EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Oh yeah, the drama is so intense. The guild is just going to fall apart now....

Sassy Red Wine GIF by Married At First Sight


Golden Baronet of the Realm
IN OTHER NEWS - Boy oh boy Faceless is feeling the pinch. I don't ask for these images, they are just given to us.

View attachment 532773

<Qeynos Yacht Club> is ready to accept your broken, tired, and poor.

I just went back and reread ask leadership. I fucking love drama. I couldnt find real drama there. Can you point me in the right direction?


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Im just amazed that anyone even gives a shit about racing in Kunark. There are realistically only a handful of slots available to upgrade via raiding, and since those slots are so few in number and the BIS upgrades drop so infrequently - the amount of platinum or the amount of DKP needed to get one is astronomical. Then once you get one, you either have to fork up another small fortune for the next or be behind the rest of the raiding force to get the next one. In other words, theres not enough loot flowing to keep peoples DKP balances, on average, low.

Im just saying there isnt enough carrot on the stick to keep people running the treadmill before they start to question "Why the fuck am I even doing this?" Just like Bruuce Bruuce talking random trash even though he's not associated with either side.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
In before RI disbands for SoD phase 4

What guild are you again? You're gonna wake the Sleeper eh?

...I mean, probably. I don't think Faceless or Relentless care about the Sleeper beyond that it's a "cool moment" some people haven't seen in person. The loot's still gonna be available so RI can get their SoDs, and Faceless only cares insofar that it might be considered a server first benchmark to pursue.

You guys worry too much what others say or think. Just ignore it. Some thrive on the attention/drama, and you just feed them by responding. Especially the new/lurker/puppet accounts.

I enjoy the drama but once we start arguing with an idiot(s) it becomes tedious, for sure.

Im just amazed that anyone even gives a shit about racing in Kunark. There are realistically only a handful of slots available to upgrade via raiding, and since those slots are so few in number and the BIS upgrades drop so infrequently - the amount of platinum or the amount of DKP needed to get one is astronomical. Then once you get one, you either have to fork up another small fortune for the next or be behind the rest of the raiding force to get the next one. In other words, theres not enough loot flowing to keep peoples DKP balances, on average, low.

Im just saying there isnt enough carrot on the stick to keep people running the treadmill before they start to question "Why the fuck am I even doing this?" Just like Bruuce Bruuce talking random trash even though he's not associated with either side.

Bruuce is a gamer, he likes competition. I've played with him before and I'd rather have him on my side, lol.

You're right though, Kunark loot is like... man, why did they give us 3 months in this era? The only real problem with Teek is that the lockouts aren't shortened. Take a month off Kunark, a month off Velious, and two months off PoP while combining PoR into DoDH and TBS into TSS, and you'd have what is essentially a 100% perfect server. Well besides truebox.
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Blackwing Lair Raider
To think you still have more than 2 months of kunark to go and people are bored because of not enough OW.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
To think you still have more than 2 months of kunark to go and people are bored because of not enough OW.

While I'm sure a fair amount of people are bored right now for various reasons, I haven't seen anyone actually clamoring for more OW in any of the Faceless discord channels. Vicious/Tlpman is stirring in here.

In other news, all kronos sold, Rajaah's Krono Emporium* is closed for the moment.

* well, more like Rajaah's Krono Outhouse if we're being honest here


Molten Core Raider
I mean, we can post that screenshot too. Except they don't even believe screenshots of their own leader confirming that he faked something for the lulz. Like I said before, why bother?
I mean I knew you were an idiot so I’m not sure why I’m surprised at how dumb you really are. Saying vicious faked a screenshot is all time levels of idiocy. Dude can barely use ms paint to scribble on a picture. I mean at the very least you could run the picture through AI to see if it was edited for yourself. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.
Also love the hardon you have thinking tlpman is him.

