EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


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<Gold Donor>
lol you can do the tower that early? do you still get currency for that or is that just pre-quest stuff for the gear missions? i still need to actually look into this tower shit eventually

It's been gone over ad infinitum but I still see folks asking about Tower. Here's the rundown.

-There are two sets of Tower quests: (A) Tasks that give you keys you have to finish assembling, and (B) Missions you're given when you click the finished keys. There's one of each for every floor that unlocks of the Tower (so six floors currently) with a new floor unlocking every month for the rest of the year. (A) Are tasks obtained by picking up ground spawns on every floor and clicking them, getting a task to go collect a couple key pieces for it. (B) Are missions where you have to go through the doors in the tower to start them, and are basically one room with several mobs to fight.

-The quests and missions scale to your level, so people like to gimp them by making low level characters. This isn't actually necessary, but it does speed things up for the missions. Bonzz's webpage is good for finding out what to do exactly for the key quests, complete with /waypoints, if you want to knock them out in a short amount of time.

-The (A) key quests should be done at level 60 with a small group (2 or 3 people is sufficient, generally) because they give you AA points, but only if you're high enough level to get AA points. (You might have to be 60 - I haven't actually confirmed that they give AAs if you do them between 51 and 59, so if someone can confirm that'd be great). Doing all 12 with your main at sufficient level will let you start Luclin with 12 AA points. Which is a lot more valuable than saving yourself a few minutes or a mild amount of work by doing them with low level characters to disempower them.

-I've heard that if you have a level 1 in group when doing the key quests, it'll scale down to level 30 (the party average) for the mobs that spawn, etc. So if someone is really desperate to solo the key quests at level 60, you can probably do that.

-After the key quests are all done you'll have AAs for all of them and a bunch of keys that give you (B) missions when clicked. From there you go to the Tower, click a key, click on the corresponding door (putting them in floor order in your inventory helps), then do the mission. Doing the mission is what unlocks gear on the vendor. The key quests can be completely skipped if you just tag along with other people doing the missions, but I don't recommend it.

-The missions scale to your level, and are much easier if done with a low level group. People use level 2 mages as the meta, but it's honestly sub-optimal. Level 6 mages are better, and I found that a level 1 tank with the correct buffs can solo all of the missions (at least until they hit level 8 or so and the mobs get too tough). Each full clear of the missions gives you 60% of a level at those low levels, so your personas will "level out" of the lowest bracket. A low level Ogre Warrior just needs HP buffs, regen, and DS to steamroll them, which is how I did a 6 minute clear and it's certainly doable at faster speeds for people with good zoning times (btw if anyone times themselves to set a lower time, Brazier is cheating).

-There are other ways to trivialize the missions but it isn't worth getting into or doing, as this stuff isn't difficult by any means. The second floor is the only mission that's kind of problematic, with an AOE that seems to purple you repeatedly after the fight is over, but not actually kill you if you have sufficient HP (and your HP rockets back up when it wears off, so I think it's some kind of a bug).

-The gear on the vendor isn't any good until the level 55 required set so don't bother with it until then.

-There are also augs that are arguably the most important part, and put mana regen on all of your equipment. Other meh but existent augs are +4 stat augs (lore) that are good if you need Int or Wis, and a shield aug with 4 AC.

-There'll be a new set of gear at level 65 but it scales a lot less than raid gear in that level does, so it'll only be good at PoP launch for patching slots that don't have VT gear or have weaker VT gear. Elemental/Time should surpass it, much less anything beyond that. And that'll pretty much be it for Tower's usefulness.

-Have fun trivializing Kunark and Velious!
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
is that why i get random stuff sometimes?

Yep. I'm also surprised nobody is talking about the parcel bug. It's kind of worrisome. I recommend not doing parceling to/from EC tunnel for anything vitally important.

So far I haven't sent anything that poofed, but I did get someone's random Deepwater Vambraces.

OOC era, Wizards who aren't habitual afkers probably fuck omega. They're blasting in raids now because they can get mana between raid targets. Before they had to pick and choose if your raid was too fast.

That's right. Wizard is one of those classes that has a big difference between the good ones and the bad ones. A level 39 wizard can output like 1500-1800 damage in 5-7 seconds to one target (and even more to two or three targets) if alternating rains and DD. Even just rains are a huge thing in a group setting, without even using the DDs, if the group is pulling bunches and not mezzing. Unfortunately most of the rains are research-only, have to wait until 41 to get a good one (Erudin) if only using storebought spells.

Either way there's a huge difference between this and a wizard that DD's and meds, or even moreso, DDs a bunch of times and then afks for a few minutes. OOC regen has made it way harder to afk-Wizard though since mana returns faster now.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Its not just afk mana wasting. Slacker wiz will med to full then nuke to empty and repeat, which isnt too awful now with ooc, but you get situations where its one blue mob that gets WRECKED and then the next pull is 4 mobs plus a pet break and youd fucking love him to just burn one or two to manage it, but nah, wiz is watching Disney+ or something while the group struggles.

