Complaining that you haven't found a SWC yet is hilarious.. have you ever camped that mob on a normal server? You'd go the whole expansion without seeing one.
You are an obsessed kind of soul. How do you not get to 2000 kills and just think "Fuck this shit"???? The only thing I ever did that comes close was to get the Insane Title in WoW. The title was fitting.
I don't even know who you are, or pops, or scream. Like at all. I'm glad you know/remember sooooo much about me. I'm sure you won't be a weirdo and petty enough to catalogue a 20 year history here in the EQ thread. Whatever you say guy. I definitely wasn't casually chatting for the last month here with no issue. Incapable.
Swc is like a .5 percent drop in its original names or something to that extent (aka ultra rare)
Expecting to see it in bucket 11 is crazy. It has happened, but the odds of rolling that named and get his ultra rare drop are against you.
I don't even know who you are, or pops, or scream. Like at all. I'm glad you know/remember sooooo much about me. I'm sure you won't be a weirdo and petty enough to catalogue a 20 year history here in the EQ thread. Whatever you say guy. I definitely wasn't casually chatting for the last month here with no issue. Incapable.
How much luck have people had getting the SWC from the Korokust camp? Considering going down there to try and get one at some point.
Friendly advice, it's time to step back from this conversation, because it's going nowhere.
For real.
While I've never gone through 7700 mobs for something likeSterling (how did you even keep count?) I remember two times where I went way too far with EQ. Both also on Phinny, like almost everything I've done. One was the same item, the DA idol in DoDH. Aren't there two of them in DoDH, that stack? Can't remember. Well, the one I went after was in the werewolf den, and it did indeed take a while to get it. Worth it though. Going to throw out a wild guess that it took around 500 mobs.
The other thing I went too far with was the Alaran Stone Tear in VOA. Evolving item that goes in Ammo slot and is, I think, the only item in the game with any substantial stats/mods that can go in the Ammo slot. Least it was at the time. Thing is, it gets most of its power at max level (20) rather than going up incrementally. So if you're going to do it you pretty much need to go all the way. Takes probably around 4,000 mobs to max it out, and only mobs of a certain type actually work. It's much easier if you wait until the next expansion, ROF, which has the same mob types at a higher level, and makes it "only" take around 2500 to max out. The mobs can drop consumable tablets that bump you up by 10% of an evolving level (or 1/200th of the total). After level 10, they go down to 5%. The actual mob grinding slows to a crawl around that point as well. If you save those up until around level 15 and consume like a hundred of them then, you can knock off the worst part of the leveling. I did it, but it took me a while and I think I actually finished it two expansions later at 105. Worth it? No.
Sometimes the phyrric victories feel the best.
I camped grand herb on rizlona for a few days to aa out a new ranger. Think it was around 50 kills. No swc. The idea of dividing the 0.5% or worse chance of it dropping by however many shared buckets just strikes me as ludicrous, versus just doing whatever gets krono and buying it.
Some of the dodh drops are in zones that you can just hunker down and level in. The fact that anything drops it even means that in many places you can go to an undead area like underground in the hive. My strong strong STRONG advice in dodh is to just plan out what lame shit you wanna get (shrink ear, invis mask, 25/25 augs, whatever) and just do your aas there. Too many people aa out in zones like paw since the aaing is better and then lose their fucking mind going after numerous chase items.
It be like that sometime.
No. Best bet is to see you in luclin. Literally maybe pop actuallyAnyone bothered to complete the tower instances as a full level 60 group? Curious if anyone has beaten the forest orc at max level
Been dicking around in it with some bros just to limit test a bit and can't come up with a way to beat the orc so far.
He's got a cone/frontal AE that has a 5000 point self heal on the DoT tick and that's just such a crazy pile of self heal that we can't find a way to overcome it. Best attempt so far has been run the tank buffless and someone spams dispel to keep it from healing too much, but even a single tick is enough that you fall behind healing his other ~1500 damage AE etc.
I think you would need a full group consisting only of top tier S-rank+ clones of Goliath, Cupcaek and possibly Mippo.Yea I don't see a way to beat it either. Maybe if you can run a huge MR set + bard + tank just resists the AE and you have a cleric to spam group heals for the other AE?
But even then he makes two adds as well that are too high to mez and does plenty of melee damage + is slow resistant.
Even then, I think the only viable solution would be to bring in the server wide top DPS, Sam Da Man Deathwalker.I think you would need a full group consisting only of top tier S-rank+ clones of Goliath, Cupcaek and possibly Mippo.
Only then could this be achieved