But another week goes by and the poor 480 faceless members can’t kill an OW mob. At least you tried last night at trak. 43 RI dps on the parse vs 48 faceless. You still got dumpstered and then didn’t even bother trying to go after the VS that was also up. Must be sad when you have a roster 4x bigger. But still can’t compete.
  • 1Edgelord
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TLP Idealist
I mean I knew you were an idiot so I’m not sure why I’m surprised at how dumb you really are. Saying vicious faked a screenshot is all time levels of idiocy. Dude can barely use ms paint to scribble on a picture. I mean at the very least you could run the picture through AI to see if it was edited for yourself. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.
Also love the hardon you have thinking tlpman is him.

But another week goes by and the poor 480 faceless members can’t kill an OW mob. At least you tried last night at trak. 43 RI dps on the parse vs 48 faceless. You still got dumpstered and then didn’t even bother trying to go after the VS that was also up. Must be sad when you have a roster 4x bigger. But still can’t compete.
  • 8Worf
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
I mean I knew you were an idiot so I’m not sure why I’m surprised at how dumb you really are. Saying vicious faked a screenshot is all time levels of idiocy. Dude can barely use ms paint to scribble on a picture. I mean at the very least you could run the picture through AI to see if it was edited for yourself. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t.
Also love the hardon you have thinking tlpman is him.

But another week goes by and the poor 480 faceless members can’t kill an OW mob. At least you tried last night at trak. 43 RI dps on the parse vs 48 faceless. You still got dumpstered and then didn’t even bother trying to go after the VS that was also up. Must be sad when you have a roster 4x bigger. But still can’t compete.

Reading is hard?

The screenshot was not faked BY vicious. Vicious simply confirmed it was a fake. Zaide comfirmed it was a fake. Anyone not a moron or boomer already knew it was a fake.


<Gold Donor>
The screenshot might be fake, but it doesn't really matter since the evidence bears out that it was true in spirit.
  • 1Galaxy Brain
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<Gold Donor>
New rule for Classic->PoP era. First guild to 200 OW kills wins the expansion. Poopsocking a small group of who give a shits who did it multiple times already is less interesting than consistently being able to field a roster for the life of the expansion. It's a better metric of the health of the guild.


TLP Idealist
New rule for Classic->PoP era. First guild to 200 OW kills wins the expansion. Poopsocking a small group of who give a shits who did it multiple times already is less interesting than consistently being able to field a roster for the life of the expansion. It's a better metric of the health of the guild.
Lmao so desperate to move the goalposts that have existed for 25 years.

Here is the metric for winning the Teek launch.

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<Gold Donor>
I think you may have gotten juked, because while leveling with RI, there was zero expectation to race for firsts or even to leave xp spots. Might be why venox's PL discord is fat with Faceless chodes trying to PL dps boxes for the dkp bonus.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
To think you still have more than 2 months of kunark to go and people are bored because of not enough OW.

For me it's almost too much. There are 5 spawns every single day. If you count OW and then all your DZ splits, its almost too much loot. Tower just make sit worse. There's a handful of things that are wanted(haste belts, azure sky robes, rile helm, sow sword and class bp/legs) and all the rest is probably sold off or given to alts. So many wasted kunark weapons. Kunark was always a drag and people got bored fast., just seems exacerbated here.

I hope Velious is a bit more duration on its respawn timers. I remember vindi being a constant thing, but the rest was still enough space to give you breaks between.

I last played a selo, are these spawn timers something new? I dont remember seeing anything in the server description about reduced spawn timers.


TLP Idealist
I think you may have gotten juked, because while leveling with RI, there was zero expectation to race for firsts or even to leave xp spots. Might be why venox's PL discord is fat with Faceless chodes trying to PL dps boxes for the dkp bonus.
Brilliant plan to intentionally lose all the shit Faceless cares about and then try really hard to farm mobs later? Consider me happily juked.

Of course no one is going to call you to leave exp spots when Faceless had 6 groups of 60s before you had your first one. Lmao you guys really believe your own propaganda.
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Trakanon Raider
I mean that's like saying Amtrak was competing against Faceless because some guy was stirring shit between the guilds and not because some weirdo was posting fake speedrun records online.

e: to be more clear

Multiple things can be true at the same time, some things have more weight than others.
You guys sweated more on launch leveling / firsts, Relentless trounced ya'll on OW races.
It is what it is.
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