EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
I think this server is going to have an accelerated burn out rate between each expansion due to the tower gear at least for a couple expansions. People just aren't going to see a reason to raid non stop once they have downed everything for the expansion when a lot of the gear is inferior to what they got at the Chuckee Cheese Prize Booth in the tower.
Absolutely. I'm bored because Kunark already doesn't have much but there's even less to farm and less to care about. Kunark is already pretty bad, but the tower gear removes quite a few dopamine hits, both for personal upgrades and for farming items to sell. Velious won't be much better. Hell even Luclin is barely going to count. Even shit all the way into group GoD and Omens is going to be affected. People underestimate the little dopamine hits you get from getting drops that you can at least sell. But they all add up. With the tower gear I wish we could just skip to PoP already and have PoP accelerated, jesus.


Tranny Chaser
So it looks like the power level of the tower gear is going to at least vary from what we've seen so far with a decent chance it continues to get crazier until the top floor concludes in a blowjob cake with cocaine frosting. Teek and Tormax still have four months of PoP (with one also having LDoN) and then two months of GoD. That's six months spent at level 65. The final floor of the tower will be available during the first few weeks of PoP but then it's going to go away. It's going to be worthwhile to have a huge token/gear stockpile with items at a variety of levels. If there's more stuff with foci at levels or in slots that were previously unavailable you're going to want all that in a bag for alts/personas/boxes or just general goofing around. Something like a generic pet focus below the level 55 Minion of Darkness earring (of which the options are few and limited) or above it at 65 would change up the pet classes and there's still six floors after that.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Oh no are you guys going to go all try hard for 1 week and then fizzle out into complete obscurity then too? Ok cu

It's weird, I've never heard of a guild getting totally blown out for the first couple weeks of an expansion, then showing up after that and getting lots of kills at 4 AM and going "wru other guys" after the expansion's been cleared several times over already. You guys are gonna set new parameters after you lose agreed-upon parameters (contrary to popular belief Jokert agreed that Phara Dar was the goal before the expansion started) anyway, so why bother?

Will be curious what they do. There is 7 more levels. We know ear is coming. So that leaves ring and belt for the last non-vis. Then what? Still 4 more levels. Do they actually go crazy and give you vis/weapons? I could see the final level being a weapon. Bracer and ranged would probably be the least impactful ones. Leaving all the armor typical armor slots(head, chest, arms, legs, boots).

Will see, it's certainly turning this TLP into something different, good or bad.

There are 12 months with (in theory) an armor slot for each one. Add two slots for ring/earring being doubles, and that's 14 slots we can expect out of Tower, with the last one dropping right around when PoP does on Teek. However adding up all the non-visible slots comes out to 10, which means the last four are a mystery and will essentially have to be visibles because there's nothing left, unless they're all augments. Could see Range slot being one but aside from that I'm perplexed as to what 3 slots it might be when the rest are visibles.
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Tranny Chaser
If they actually launch Minion of Darkness earring on the 55 tier than anything's possible. The last floor could be a a primary/range with an epic tier click and it wouldn't be a surprise.


Molten Core Raider
Relentless has a more robust late night crew (living up to their name) while Faceless are predominantly active during the evening hours. There were a ton of OW spawns at 4 AM to 8 AM for a while there for some reason and they all played directly into RI's ability to batphone at those hours.
Glad to hear you will be racing for the mobs during evening hours then. Oh wait half of VP spawned between 8pm and 2am EST last time and trak has been after 8pm the past few times. But you were no where to be seen....Also i like your excuse of RL gets in the way. When you and a good chunk of your other officers spend more time on this site daily than it takes to do a couple quick OW kills. Then you say see us in velious. So does that mean you and the rest of the guild doesnt have a life for those 3 months? Or just a half hearted excuse?
Yeah, it's that shit that makes me not respect RI, even when I like their videos and respect their wins. Propagandizing and lying about shit with fake 'Zaide' posts, accusing the other side of doing shit that your side was doing first, etc, is all trash behavior.

Maybe it's just Cupcaek though. No idea what his name is in game.
Please show me where absolutely anything I have said has been wrong or fake?
Though I have read your postings over the years and do understand that at times understanding and reading comprehension can be very difficult for you. (Though i liked your rpg travels)

Man who knew cupcaek was such a cuck. Oh nvm, looking at his post in the oakwynd one, he basically was the same way there towards whoever FTE was.
I mean was I wrong? Just like FTE you guys got challenged and then folded like a lawn chair. Thanks for taking the time to go back and read my postings though. Really validates me.

Now where I can disagree but at least understand yall's reasoning is the "fun" parts of EQ. The fun part is classic-PoP to most people. The numbers on TLP servers would seem to back that up. As would most of you rerolling everytime a TLP comes out. There is not much fun in the instanced raids going past that. If you just want instanced raids and mechanics, so many other games do it so much better.


