EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I mean from what I heard they just quit showing up so it seems believable. Really hope it isn’t though.

Relentless has a more robust late night crew (living up to their name) while Faceless are predominantly active during the evening hours. There were a ton of OW spawns at 4 AM to 8 AM for a while there for some reason and they all played directly into RI's ability to batphone at those hours.

Nobody has given up on anything. It's just a matter of who's on when, and how much effort they want to make to get a spawn that we might not even need any loot from. Burn out is another consideration; RI is willing to go hard and risk attrition, while FF is more in the ballpark of not completely wearing people out when we're on a stage of the game that may well have the least important raid loot out of any era. Faceless also doesn't have mandatory batphones, they're very much an at-will prospect.

The trying to hide in picks and hide that you are poopsocking something is the saddest thing I’ve seen on this server so far.

"Hiding in picks to pretend you aren't socking" is some real cable news style propaganda right there.

RI cares a lot more about these targets than Faceless does. We have two more months of this Kunark shite and are primarily focused on not burning people out, as Faceless is aimed at longevity. Essentially, we're playing two different versions of the game currently. RI is here to "dunk on Faceless" and Faceless is here to play the game and get people geared up / to the later expansions without attrition. We'll never cede OW or anything else to anybody, but we aren't going to obsessively pursue it 24/7 either.

All fair, and I’ve been out for a bit so really no clue what it looks like atm other than glancing at parses in discord. The gear sure I get it, gonna be a lot of rot shit other than like crowns and robes fast but for me at least it’s way more about the thrill of the competition than the pixel reward.

And given the amount of shit talk and “we don’t have any competition here” stuff pre server and week one I assumed faceless would have more self respect than to just give up.

I don't remember anybody saying Faceless don't have any competition (maybe someone did, I'm not poring over the boards). I myself said that RI hasn't had strong competition before, as for the most part they're on servers where the other competing guilds are smaller DZ guilds that try to play at OW. This time they have strong competition. I also said something to the effect that "it'll be interesting to see what happens".

I'm ready to give props when the other side wins and talk shit when my side wins. Most of what I've seen from RI is "talk shit when our side wins, disappear and say nothing when we lose" which is effective propaganda as it creates the facade that they only win.

Still going to be a year before this one gets to what I consider the fun stuff.

Same here.

Would have been nice if you'd have been forthcoming about the Teek Faceless guild not being the priority. Literally no capable leaders running the guild when leadership is raidng on other servers several nights a week. BORING

You're right that Faceless is spread fairly thin among multiple servers. That's what happens when you have a dynastic raid guild that is able to dominate on multiple fronts at once. Who are you in game anyway? All these anon posters in here.

Your guild called a poopsock first, your guild did the camp in zone sock variant first, and yes, did the be in a pick first. Why do you come with fake zaide statements he didnt make and fake accusations? RI literally did these things first. And so the fuck what that they did? Just own up to it.

Yeah, it's that shit that makes me not respect RI, even when I like their videos and respect their wins. Propagandizing and lying about shit with fake 'Zaide' posts, accusing the other side of doing shit that your side was doing first, etc, is all trash behavior.

Maybe it's just Cupcaek though. No idea what his name is in game.

So we are taking that everything mabbu says is now fact and gospel? That’s quite the take.

What prescription drugs are you on?

I mean don’t we all. That’s why OW hits in sub 10 minutes are key.
Pretty disappointing in how easy it was to make faceless just roll over after being challenged. Especially after talking such a big game. Faceless leaders literally taking away the batphone from the guild at this point, very sad.

The official batphone can only be activated by officers. People were "calling BPs" who weren't officers and the responses were chaotic and disorganized. So only officers can call them. I assume that's what you're talking about? But yeah, you're an odd kind of 'tarded and I don't really understand what your point is, so moving on.
  • 1Rustled
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Would have been nice if you'd have been forthcoming about the Teek Faceless guild not being the priority. Literally no capable leaders running the guild when leadership is raidng on other servers several nights a week. BORING

Arent you mabbu? You know the answers to these things already. You can read the faceless discord messages you have access to. Why bait and troll and lie about it? The lack of leadership was early AM american time (prime time for me personally). Not other server shit. The thursday thing and offday may be other server shit, but its seperate from the early am leadership black hole. Conflating these is nonsense. Two different things.

