EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Also Magelo or wherever you're getting drop rates aren't always super accurate depending how large of a sample they have. It took me over 7700 mobs to get my Wurine totem on Phinigel on a supposed 0.5 percent drop rate!
You are an obsessed kind of soul. How do you not get to 2000 kills and just think "Fuck this shit"???? The only thing I ever did that comes close was to get the Insane Title in WoW. The title was fitting.



Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Are you braindead? We were literally discussing the rarity within buckets. On mischief, rarity within the buckets were evenly split, hence there were way more peggie cloaks on mischief, among other things, and now on Teek that's no longer the case. That was the topic of discussion - that they fixed the rarity within buckets . We're not talking about regular common/rare here. Nobody knows exactly how dbg coded the buckets and shit has definitely changed since mischief launch. That was the topic. Not "hum de dum de dar, Everquest has rare drops and common drops? oh boy, I didn't know that!!"

(just spent 90 minutes on the phone with a utility company so I'm a bit heated... but fuck me, that was literally what we were talking about asshat. the rarity was not implemented within buckets on mischief)

love you
Are you? It's 100% clear if you've paid any attention to drops on Teek that item rarity works as intended.
You remind me of the people on Allakhazam who get a streak of bad RNG and post "hum de dum de dar does item X still drop?"

Who gives a fuck about Mischief? If you would like to discuss Mischief mechanics, there is a thread here: EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Are you braindead? We were literally discussing the rarity within buckets. On mischief, rarity within the buckets were evenly split, hence there were way more peggie cloaks on mischief, among other things, and now on Teek that's no longer the case. That was the topic of discussion - that they fixed the rarity within buckets . We're not talking about regular common/rare here. Nobody knows exactly how dbg coded the buckets and shit has definitely changed since mischief launch. That was the topic. Not "hum de dum de dar, Everquest has rare drops and common drops? oh boy, I didn't know that!!"

(just spent 90 minutes on the phone with a utility company so I'm a bit heated... but fuck me, that was literally what we were talking about asshat. the rarity was not implemented within buckets on mischief)

love you

You guys were not talking about Mischief at all besides this post. The way the loot works is pretty simple; you get loot from random mobs in the bucket and the rarity of the items dropped applies just as if you were on a normal loot server. Complaining that you haven't found a SWC yet is hilarious.. have you ever camped that mob on a normal server? You'd go the whole expansion without seeing one.

I can't imagine calling someone braindead when you need to wear a helmet in your own home.
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Toe Sucker
*Brings a wizard to a group and complains that the group sucks*

Of course you’re gonna be grouping with idiots - they invited a Wizard!
you might be onto something, i just got invited to a group and the enchanter has a tiny dagger pet out
  • 2Worf
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Trakanon Raider
Are you? It's 100% clear if you've paid any attention to drops on Teek that item rarity works as intended.
You remind me of the people on Allakhazam who get a streak of bad RNG and post "hum de dum de dar does item X still drop?"

Who gives a fuck about Mischief? If you would like to discuss Mischief mechanics, there is a thread here: EQ TLP - Mischief (Free Trade / Random Loot)
Bro multiple people here were discussing how the buckets have changed since mischief and teek. It makes complete sense to compare and contrast and swap notes on rarity in a teek thread. It's asinine to assume dbg implements anything well or changes anything perfectly. The rarity within buckets were fucked for mischief, and we were questioning if they are fully unfucked here. Pretty simple. Don't be such sarcastic twat. btw I've seen 1 single pair of Tanned Iksar Hide Leggings despite seeing about 30 Chokidai Cords and about 30 Cloaks of Imperceptibility. And there are other weird examples where people have seen a ton of kedge loot that is either usually way rarer or way more common. Guise of the Deceiver appears to be way rarer than it should be. So yeah I'm not 100% convinced the rarity is as simple as it seems and excccccuse me if I find value in discussing it.

oh also there is another item I haven't seen in bucket 11, a supposed common drop: breath of harmony. I've had like 30 Cone of the Mystics minimum (I literally vendor them for 27plat) and at least 20 tolans arms. Tolans are supposed to be very rare from blood of chottal, cone rare, and breath common. My sample size isn't amazing, but shit like that leads me to believe that no, not everything is working as intended.


with love
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El Presidente
Your sample size is way, way too small. Unless you've killed like 10s of thousands of nameds in that bucket you aren't getting a good base. On Mischief it was 100 percent the same rarity as it was on a normal server if you got that named's loot. While it is technically a non zero chance that they messed with that specifically for Teek and chose to not announce it, I'd put all the money in my pockets on you just not getting a rare drop from a large pool of potential loot pools.


