EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
All you retards complaining about tower gear would be gone once luclin hits. Muhhh classic
I'm a retard complaining about tower gear and I didn't even play because these TLPs aren't challenging enough to be worth my time. Buncha boomers running around like gerbils waiting for respawn to collect their loot pellets. The anniversary tower is just another shiny pellet to make the game even more trivial.

I'm holding out hope for another hard-mode TLP in the future.

With the earring being all/all look out for Wizard, Shaman, Enchanter and SK pet action. Wolf bros and Flaming Sword of Xuzl are already pretty good.
Enhanced Minion works by spawning a different NPC for each level and only mag/nec/bst get that treatment. This means that the poor bastard doing itemization for each expansion has to create and test a million duplicated pets. I think we're up to EM33 now :| It'd be one of the many good options for them to consolidate into just being a buff given to the pet instead of a totally different NPC.
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Karazhan Raider
Only problem I have with ooc regen is that classic zones are already not big enough to support their pick populations. Allowing casters to pump out even more damage is only going to make it worse. Or maybe they are already completely spawn limited and it won’t make a difference.
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Tranny Chaser
Enhanced Minion works by spawning a different NPC for each level and only mag/nec/bst get that treatment. This means that the poor bastard doing itemization for each expansion has to create and test a million duplicated pets. I think we're up to EM33 now :| It'd be one of the many good options for them to consolidate into just being a buff given to the pet instead of a totally different NPC.

I had no idea they were just different npcs entirely. That's wild.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Only problem I have with ooc regen is that classic zones are already not big enough to support their pick populations. Allowing casters to pump out even more damage is only going to make it worse. Or maybe they are already completely spawn limited and it won’t make a difference.
I'd be way more likely to play on a TLP if they increased the spawnrate in outdoor zones by 2x and indoor zones by 4x, at least for classic/kunark/velious.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
ay on a TLP if they increased the spawnrate in outdoor zones by 2x and indoor zones by 4x, at least for classic/kunark/velious.
High spawn rate like that might actually make dungeons scary again. Never mind TT where everything has fucking SOW and will hunt you to the ends of the earth. I'd really like to see some life in the outdoor zones, though. Saw Chardok get up into the 70+ picks.. and thats.. thats just insane. All it does is show how limited your options are in the 50's when you have to take into account exp per hour.
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Toe Sucker
Probably just a guild size thing as far as rep. Even if only 5% of your guild are douches, that's still quite a few people if you're big.
It's pretty funny, i had one monk in lguk train us in qeynos yacht club and i still see some of that group with venedettas against the entire guild lol


Molten Core Raider
All they needed to do to shake things up is adjust the ZEM file, how hard could that be. Even if they couldn't do that change just for TLPs, just make it universal. On live noone cares
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Pet focuses only work for the 3 main pet classes.
Don't think it's that straightforward. That definitely becomes true somewhere along the line. For example,my SK and ENC on mischief can equip the earring of primal magic from VoA but it does not affect their summoned pets.

However there was an item that increased my SK pet's power at some point on Mischief. It was either Dentrik's Dementia or Skull of the Spire Servant (mage summon item). I can't remember which. I tested it and it did increase my pet's max hit number, although it was trivial at that point in the game. I wanted an ashen orb of the blightpyre but never got one to test.

Not sure if something changed when they switched pet focus from "Minion of" line to the "Enhanced Minion" line. But since the tower ear is "Minion of Darkness" I think there's a possibility it will work on all summon pets.
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TLP Idealist
High spawn rate like that might actually make dungeons scary again. Never mind TT where everything has fucking SOW and will hunt you to the ends of the earth. I'd really like to see some life in the outdoor zones, though. Saw Chardok get up into the 70+ picks.. and thats.. thats just insane. All it does is show how limited your options are in the 50's when you have to take into account exp per hour.
On Quarm they briefly increased spawn rates to like 3 minutes in dungeons to help with the server population and SolB/Lguk were very challenging. Like you sometimes couldn't even move out of a room before repops were on you endlessly.
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Toe Sucker
hey at least this patch has:

- Backstab angles of attack have been restored to their previous arcs.

whoever let that through is genuinely retarded


Karazhan Raider
what does that do?
They inadvertently changed backstab arc to something stupidly small. You had to be directly behind with a margin of only a few degrees off or your backstab wouldn’t register that you were behind the mob. I kinda remember it wasn’t just a backstab issue though, as I think the mobs were also dodging/parrying/riposting.
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Log Wizard
It is weird that some places have ~4 minute spawns, some have ~10 minute and some have ~20 minute spawns. There's certain out of the way places that absolutely fuck for exp if you can handle it with like 15 mobs in a camp compared to the places that have 50 mobs in a camp because of timers. Unfortunately most people are stuck on the same leveling track or don't have a god comp RE: CLERIC + GOOD ENCHANTER to keep the spawns down. Instead of usual upperguk/unrest/lguk my group's alts went to Kaesora at ~25 and it was fucking amazing. Unfortunately the leveling window went to about 34ish so it was only 10 levels, but it beat the fuck out of a contested BR or Ass/Sup in Lguk by miles.


<Silver Donator>
The problem is 50+ is basically Chardok.

Seb sucks for Xp, and you can't beat 9 min respawn at GY, korocust or kennels.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
wtf. is this a normal thing? I thought every krono transaction was slow af because it went thru some deep systems check.

"Deep systems check"


Ray Liotta Lol GIF
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>

Had several people in game ask me what I think about these propaganda leaflets / Vindaven videos, and I haven't had time to watch most of them yet, but quite frankly Vindaven is a talented video maker and this is all good shit. If we weren't on opposing sides in a feud I'm sure I'd be a fan. This brings me back to the olde days of seeing Triton and the other top guilds putting out videos to dunk on each other.

Server has been very competitive for sure and Relentless deserves their props. As for us, everyone's got kids and shit now, and can only go full-tilt at EQ in doses. Yeah, it sucks. We're all officially getting "too old for this shit" and that's just the way it is, as Bruce Hornsby would say.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I stopped caring about that stuff a while ago. Guild tags alone will make people hate you or just flat out lie. Sure it happens, given the size of guilds these days. But how much is true or not, is iffy.

Hell i had a guy last night try to blame me, called me a liar, said "its always faceless", then 10 minutes later give me a tell "oops my pick closed and I didnt see a message, so it wasnt you taking the mob". Cause he loaded in on top of a spawn point I was at and start attacking the rare, so I dirged it and took it and he blew up. At least he corrected himself, most wont admit to messing up.

That reminds me. That "Cloud" guy who showed up in my camp on Vaniki, lost all the DPS races to me, then had a nervous breakdown in general chat for 3 days complaining about me stealing his camp, then got suspended, then disappeared forever...

...I finally realized wtf it was that happened there. He must have been in the same camp, in a pick that collapsed, and didn't realized he'd zoned. So from his perspective I was suddenly in his camp KSing things. Explains why he insisted he'd been there for hours, while I had in fact been there for hours. Never really thought about it until this week when I got pick-collapsed into someone else's camp and a lightbulb went off.

I hope he got the mental help he needed.


Karazhan Raider
Some dude in commonlands has been buying krono and selling for only a few hundred plat higher, and dropping both slowly throughout the day. Wonder if he’s trying to drop the price of krono on the server, seems to be somewhat working at least until he logs or runs out of money or krono