EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


<Silver Donator>
The amount of cock sucking neck beard faggots that comes here from RI to take a victory lap no one gives a fuck about is pretty uncanny.

Go gloat on the official forums,.no one here gives a fuck about your race for 25 years old pixels, fucking retards.
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They wont leave, until people stop responding to them. Well they will just go back to lurker status.

The more you guys rant about it, the more they will post. Treat it like a 9 year old throwing a tantrum for attention.

Double earrings today with pet necro/mage getting pretty good pet focus. I was honestly shocked it was active for this server, considering all the other focus effects are still turned off until Luclin.

Happy to replace my resist earrings with more stats and resist! Feel bad for anyone that paid for Yunnb earring before test revealed these.

Rings next? Then a belt? all before velious.

Almost time for some elden ring though.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
They wont leave, until people stop responding to them. Well they will just go back to lurker status.

The more you guys rant about it, the more they will post. Treat it like a 9 year old throwing a tantrum for attention.

Double earrings today with pet necro/mage getting pretty good pet focus. I was honestly shocked it was active for this server, considering all the other focus effects are still turned off until Luclin.

Happy to replace my resist earrings with more stats and resist! Feel bad for anyone that paid for Yunnb earring before test revealed these.

Rings next? Then a belt? all before velious.

Almost time for some elden ring though.

Lmao. The real topic of this server is how they managed to make kunark even shittier than it usually is by making all the loot completely fucking pointless.

bravo dbg
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Trakanon Raider
But they altered the layout of the server select!

Tom Delonge Wtf GIF by Justin
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Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Lmao. The real topic of this server is how they managed to make kunark even shittier than it usually is by making all the loot completely fucking pointless.

bravo dbg

It's pretty hilarious.

Granted still a few big ticket items people want, but that's about it.

I'd care more, but for me the game really doesn't start to get more interesting until luclin at least. I find even velious kind of boring now.


Toe Sucker
my god its funny when pullers get destroyed in the Unrest basement pit and rage quit, just had 3 of them in a row in the span of like 15 minutes
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
my god its funny when pullers get destroyed in the Unrest basement pit and rage quit, just had 3 of them in a row in the span of like 15 minutes

Are they getting ghoul rooted and killed or something else? Your healer needs to drop a big ass heal on them and then sit, which should drag all or most of it up to the group. If one puller keeps dying its probably a bad puller; if every puller keeps dying its probably a bad group!
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
my god its funny when pullers get destroyed in the Unrest basement pit and rage quit, just had 3 of them in a row in the span of like 15 minutes

Your pullers need Endure Magic at all times in there. Don't depend on the enc (or whoever) to automatically do it, make sure they've got it on.
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Trakanon Raider
my god its funny when pullers get destroyed in the Unrest basement pit and rage quit, just had 3 of them in a row in the span of like 15 minutes

Did they even use ranged? (throwing spears for example?)

Throw and turn around and run, there is time to run when the spear is still vertically travelling as aggro does not trigger till spear reaches the mob.

I carry 1.5K throwing spears with me at the start of each zone camp.

Body pull is a bit iffy down there.

I thought healing through walls was an Estate of Unrest thing. Found out in LGuk that EQ healing does not need LoS so range is the only thing 😂
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Toe Sucker
Are they getting ghoul rooted and killed or something else? Your healer needs to drop a big ass heal on them and then sit, which should drag all or most of it up to the group. If one puller keeps dying its probably a bad puller; if every puller keeps dying its probably a bad group!
oh it was just an awful group, the entire thing was entertaining though

i think in the hour and a half i saw 6 or 7? people rotate in/out
2 of which were the worlds shittiest war/enchanter boxer i've ever seen struggling to charm a pet for 30+ seconds every time it broke, while afking the warrior 90% of the time.
3 pullers die and leave, one of which was the monk with no ranged item or throw stone even. A bard that didnt know what mez is, and also got stuck on the ladder a few times but insisted bard shadowstep song doesnt exist when rewind failed to free him
healers were definitely bad though, you can easily save them by healing like you mentioned and then we just peel off the healer but alas a shaman and a druid struggled to do so

it was funny, i had a good laugh
wizard persona go brrr

Your pullers need Endure Magic at all times in there. Don't depend on the enc (or whoever) to automatically do it, make sure they've got it on.
no cleric or ench, the comp was pure ass with the amount of people rotating out lol


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
oh it was just an awful group, the entire thing was entertaining though

i think in the hour and a half i saw 6 or 7? people rotate in/out
2 of which were the worlds shittiest war/enchanter boxer i've ever seen struggling to charm a pet for 30+ seconds every time it broke, while afking the warrior 90% of the time.

The thing about super-crowded servers like this is you get the WoW Effect where a ton of people just don't know what they're doing, or understand the game. We might even /gasp have some new people trying EQ which would be pretty cool in 2024. But yeah, the quality of PUGs taking a nosedive isn't surprising. I've lucked out and had pretty much all solid groups, with the one exception being the group of people on level 2 mages trying to do Tower without any buffs even after I told them buffs were the most important thing to get by far. After watching them spend 40 minutes dying their way through the first 3 missions while eating popcorn, I headed out. Later made a level 1 warrior persona and soloed all five missions in six minutes. Not like that's some sort of achievement, it's literally just get buffs. HP, regen, DS, anyone can do it just as fast if they pop the next mission before zoning out of the previous one.

I could really do without people boxing who don't know how to box, too. Lot of the time I see people dragging around 1 or 2 characters that don't really do much of anything except slow them way down, rolling on loot with both of them (which I actually don't mind if they're putting in work with both, but if one's afk 90% of the time, nah man), etc. People who play two characters effectively are awesome but it's the exception for sure.
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Trakanon Raider

Dude how do you not have a guise? Just buy one lol
I mean if these little goblin here had paid Edaw even half the fair market value for the idols Edaw could have bought a guise with that money by now.

I think they are just chillin. Probably working while afk camping the single spawn.
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Trakanon Raider
I could really do without people boxing who don't know how to box, too. Lot of the time I see people dragging around 1 or 2 characters that don't really do much of anything except slow them way down, rolling on loot with both of them (which I actually don't mind if they're putting in work with both, but if one's afk 90% of the time, nah man), etc. People who play two characters effectively are awesome but it's the exception for sure.
I met an Enchanter that boxes a Druid like they are two totally different people. Dude was single healing 3 charmed pets in KC with no malo and no slow. And he obviously was one of the charmers on his Enchanter. Total baller.

But for every one of him there are 10 people that can't provide anything on their boxes if it isn't Melody or a single click here and there. It's a big reason why I haven't boxed yet. I don't want to do it if I'm not gonna do it effectively and I'm too lazy to figure it out with truebox and without the shit I'm accustomed to from mq2 (mainly /stick). Sigh I'll have to soon though, because the game is so god damned boring right now and fucking account wide AOC shit so I need another account for plat raids in Velious.

Seems like everyone has a box these days, even if they don't play it simultaneously. Fuck truebox sideways, once again.
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Dude how do you not have a guise? Just buy one lol

He probably wants to earn it via gameplay so it means more. Might also be having a bit of sunken cost fallacy. I get it though, I really dislike buying things that I can go earn myself. Like I got all my epic stuff from regular gameplay, and felt meh when I bought Soul Leech for 1kr to get it out of the way.

I'm kinda wondering now if the Elder actually drops the mask at all. When something is taking up THIS much time with nothing to show for it, you might as well tap out and just go buy it at that point. I totally get feeling kind of blah about doing that though when you're on a personal quest.
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