EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Offloading ten kronos, message me on here. $12 each or $110 for all ten.

Also WTB the name "Willow" if anyone has or knows who has it. Yes, buying the name. Would like it to finish a box naming scheme for later on.


Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
Offloading ten kronos, message me on here. $12 each or $110 for all ten.

Also WTB the name "Willow" if anyone has or knows who has it. Yes, buying the name. Would like it to finish a box naming scheme for later on.
He’s building his Buffy the vampire slayer harem out
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
He’s building his Buffy the vampire slayer harem out

Close, I need a shaman to go with my bard when truebox is lifted, and my bard is named Xander, so...synergy. Alas I'll probably have to put an X at the end of the name or some bullshit.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I think I saw Willow when I was leveling my Mage. I have a few descent names reserved.

Vendor , Burn , Stone , String , Twist , Poison to name a few.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
If someone takes my name I will just post even more retarded shit here and on discords (if such a thing is even possible) and they'll have to live with the reputation. I've only had "my" name yoinked once so far.


Trakanon Raider
It's weird, I've never heard of a guild getting totally blown out for the first couple weeks of an expansion, then showing up after that and getting lots of kills at 4 AM and going "wru other guys" after the expansion's been cleared several times over already. You guys are gonna set new parameters after you lose agreed-upon parameters (contrary to popular belief Jokert agreed that Phara Dar was the goal before the expansion started) anyway, so why bother?

There are 12 months with (in theory) an armor slot for each one. Add two slots for ring/earring being doubles, and that's 14 slots we can expect out of Tower, with the last one dropping right around when PoP does on Teek. However adding up all the non-visible slots comes out to 10, which means the last four are a mystery and will essentially have to be visibles because there's nothing left, unless they're all augments. Could see Range slot being one but aside from that I'm perplexed as to what 3 slots it might be when the rest are visibles.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Dude, jokert agreed amd confirmed that the competition was first to PD.

I mean, we can post that screenshot too. Except they don't even believe screenshots of their own leader confirming that he faked something for the lulz. Like I said before, why bother?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
You guys worry too much what others say or think. Just ignore it. Some thrive on the attention/drama, and you just feed them by responding. Especially the new/lurker/puppet accounts.

Play your game, have fun. If at any time its not fun, stop playing.
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<Gold Donor>
You're never going to beat the resident credit card guild into ST unless you learn to swipe harder and faster than them.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
You're never going to beat the resident credit card guild into ST unless you learn to swipe harder and faster than them.
What would be the point of doing that now? All the loot is going to still be available. There's no reason to rush killing the warders but also no reason not to kill them all if you get to it first, either.


<Gold Donor>
What would be the point of doing that now? All the loot is going to still be available. There's no reason to rush killing the warders but also no reason not to kill them all if you get to it first, either.
I don't think there really is a point on Teek other than "bragging rights" and taking away the experience of doing it from others. I doubt Ngreth would go back and change the buckets just for Teek. Someone will still do it just because they can, though.


Trakanon Raider
After experiencing ST loot on Mischief, it makes me laugh that anybody considers ST 1.0 gear a watermark for leet skills. Every monk including alts will have a SOD on this server, and just for the record, I think it's fucking great. It was a blast on Mischief.

Waking the Sleeper was a fun cool design. Locking the gear drops behind a 1.0 versus 2.0 version of the zone was bad design, and should have been corrected long, long ago.

Imagine if they had done the same thing with FBSS in Original and Fungi Tunic in Kunark. Nobody should ever lock extremely cool gear behind a "get it first or never get it at all" design mechanic.


Golden Knight of the Realm
IN OTHER NEWS - Boy oh boy Faceless is feeling the pinch. I don't ask for these images, they are just given to us.


<Qeynos Yacht Club> is ready to accept your broken, tired, and poor.
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