The thing about super-crowded servers like this is you get the WoW Effect where a ton of people just don't know what they're doing, or understand the game. We might even /gasp have some new people trying EQ which would be pretty cool in 2024. But yeah, the quality of PUGs taking a nosedive isn't surprising. I've lucked out and had pretty much all solid groups, with the one exception being the group of people on level 2 mages trying to do Tower without any buffs even after I told them buffs were the most important thing to get by far. After watching them spend 40 minutes dying their way through the first 3 missions while eating popcorn, I headed out. Later made a level 1 warrior persona and soloed all five missions in six minutes. Not like that's some sort of achievement, it's literally just get buffs. HP, regen, DS, anyone can do it just as fast if they pop the next mission before zoning out of the previous one.
I could really do without people boxing who don't know how to box, too. Lot of the time I see people dragging around 1 or 2 characters that don't really do much of anything except slow them way down, rolling on loot with both of them (which I actually don't mind if they're putting in work with both, but if one's afk 90% of the time, nah man), etc. People who play two characters effectively are awesome but it's the exception for sure.