Molten Core Raider
Everyone is gonna turn in to Healup eventually

Calling each other faggots from room to room in the nursing home
God this is the dream. Like when i picture being old as fuck. This is exactly how i want it.

Sorry if this a double post. Catching up slowly cause I got real life things lolol
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Buzzfeed Editor
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
I know the purist would hate it, but I would take bazaar early too. I despise the tunnel.
This is exactly why any server that starts prior to Luclin is gay as fuck.
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<Gold Donor>
God this is the dream. Like when i picture being old as fuck. This is exactly how i want it.

Sorry if this a double post. Catching up slowly cause I got real life things lolol
I got a train a mile long on top of my body.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Glad to hear you will be racing for the mobs during evening hours then. Oh wait half of VP spawned between 8pm and 2am EST last time and trak has been after 8pm the past few times. But you were no where to be seen....Also i like your excuse of RL gets in the way. When you and a good chunk of your other officers spend more time on this site daily than it takes to do a couple quick OW kills. Then you say see us in velious. So does that mean you and the rest of the guild doesnt have a life for those 3 months? Or just a half hearted excuse?

Please show me where absolutely anything I have said has been wrong or fake?
Though I have read your postings over the years and do understand that at times understanding and reading comprehension can be very difficult for you. (Though i liked your rpg travels)

I mean was I wrong? Just like FTE you guys got challenged and then folded like a lawn chair. Thanks for taking the time to go back and read my postings though. Really validates me.

Now where I can disagree but at least understand yall's reasoning is the "fun" parts of EQ. The fun part is classic-PoP to most people. The numbers on TLP servers would seem to back that up. As would most of you rerolling everytime a TLP comes out. There is not much fun in the instanced raids going past that. If you just want instanced raids and mechanics, so many other games do it so much better.

didnt read GIF

If they actually launch Minion of Darkness earring on the 55 tier than anything's possible. The last floor could be a a primary/range with an epic tier click and it wouldn't be a surprise.

I think I've figured it out, the last 3-4 slots are going to be illusions and mounts. That would be very on-brand and at least it wouldn't be any more gear-flation. Surprised they didn't make the earrings two separate months (same for the rings) because that and Range would have gotten them almost to 12, do some rad illusion for the final month.

Tower gear obsoletes everything up to VT, and if they're adding focus effects then it obsoletes everything up to PoP Elementals. This is gonna be a strange server (in year one) to say the least.


TLP Idealist
I mean, the second that regen patch hits we're basically playing on a live server, just with an arbitrary level and content cap on it.

They spent a decade of these servers trying to make them closer to 'classic' EQ, only to pull a complete 180 on this one and throw all that out the window for some reason.
The push for making progression servers more classic was over the moment Prathun left.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The game definitely feels like its barely scraping by since JChan took over.

Totally disagree, to me the game devs have been MUCH more on the ball this year compared to most of the last 20 years. Feels like there's actually somebody at the wheel for once, which is why I'm putting more energy into the game again. For a while there it felt like it was running on fumes.

Question, does anyone know how long an item will stay in a parcel on a defunct account before it poofs? I had a substantial item parcelled to my alt acct instead of main, and that acct lapsed with no plan to use it again until Luclin (which is in 4 months). It isn't important enough to spend a krono to get back but it'd be nice if it was still there when I resub that acct.


Log Wizard
Technologically and innovation wise, the JChan rule has been 100x in the last 3-4 years than it was the first 22 years combined.

In terms of making money? I don't know if she has anything to do with it, but they're raking it in. I had to buy an expansion (never have in 7 years of TLPs) because Personas. They're moving 40 slotter bags nonstop. These heritage crates are a huge click lottery for people. I'd wager they're making more in the past 5 years than they have in the 10 proceeding them.

Now whether or not they pay their employees enough or hire enough employees is a different question. Even the most successful companies don't do that because they're getting by without it.


Trakanon Raider
Faceless is still batphoning.

Anytime somebody starts badmouthing them in official discord they mobilize the PR team.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
When you have 900 people in an alliance there will always be someone around to fling poo on the official forums and discord.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Still baffles me people read official forums(outside tech support). Discord I can somewhat get if the developers are more active there.

I think I ventured into the wow official forums once and never again.


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Faceless is still batphoning.

Anytime somebody starts badmouthing them in official discord they mobilize the PR team.
Lmao official discord. I got banned 5 years ago or something like that from dreamweaver for cursing


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
Technologically and innovation wise, the JChan rule has been 100x in the last 3-4 years than it was the first 22 years combined.
Agreed with this. From a game design perspective it's pretty haggard. Every live expansion is barebones and the character development is anemic.