EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
All of these are fucking bangers really. Makes me wish the evolving ruleset became standard for Teek.
  • Omens of War - Rare Spawn Modifier - 200% - Relax Truebox to 3
  • Dragons of Norrath - Faction Modifier - 200%
  • Depths of Darkhollow - Evolving Item EXP Modifier - 150%
  • Prophecy of Ro – Chance to Increase Skills Modifier (includes Tradeskills) - 200%
  • The Serpent's Spine - Loot Modifier - 200%
  • The Buried Sea - Alternate Currency Modifier - 200% - Remove Truebox
Faction modifier in DoN gets a vigorous thumbs up from me. The faction grind in DoN sucked on Mischief. Faction grinds in general are a drag.

Pretty much any guild besides RI and Faceless fit your description. And even in those guilds batphone is optional. You can just show up to DZ raids. My friend is in Chef's Kiss and is enjoying it. Some solid people there that I played with on Aradune. Just start with what raid times work for you and go from there. Look for guilds that keep their recruiting thread on the forum bumped and post regularly in the discord channel. The legit guilds never stop recruiting.
The evolving oakwynd rules look like they just motivate players to raid log and quit for the next expansion sooner. The stacked bonuses just turn the game into candyland.


<Gold Donor>

Dude how do you not have a guise? Just buy one lol

He probably wants to earn it via gameplay so it means more. Might also be having a bit of sunken cost fallacy. I get it though, I really dislike buying things that I can go earn myself. Like I got all my epic stuff from regular gameplay, and felt meh when I bought Soul Leech for 1kr to get it out of the way.

I'm kinda wondering now if the Elder actually drops the mask at all. When something is taking up THIS much time with nothing to show for it, you might as well tap out and just go buy it at that point. I totally get feeling kind of blah about doing that though when you're on a personal quest.

Rajaah gets it. The value is in the doing, not the reward. I'm in no hurry.
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Korzax Stonehammer

Blackwing Lair Raider
No Guise. I bet I've given out 15 idols and when I came here I was fresh level 50.

Highest con is green. Most is grey.

View attachment 533602
View attachment 533601

Never Give Up Good Luck GIF
Undead basement for guise, easy.
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<Gold Donor>
Undead basement for guise, easy.
I try to avoid exp spots, if possible, since I'm way over level for the camp. Just less hassle. I see a lot of people complain in guk when some guy is solo camping an item and a group wants to exp there. That never happens at Elder.
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<Gold Donor>
Well, ring of the ancients (jboots) and the guise drop there. You might find a pick with no one in the basement.
Yeah, I get a lot of the rings off Elder and every other possible drop I think from the loot bucket but no guise :/ A monk I talked to last night said he got 2 Guise from Elder and didn't see Raster while camping it several hours. Just RNG.

EDIT: I lied. First time I've see this one.

Screenshot 2024-06-20 083826.png
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<Gold Donor>
We might even /gasp have some new people trying EQ which would be pretty cool in 2024.
On Vaniki, I was running around doing Quillmane cycle for epic cloaks and (as I do when farming lower level zones) I would drive by buff lowbies with enc/dru buffs. One of those newbies said "thanks! me and my boyfriend returned to EQ after 20 years!". On fucking VANIKI of all servers!?

I met an Enchanter that boxes a Druid like they are two totally different people. Dude was single healing 3 charmed pets in KC with no malo and no slow. And he obviously was one of the charmers on his Enchanter. Total baller.
Could have been botting also. I've seen MQ2 enchanter bots that can do full CC and keep a charmed pet under control as well as most players.


Toe Sucker
The thing about super-crowded servers like this is you get the WoW Effect where a ton of people just don't know what they're doing, or understand the game. We might even /gasp have some new people trying EQ which would be pretty cool in 2024. But yeah, the quality of PUGs taking a nosedive isn't surprising. I've lucked out and had pretty much all solid groups, with the one exception being the group of people on level 2 mages trying to do Tower without any buffs even after I told them buffs were the most important thing to get by far. After watching them spend 40 minutes dying their way through the first 3 missions while eating popcorn, I headed out. Later made a level 1 warrior persona and soloed all five missions in six minutes. Not like that's some sort of achievement, it's literally just get buffs. HP, regen, DS, anyone can do it just as fast if they pop the next mission before zoning out of the previous one.

I could really do without people boxing who don't know how to box, too. Lot of the time I see people dragging around 1 or 2 characters that don't really do much of anything except slow them way down, rolling on loot with both of them (which I actually don't mind if they're putting in work with both, but if one's afk 90% of the time, nah man), etc. People who play two characters effectively are awesome but it's the exception for sure.
lol you can do the tower that early? do you still get currency for that or is that just pre-quest stuff for the gear missions? i still need to actually look into this tower shit eventually

That was definitely the first group i've had that was genuinely bad players but whatever it happens lol
Normally boxers are great, i did 10-25ish on tuesday with a guy that was using his OOG shaman's pet to finish everything below 50% while tanking on his alt


TLP Idealist
I am surprised more people aren't talking about the parcel issue. We saw it a bit on Mischief but it's been really crazy on Teek so far. Like 3% of parcels sent just don't appear or they get duplicated entirely and sent to an additional random person. GM's have been super responsive with fixing this stuff but it happens like every day.
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<Gold Donor>
I don't get it. Is he trying to group his 10 SK with his 34 shaman or is he just saying he's got 3 different characters he can play depending on the group's level?

I can't wait for the 7(9?, how many can you have?) character ones.


