2 win, or do small man raids.
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Log Wizard
100% works if you don't drop past char select

It's done every day in groups all over live and for an infinite number of random reasons on TLPs.

Can do it right now on Teak no issues
We literally just tried it. I don't know what settings you have or maybe the raid has to prevent it, but offline characters can not be in a raid.


Log Wizard
Oh, I see. You don't understand. This is about RAID GROUPS, not regular groups.

Here's what happens.

You kill a boss, 5 minute combat timer. Two ways to bypass this:

A: Leave zone (not happening until banners)
B: log out

If you log out in a RAID you are REMOVED from the raid. If 35+ casters do this, your raid groups are fucking DESTROYED and not only do you have to reinvite 35+ people one at a time and lock/unlock the raid at brain hemorrhaging intervals because of other peoples computers different loadspeed and their IQ.

So now you get to slot people into the groups, or in case of all caster groups, make the group entirely all over again, after EVERY boss kill.

No fucking way.
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Trakanon Raider
Group leaders can reinvite the loggers straight back into the group ppl were originally in, just gotta remember the group leaders name, or they need to remember you.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Why do you need to lock the raid? Just leave it unlocked unless you're moving people, and put group leaders in charge of reinvites, with the loggers telling them when they log back in. If your raid leaders are raid inviting and group reassigning and constantly locking to do that, that's just poor management.
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Log Wizard
Why do you need to lock the raid? Just leave it unlocked unless you're moving people, and put group leaders in charge of reinvites, with the loggers telling them when they log back in. If your raid leaders are raid inviting and group reassigning and constantly locking to do that, that's just poor management.
Yeah, in a vacuum that would be ideal. That's not how it works, ever. Especially when the group leader needs to log. In a perfect world of competent raiders not watching Young Sheldon during raids that would be how it works, but it ain't.
  • 1Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Dude just no. This isn't a big ask. I know the game is full of retards, but joining groups again is easy. If the group leader is a relogger, change who is group leader. Its like arguing that pullers need to block bard songs instead of making an entire raid lose them and get trained if a box doesnt turn em off. It takes preparation work, and it may be awkward at first, but its just simply downright better than not doing it. If people need to relog, it should be zero impact on the raid leader after the first couple times.
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