I actually prefer people boxing when I pug, because while sometimes I get underutilized boxes, I have never seen a boxer join a group and mostly afk, not once. Every single wiz has.
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Trakanon Raider
Its not just afk mana wasting. Slacker wiz will med to full then nuke to empty and repeat, which isnt too awful now with ooc, but you get situations where its one blue mob that gets WRECKED and then the next pull is 4 mobs plus a pet break and youd fucking love him to just burn one or two to manage it, but nah, wiz is watching Disney+ or something while the group struggles.

I actually prefer people boxing when I pug, because while sometimes I get underutilized boxes, I have never seen a boxer join a group and mostly afk, not once. Every single wiz has.
Every wiz I grouped with to 60 was lazy afk trash.
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Trakanon Raider
Went to Erudin on the way to the Hole and decided to skill up my safe fall. No longer up skillable at the entrance teleport pads. Fall is more like a quick float down now.

Looks like DBG nerfed the skill up spot....

At the Docks in the hole all alone. In LFG most is in Sebilis and Burning Woods....I have to assume that is the better place to exp?


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
The good news is, after observing a lot of bad wizards, now when persona-ing to a wizard I really know what not to do.

And yeah, wizard with flux staff is a very good puller. Wish I had one, gotta farm it though.


Trakanon Raider
Damn I guess I've just been unlucky. Or do some items have a higher rarity in the buckets? Like a mob normally would have a common/rare, if both those items go into a bucket, is the rare one still more rare?
i believe it works like this... kill named, it will drop its loot... then it will roll from a bucket of named, then it will drop their loot... so yea if theres 30 named in the bucket and one of them is quillmane and he's chosen, then its w/e chance at that point to get the peggy cloak based on quillmanes drops... like that dude said above

though idk if thats ever been confirmed how it works... it could very well be "kill named, it will drop its loot... then it will roll evenly across all items of all named within the bucket"
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Trakanon Raider
i believe it works like this... kill named, it will drop its loot... then it will roll from a bucket of named, then it will drop their loot... so yea if theres 30 named in the bucket and one of them is quillmane and he's chosen, then its w/e chance at that point to get the peggy cloak based on quillmanes drops... like that dude said above

though idk if thats ever been confirmed how it works... it could very well be "kill named, it will drop its loot... then it will roll evenly across all items of all named within the bucket"
Having camped a shit ton of bucket 11 named it absolutely feels like some stuff is way more rare than other stuff. Some items on bucket 11 I've seen 20x and other items I've seen 0-1x. I mean I've seen 20 Fungus Robes and only 1 Fungi tunic and Fungi Staff.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Having camped a shit ton of bucket 11 named it absolutely feels like some stuff is way more rare than other stuff. Some items on bucket 11 I've seen 20x and other items I've seen 0-1x. I mean I've seen 20 Fungus Robes and only 1 Fungi tunic and Fungi Staff.
You do understand how rare drops in Everquest work, right?
  • 1Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Having camped a shit ton of bucket 11 named it absolutely feels like some stuff is way more rare than other stuff. Some items on bucket 11 I've seen 20x and other items I've seen 0-1x. I mean I've seen 20 Fungus Robes and only 1 Fungi tunic and Fungi Staff.

Not how it works. It works like this.

1) You get guaranteed quest drops.
2) It pulls a named out of the "bucket"
3) You get all the loot that named would normally drop.(This is why when you get a item off a Kedge loot table you'll also often get deepwater ink/shark skin ect.)
4) Repeat step 2 and 3.
5) Chance at bonus table(if i remember correctly red post when Mischief came out said min 2 tables max 4 tables)

Just "bad luck" or embellishing. Probably a little of both.

Which camp is bucket?

It's in Lower Feydark. Right next to the MOP camp.


Toe Sucker
*Brings a wizard to a group and complains that the group sucks*

Of course you’re gonna be grouping with idiots - they invited a Wizard!

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El Presidente
Also Magelo or wherever you're getting drop rates aren't always super accurate depending how large of a sample they have. It took me over 7700 mobs to get my Wurine totem on Phinigel on a supposed 0.5 percent drop rate!
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Trakanon Raider
You do understand how rare drops in Everquest work, right?
Are you braindead? We were literally discussing the rarity within buckets. On mischief, rarity within the buckets were evenly split, hence there were way more peggie cloaks on mischief, among other things, and now on Teek that's no longer the case. That was the topic of discussion - that they fixed the rarity within buckets . We're not talking about regular common/rare here. Nobody knows exactly how dbg coded the buckets and shit has definitely changed since mischief launch. That was the topic. Not "hum de dum de dar, Everquest has rare drops and common drops? oh boy, I didn't know that!!"

(just spent 90 minutes on the phone with a utility company so I'm a bit heated... but fuck me, that was literally what we were talking about asshat. the rarity was not implemented within buckets on mischief)

love you
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