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I mean from what I heard they just quit showing up so it seems believable. Really hope it isn’t though.
Relentless has a more robust late night crew (living up to their name) while Faceless are predominantly active during the evening hours. There were a ton of OW spawns at 4 AM to 8 AM for a while there for some reason and they all played directly into RI's ability to batphone at those hours.
Nobody has given up on anything. It's just a matter of who's on when, and how much effort they want to make to get a spawn that we might not even need any loot from. Burn out is another consideration; RI is willing to go hard and risk attrition, while FF is more in the ballpark of not completely wearing people out when we're on a stage of the game that may well have the least important raid loot out of any era. Faceless also doesn't have mandatory batphones, they're very much an at-will prospect.
The trying to hide in picks and hide that you are poopsocking something is the saddest thing I’ve seen on this server so far.
"Hiding in picks to pretend you aren't socking" is some real cable news style propaganda right there.
RI cares a lot more about these targets than Faceless does. We have two more months of this Kunark shite and are primarily focused on not burning people out, as Faceless is aimed at longevity. Essentially, we're playing two different versions of the game currently. RI is here to "dunk on Faceless" and Faceless is here to play the game and get people geared up / to the later expansions without attrition. We'll never cede OW or anything else to anybody, but we aren't going to obsessively pursue it 24/7 either.
All fair, and I’ve been out for a bit so really no clue what it looks like atm other than glancing at parses in discord. The gear sure I get it, gonna be a lot of rot shit other than like crowns and robes fast but for me at least it’s way more about the thrill of the competition than the pixel reward.
And given the amount of shit talk and “we don’t have any competition here” stuff pre server and week one I assumed faceless would have more self respect than to just give up.
I don't remember anybody saying Faceless don't have any competition (maybe someone did, I'm not poring over the boards). I myself said that RI hasn't had strong competition before, as for the most part they're on servers where the other competing guilds are smaller DZ guilds that try to play at OW. This time they have strong competition. I also said something to the effect that "it'll be interesting to see what happens".
I'm ready to give props when the other side wins and talk shit when my side wins. Most of what I've seen from RI is "talk shit when our side wins, disappear and say nothing when we lose" which is effective propaganda as it creates the facade that they only win.
Still going to be a year before this one gets to what I consider the fun stuff.
Same here.
Would have been nice if you'd have been forthcoming about the Teek Faceless guild not being the priority. Literally no capable leaders running the guild when leadership is raidng on other servers several nights a week. BORING
You're right that Faceless is spread fairly thin among multiple servers. That's what happens when you have a dynastic raid guild that is able to dominate on multiple fronts at once. Who are you in game anyway? All these anon posters in here.
Your guild called a poopsock first, your guild did the camp in zone sock variant first, and yes, did the be in a pick first. Why do you come with fake zaide statements he didnt make and fake accusations? RI literally did these things first. And so the fuck what that they did? Just own up to it.
Yeah, it's that shit that makes me not respect RI, even when I like their videos and respect their wins. Propagandizing and lying about shit with fake 'Zaide' posts, accusing the other side of doing shit that your side was doing first, etc, is all trash behavior.
Maybe it's just Cupcaek though. No idea what his name is in game.
So we are taking that everything mabbu says is now fact and gospel? That’s quite the take.
What prescription drugs are you on?
I mean don’t we all. That’s why OW hits in sub 10 minutes are key.
Pretty disappointing in how easy it was to make faceless just roll over after being challenged. Especially after talking such a big game. Faceless leaders literally taking away the batphone from the guild at this point, very sad.
The official batphone can only be activated by officers. People were "calling BPs" who weren't officers and the responses were chaotic and disorganized. So only officers can call them. I assume that's what you're talking about? But yeah, you're an odd kind of 'tarded and I don't really understand what your point is, so moving on.
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