Bitching about faceless not living up to your ow expectations is about as stupid as faceless bitching about you failing to contest any server firsts. Saying faceless has given up and is a dz guild is as stupid as saying ri quit and went to tormax.
  • 1Worf
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TLP Idealist
Arent you mabbu? You know the answers to these things already. You can read the faceless discord messages you have access to. Why bait and troll and lie about it? The lack of leadership was early AM american time (prime time for me personally). Not other server shit. The thursday thing and offday may be other server shit, but its seperate from the early am leadership black hole. Conflating these is nonsense. Two different things.

Bitching about faceless not living up to your ow expectations is about as stupid as faceless bitching about you failing to contest any server firsts. Saying faceless has given up and is a dz guild is as stupid as saying ri quit and went to tormax.
FWIW RI agreed that we were both racing for the same victory condition and that it was server first Phara Dar.
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  • 1Galaxy Brain
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Man who knew cupcaek was such a cuck. Oh nvm, looking at his post in the oakwynd one, he basically was the same way there towards whoever FTE was.

You guys need to relax, its a video game. Need to long haul this, so we can get to the fun EQ. This early EQ is dulled after doing it so many times. There is a lot of quasi-boring EQ to go, basically wont start seeing the more fun stuff til 2025. Even velious kind of dull these days. I think kael is interesting, but its really just more AE'ing dragons. Even the dorfs are kind of dull. Ring war is kind of fun though at least.

At least with selo, got to the fun OW god stuff relatively quickly.

Really should make these early expansions 8 weeks at most, more likely 6. More so on these servers that dump so much loot.

I don't how how these guys raid on the other servers in the future expansions, where classes are more fleshed/rounded out and then come to kunark. I will be honest, I would get bored even faster.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Mischief rules largely remove the loot pinata rewards of racing, tower makes it even worse. Pd loot going straight to the commonlands. So bragging rights are all people really have to be competitive about.


<Gold Donor>
Dumb question. What happens if you sacrifice someone for an essence emerald and they have the perk that prevents them from de-leveling?


Trakanon Raider

Cross server tells confirms the Pet focus earring will work.


<Gold Donor>
I don't understand why it's so difficult for some of you to just be normal people instead of such gigantic spergs.
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  • 2Worf
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Relentless has a more robust late night crew (living up to their name) while Faceless are predominantly active during the evening hours. There were a ton of OW spawns at 4 AM to 8 AM for a while there for some reason and they all played directly into RI's ability to batphone at those hours.

Nobody has given up on anything. It's just a matter of who's on when, and how much effort they want to make to get a spawn that we might not even need any loot from. Burn out is another consideration; RI is willing to go hard and risk attrition, while FF is more in the ballpark of not completely wearing people out when we're on a stage of the game that may well have the least important raid loot out of any era. Faceless also doesn't have mandatory batphones, they're very much an at-will prospect.

"Hiding in picks to pretend you aren't socking" is some real cable news style propaganda right there.

RI cares a lot more about these targets than Faceless does. We have two more months of this Kunark shite and are primarily focused on not burning people out, as Faceless is aimed at longevity. Essentially, we're playing two different versions of the game currently. RI is here to "dunk on Faceless" and Faceless is here to play the game and get people geared up / to the later expansions without attrition. We'll never cede OW or anything else to anybody, but we aren't going to obsessively pursue it 24/7 either.

I don't remember anybody saying Faceless don't have any competition (maybe someone did, I'm not poring over the boards). I myself said that RI hasn't had strong competition before, as for the most part they're on servers where the other competing guilds are smaller DZ guilds that try to play at OW. This time they have strong competition. I also said something to the effect that "it'll be interesting to see what happens".

I'm ready to give props when the other side wins and talk shit when my side wins. Most of what I've seen from RI is "talk shit when our side wins, disappear and say nothing when we lose" which is effective propaganda as it creates the facade that they only win.

Same here.

You're right that Faceless is spread fairly thin among multiple servers. That's what happens when you have a dynastic raid guild that is able to dominate on multiple fronts at once. Who are you in game anyway? All these anon posters in here.

Yeah, it's that shit that makes me not respect RI, even when I like their videos and respect their wins. Propagandizing and lying about shit with fake 'Zaide' posts, accusing the other side of doing shit that your side was doing first, etc, is all trash behavior.