Karazhan Raider
lol you can do the tower that early? do you still get currency for that or is that just pre-quest stuff for the gear missions? i still need to actually look into this tower shit eventually

That was definitely the first group i've had that was genuinely bad players but whatever it happens lol
Normally boxers are great, i did 10-25ish on tuesday with a guy that was using his OOG shaman's pet to finish everything below 50% while tanking on his alt
You get tokens for completion no matter your level. People say level 2 since it’s doable, but it’s actually easiest at level 5/6 once they get their good nuke and the next pet. Level 2 needs some buffs for the lava and forest bosses, and the forest boss even then can be a dick if you can’t kill him before his second heal (level 5 bolt nuke trivializes this.) The lava boss will kill you after it’s dead if you aren’t twinked or buffed, but if you save that one for last it’s just a free gate since you get the tokens immediately on its death. The other 3 are pretty easy even without buffs of any sort.

This all assumes 2 mages, add more and it’s much easier and with 1 you definitely need some decent buffs
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<Gold Donor>
You get tokens for completion no matter your level. People say level 2 since it’s doable, but it’s actually easiest at level 5/6 once they get their good nuke and the next pet. Level 2 needs some buffs for the lava and forest bosses, and the forest boss even then can be a dick if you can’t kill him before his second heal (level 5 bolt nuke trivializes this.) The lava boss will kill you after it’s dead if you aren’t twinked or buffed, but if you save that one for last it’s just a free gate since you get the tokens immediately on its death. The other 3 are pretty easy even without buffs of any sort.

This all assumes 2 mages, add more and it’s much easier and with 1 you definitely need some decent buffs
One thing that is still unclear to me. Do you have to do each key quest? I'm assuming they just unlock additional floors/missions to do and more tokens? The vendor unlocks with just the first floor or is the item level unlocked tied to the tower level?


Karazhan Raider
One thing that is still unclear to me. Do you have to do each key quest? I'm assuming they just unlock additional floors/missions to do and more tokens? The vendor unlocks with just the first floor or is the item level unlocked tied to the tower level?
Yes, you have to do the key quest (or buy the keys, you don’t need the achievement or anything from doing the key quests). Each key is used for one floor, and a new key quest gets added with each new floor. The latest key quest has you going to steamfont. The key quests start by picking up the glowing orbs outside of each tower floor door. Right clicking on the key starts the mission for your group, so you only need one set of keys.

For the key quests, I don’t think they scale all the way down. So you’ll need a couple of characters at least level 25ish to do them, I did them with a warrior and shaman around level 25 with pretty bad gear, and while parts were near disasters due to dbg not scaling DD/DoTs correctly for lower levels, was still able to do it. Each one just has you running around to different zones to complete. There’s one in south ro, one in lava storm, one in gfay, one in everfrost, and one in lake rathe.
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Tranny Chaser
One thing that is still unclear to me. Do you have to do each key quest? I'm assuming they just unlock additional floors/missions to do and more tokens? The vendor unlocks with just the first floor or is the item level unlocked tied to the tower level?

Someone has to have each key for each room but it isn't required for each person in the group to have each key.
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Karazhan Raider
Oh on the tower note, it looks like they actually made it easier for lower levels by scaling back the dot damage from some of the tower boss mobs
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<Gold Donor>
Keys: Quest starts with groundspawn outside the door for that floor. Unlocks the ability to start the floor task, only one person in the group needs a key to start the task.
Reward: The key itself, some AA and plat.

Tower Task: Started with the key. Scales down to level.
Reward: Tower tokens and unlocks that floor's rewards on the token vendor.

On Teek, the keys, tokens and vendor rewards are all tradeable. This means you have multiple options:

1. Skip keys and tasks and just buy the tokens/items directly from someone else for plat/krono.
2. Get a few keys from quest/trade and then farm the same tasks over and over on low level, then give the tokens to someone else who has cleared all floors to buy your gear.
3. Borrow keys and clear all floors to unlock the items on your own character.
4. Just do the fucking key quests/tower tasks.

Since the tower tasks scale down, people have been just getting and HP buff and thorns then running in an clearing them on low levels. If you do this on a persona then technically your character cleared all the tower tasks and will have the items unlocked on your main account.
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<Gold Donor>
Keys: Quest starts with groundspawn outside the door for that floor. Unlocks the ability to start the floor task, only one person in the group needs a key to start the task.
Reward: The key itself, some AA and plat.

Tower Task: Started with the key. Scales down to level.
Reward: Tower tokens and unlocks that floor's rewards on the token vendor.

On Teek, the keys, tokens and vendor rewards are all tradeable. This means you have multiple options:

1. Skip keys and tasks and just buy the tokens/items directly from someone else for plat/krono.
2. Get a few keys from quest/trade and then farm the same tasks over and over on low level, then give the tokens to someone else who has cleared all floors to buy your gear.
3. Borrow keys and clear all floors to unlock the items on your own character.
4. Just do the fucking key quests/tower tasks.

Since the tower tasks scale down, people have been just getting and HP buff and thorns then running in an clearing them on low levels. If you do this on a persona then technically your character cleared all the tower tasks and will have the items unlocked on your main account.

It should be obvious that, of course, I want to do option 4.

I tried the first key quest at 25 and again at 40 and got destroyed by the first orc oracle. Are any of them soloable? Daidraco Daidraco has offered to help me when I get 55 but damn that sounds like a lot to trudge through unless they go super quickly.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
They are all relatively easy. That oracle can be rough as a caster. Also have to deal with sometimes multiple of the mobs up because someone triggered it and then couldn't beat it, so they just sit there.

If possible I would try to do at max level with a group. Just to get the Free AA for each one. Also get 400-500 plat from each one, but for most that is nothing.

Gather all the pieces from the tower first, get in a group, I would have a porter and someone with sow/speed. Take a couple hours and knock them all out.
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