Trakanon Raider
oh also there is another item I haven't seen in bucket 11, a supposed common drop: breath of harmony. I've had like 30 Cone of the Mystics minimum (I literally vendor them for 27plat) and at least 20 tolans arms. Tolans are supposed to be very rare from blood of chottal, cone rare, and breath common. My sample size isn't amazing, but shit like that leads me to believe that no, not everything is working as intended.

It's not even a funny troll at this point you managed to get literally everything wrong. Blood is 55 and in the 51-55 bucket, not the 56-60 bucket what you're calling bucket 11 and claimed to kill 1000s of. Cone is the common, Tolan's is uncommon and Breath is really rare.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Yeah, he's just making shit up to bolster his argument. I'd love to see his actual log parse on his drops. Breath of Harmony has always been rare. Know what the fuck you're doing before going on some uninformed rant.


<Silver Donator>
Swc is like a .5 percent drop in its original names or something to that extent (aka ultra rare)

Expecting to see it in bucket 11 is crazy. It has happened, but the odds of rolling that named and get his ultra rare drop are against you.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, he's just making shit up to bolster his argument. I'd love to see his actual log parse on his drops. Breath of Harmony has always been rare. Know what the fuck you're doing before going on some uninformed rant.
Typical Goliath.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Yeah, he's just making shit up to bolster his argument. I'd love to see his actual log parse on his drops. Breath of Harmony has always been rare. Know what the fuck you're doing before going on some uninformed rant.

If people only posted informed opinions, this forum would be dead.
  • 1Solidarity
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<Gold Donor>
Screenshot 2024-06-21 185234.png

Screenshot 2024-06-21 185259.png

Neverending Story Wink GIF
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Trakanon Raider
So what I mixed one named up. I've killed like 40 Emperor Chottal per day for like 2 weeks and spent a week camping bridge, including during bonus drops.

And yeah I was basing the cone/breath/tolans shit off of Allahs, because I haven't played in a while and don't remember every single drop. Allahs said cone rare, tolans very rare, breath common. Big whoop.

You guys are acting like I was posting some web of conspiracy and then I thought I should have 20 cords by now lmao, when in reality I was just casually chatting about drop rates, which we know have changed and been fucked before lmao. Fuckin weird ass nerds jesus christ. "erm actually allahkhazam is wrong and you erm have to check the magelors and erm ahhctually."
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  • 1Faggotry
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Trakanon Raider
Your sample size is way, way too small. Unless you've killed like 10s of thousands of nameds in that bucket you aren't getting a good base. On Mischief it was 100 percent the same rarity as it was on a normal server if you got that named's loot. While it is technically a non zero chance that they messed with that specifically for Teek and chose to not announce it, I'd put all the money in my pockets on you just not getting a rare drop from a large pool of potential loot pools.
Yeah absolutely. I was just casually chatting about it in response to someone else getting every item in a bucket since I've had the same experience and since we had examples of stuff being more common on mischief and anecdotal notes of some stuff being more common/rare here, but nerds gonna nerd.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Bruh... I dont think you are even capable of casual chatting. You, pops, scream, maybe a few others - physically impossible.
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Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Makes dumb claims while raging and then pretends he was just casually chatting and that knowing stuff about the game he's spending hours upon hours camping is being a nerd. Okay then.


If you actually want useful information about spawns, look at Magelo. Alla's is full of retards like yourself.
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  • 1Worf
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You are an obsessed kind of soul. How do you not get to 2000 kills and just think "Fuck this shit"???? The only thing I ever did that comes close was to get the Insane Title in WoW. The title was fitting.

Malaki doesn’t fuck around


<Gold Donor>
The perception of a difference in loot is probably nothing more than the Kunark start. How many people leveled in Kunark for the most part?
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Trakanon Raider
Bruh... I dont think you are even capable of casual chatting. You, pops, scream, maybe a few others - physically impossible.
I don't even know who you are, or pops, or scream. Like at all. I'm glad you know/remember sooooo much about me. I'm sure you won't be a weirdo and petty enough to catalogue a 20 year history here in the EQ thread. Whatever you say guy. I definitely wasn't casually chatting for the last month here with no issue. Incapable.
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