EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Think the first 3 floors are the worst because of the dots, and then the following ones (except the newest, havent tried it yet) are all pushovers. I shaman buff my main mage and his pet, and run the second mage in there without buffs. The Dots tear up the pets, unfortunately - but if you play the instances "correctly" and line of sight the dot casts by dipping down in the holes, (There is strategy in this game? tf?) ... then you can do them pretty easily without ever getting hit. Usually the nukes take out the boss before he gets to the end of your buffed pet. But if he does chew your pets up, run out of the instance, rebuff, and try again. For some reason, its like his difficulty is lowered if you try it again. Or his mana doesnt regen or something, idk.

As for as duo boxing - I dont think I really got the hang of duo boxing an enchanter and a shaman together until the mid to late 30's. By that point, I had figured out I needed macro's for just about everything to be proficient with the shaman box. Even something as simple as healing needs to be macro'd. So instead of selecting the party members and then selecting the heal, you can just hit one macro and it does it automatically. Same for malo'ing the enchanter's pet, or slowing the Mob etc. I think Shaman is easier to box because all of their spells are just so god damn mana intensive that you spend more time cannibalizing yourself than actually doing something useful. But I would never do something so dumb as duoing an enchanter and a warrior. Thats two classes that you need to analyze the field with and simple macro's are only going to help but so much in that situation. Feel like thats more of a poor choice based on greed than it is helpful to the group.


Trakanon Raider
I tried the first key quest at 25 and again at 40 and got destroyed by the first orc oracle. Are any of them soloable? [

I've been trying to solo them on a 60 Necro as an experiment. 2 and 6 were easy to solo. 6 was so quick and EZ you can farm for tokens if you want. 1 and 3 have unsnarable caster mobs that hurt, It seems possible with healing pots but definitely rough wouldn't recommend doing these solo can duo with healer. Haven't tried 4 and 5 yet but they should be solable by snare kiting like 2 and 6.
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Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I get a lot of the rings off Elder and every other possible drop I think from the loot bucket but no guise :/ A monk I talked to last night said he got 2 Guise from Elder and didn't see Raster while camping it several hours. Just RNG.

EDIT: I lied. First time I've see this one.

View attachment 533625
I have a similar issue where supposedly Spirit Wracked Cord should be in bucket 11 yet I've never seen it despite killing about 1000 bucket 11 nameds. I've seen every single drop the spreadsheet shows for bucket 11 except Cord. Cord is probably on a separate bucket list than the spreadsheet I see though. I hear people talk about the royals bucket and it only really links with epic spawns.

It sucks dick that level 60 named are in the same bucket as 56-60. Emperor Chottal loot sucks because of it.

As far as the parcel issue I've luckily not had it happen to me yet and I parcel my tunnel alt like 30 items per day. At least I haven't noticed it yet if I have. I'd only notice a big item, so maybe it has happened and I didn't even realize. How common does it happen? Like if Faceless mails 100 items, is at least 1 just fucked?
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Spirit Wracked Cord drops in bucket 11. I've seen it once at Korocust camp.

I'm certian you've seen Tanned Iksar Hide Leggings. Those are from the same named. SWC is just his ultra rare item.


Trakanon Raider
Spirit Wracked Cord drops in bucket 11. I've seen it once at Korocust camp.
Damn I guess I've just been unlucky. Or do some items have a higher rarity in the buckets? Like a mob normally would have a common/rare, if both those items go into a bucket, is the rare one still more rare?


Trakanon Raider
There is like 20 named in the bucket so you have like a 1 in 10 chance of getting loot from the mob you want. Cord is like a 2% drop, so 1 in 50. The odds are like 1 in 500 for a Cord. Most cords are created by the quest.


Karazhan Raider
Most annoying was the gfay one having to kill all of the escaped skellies that varied widely in level and didn’t give exp when killing
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Security Director of Crisis and Weather Management
<Bronze Donator>
I am surprised more people aren't talking about the parcel issue. We saw it a bit on Mischief but it's been really crazy on Teek so far. Like 3% of parcels sent just don't appear or they get duplicated entirely and sent to an additional random person. GM's have been super responsive with fixing this stuff but it happens like every day.
is that why i get random stuff sometimes?
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
There is like 20 named in the bucket so you have like a 1 in 10 chance of getting loot from the mob you want. Cord is like a 2% drop, so 1 in 50. The odds are like 1 in 500 for a Cord. Most cords are created by the quest.
If I had to take a guess, I think they changed how that shit originally worked on Mischief. At least in Classic. I want to say the buckets were randomized, but how it was coded was not taking into account the rarity percentage. So you'd end up seeing a peg cloak like 3 or 4 times in a row, versus now where its rare as fuck for just about everybody (except that one guy thats going to follow up this comment with a "Herp derp, I got like 15 to drop from herp derp location."

Most annoying was the gfay one having to kill all of the escaped skellies that varied widely in level and didn’t give exp when killing
I cant stand swimming in EverQuest so the Permafrost one collecting the fish made me want to gouge my eyes out. But yes, the Gfay one is really annoying too. Thankfully, you can just get a little bit away from the NE Orc Camp with the orc spawn and more towards the northern center of the map and theres like 10 skellies that are patrolling that area that are 20-35.


Karazhan Raider
Wow the newest key quest must have took a whole 5 minutes to come up with. Pick up a ground spawn, walk 15 seconds pick another ground spawn, walk 5 seconds and fight a mob. Done.

And for some reason floor 6 gave 11 tokens? It was the easiest one yet
  • 1Worf
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Blackwing Lair Raider
oh it was just an awful group, the entire thing was entertaining though

i think in the hour and a half i saw 6 or 7? people rotate in/out
2 of which were the worlds shittiest war/enchanter boxer i've ever seen struggling to charm a pet for 30+ seconds every time it broke, while afking the warrior 90% of the time.
3 pullers die and leave, one of which was the monk with no ranged item or throw stone even. A bard that didnt know what mez is, and also got stuck on the ladder a few times but insisted bard shadowstep song doesnt exist when rewind failed to free him
healers were definitely bad though, you can easily save them by healing like you mentioned and then we just peel off the healer but alas a shaman and a druid struggled to do so

it was funny, i had a good laugh
wizard persona go brrr

no cleric or ench, the comp was pure ass with the amount of people rotating out lol
*Brings a wizard to a group and complains that the group sucks*

Of course you’re gonna be grouping with idiots - they invited a Wizard!
  • 3Worf
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Log Wizard
OOC era, Wizards who aren't habitual afkers probably fuck omega. They're blasting in raids now because they can get mana between raid targets. Before they had to pick and choose if your raid was too fast.


<Gold Donor>
Xeod from Mess.

80S Vhs GIF


Log Wizard
06/21/24 12:52:57 AM Xeod tells the guild, 'haha i wont do that but i really did not see him there - he was way back away from the site - but guess still saw him'
06/21/24 12:55:45 AM Xeod tells the guild, 'ahh i still have player models off from raid lol - woops'
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<Gold Donor>
06/21/24 12:52:57 AM Xeod tells the guild, 'haha i wont do that but i really did not see him there - he was way back away from the site - but guess still saw him'
06/21/24 12:55:45 AM Xeod tells the guild, 'ahh i still have player models off from raid lol - woops'
See Tom Mison GIF by Apple TV