Maybe it's just Cupcaek though. No idea what his name is in game.

What prescription drugs are you on?

The official batphone can only be activated by officers. People were "calling BPs" who weren't officers and the responses were chaotic and disorganized. So only officers can call them. I assume that's what you're talking about? But yeah, you're an odd kind of 'tarded and I don't really understand what your point is, so moving on.

I wouldn't push OW as hard on Teek as I would on a traditional server. unless the guild itself was dedicated to it, all or nothing. Splitting is more lucrative. Also its impossible to compete with a guild that rarely goes past certain expansions. They gauge sucess off their 9 month stint on a TLP. while the other guild is gauging it on their longevity. 2 completely different mindsets. It only works if those guilds involved as both aiming to go as long as possible on the server.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I wouldn't push OW as hard on Teek as I would on a traditional server. unless the guild itself was dedicated to it, all or nothing. Splitting is more lucrative. Also its impossible to compete with a guild that rarely goes past certain expansions. They gauge sucess off their 9 month stint on a TLP. while the other guild is gauging it on their longevity. 2 completely different mindsets. It only works if those guilds involved as both aiming to go as long as possible on the server.

Yeah, that's pretty much what I'm saying, that we're playing two different games here. One is the "we get OW targets at 4 AM bay-bee" game and the other is the "we're playing the game and will get the most loot / last the longest, bay-bee" game. Dragging people out of bed to play the other team's version of the game isn't something I'm crazy about.

I'm just glad that after all this time, EQ can still draw enough interest for us to even be having these arguments and zone crashes and so forth. If I'd backed any other game I was considering "switching to" back in the 00's (Asheron's Call, DAOC, Vanguard) it would be long, long defunct and nothing more than a memory now.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
The ruleset is definitely a different beast when it comes to OW targets if your focus is about gearing up. You pretty quickly get to the point it's just not worth the effort unless it's the top tier and easy to get to. Even the people who just wanted to resell shit in GiG wouldn't show up that regularly unless it was something quick and dirty once the expansion was a month old. In PoP, we were down to just doing Fire and Water minis pretty quickly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Hmm I wanted to try a bst in luclin, as I never played one. Will be interesting to have that pet focus.

Do the lower level ones also have the focus? If so, be curious if its worth buying the 25 just to get a pet focus.


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Mischief rules largely remove the loot pinata rewards of racing, tower makes it even worse. Pd loot going straight to the commonlands. So bragging rights are all people really have to be competitive about.

the tower loot is making kunark feel even more pointless than usual. I can’t even blow my mana bar on a non contested mob anymore.

I felt bad I missed mischief and I am trying my best to not sperg out and miss later expacs

ow is really only for the sport of it at best for the time being (and foreseeable future).
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
the tower loot is making kunark feel even more pointless than usual. I can’t even blow my mana bar on a non contested mob anymore.

I felt bad I missed mischief and I am trying my best to not sperg out and miss later expacs

ow is really only for the sport of it at best for the time being (and foreseeable future).

Yeah, stick around, the server is the worst it'll ever be currently. Work on a Spirit-Wracked Cord, maybe do the epic (or the real epic, Greenmist).


ResetEra Staff Member
the tower loot is making kunark feel even more pointless than usual. I can’t even blow my mana bar on a non contested mob anymore.

I felt bad I missed mischief and I am trying my best to not sperg out and miss later expacs

ow is really only for the sport of it at best for the time being (and foreseeable future).
Yeah, the tower loot is really killing a lot of the loot desire. I hope this isn't a regular thing in future TLPs. The gear should've matched group gear for each era, even if that means making 30 sets for each expansion.


El Presidente
Yeah, stick around, the server is the worst it'll ever be currently. Work on a Spirit-Wracked Cord, maybe do the epic (or the real epic, Greenmist).
The worst stretch at least as a caster is the level 70 era. Meleequest is real.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
Its funny to me that after all the shit talking, now faceless doesn't care about OW targets. Sure went from "grats on winning 1 race, now its 43 to 1" to "actually we already won kunark we don't care about OW targets" pretty friggin fast. Really disappointed in you guys and sad I missed the brief competition. As soon as I hit 60 you guys turn into a dz guild, wack
  • 2Salty
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