EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Tranny Chaser
If you were using an auto clicker you probably weren't looking at the screen and if you weren't looking at the screen you probably failed the afk check. There's a message in /say asking you to send the GM a tell and you don't do that and that's it. You could be sitting at your computer mashing 1 1 1 1 1 instead and it wouldn't make a lick of difference if you aren't paying any attention.


Trakanon Raider
Yeah, I was just using an in game macro!!

That was triggered by an auto clicker while AFK ...

George Costanza Seinfeld GIF
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Blackwing Lair Raider
If you were using an auto clicker you probably weren't looking at the screen and if you weren't looking at the screen you probably failed the afk check. There's a message in /say asking you to send the GM a tell and you don't do that and that's it. You could be sitting at your computer mashing 1 1 1 1 1 instead and it wouldn't make a lick of difference if you aren't paying any attention.

No auto clicker used, in the caves theres spots like in the very back where you cant target regardless, its like a dead zone. No afk check was initiated, the only other guy (who most likely reported me) sent me a tell saying "hail" 2 seconds before i got the black screen and disconnected.

Also, i have to constantly show corpses and hide corpses to get the target hotkey to not target corpses, it would be super inefficient to auto click this stuff, especially with how crowded the caves get.


Tranny Chaser
No auto clicker used, in the caves theres spots like in the very back where you cant target regardless, its like a dead zone. No afk check was initiated, the only other guy (who most likely reported me) sent me a tell saying "hail" 2 seconds before i got the black screen and disconnected.

Also, i have to constantly show corpses and hide corpses to get the target hotkey to not target corpses, it would be super inefficient to auto click this stuff, especially with how crowded the caves get.

It won't do anything but appeal it and then when they instantly tell you to eat shit appeal it again. If you're persistent you might get them to actually type something out explaining wtf happened.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
Yep. After eating that little 7 day on my shaman, I havent even had the desire to log in. Only bought Rajaah's Krono cause I said I would beforehand. Something sheisty about all of that shit.

Yeah I wouldn't want to log back in either. Seems like DBG has gone from way too nice to a bit too suspend-happy. Then you have certain guilds throwing out blind petition bombs on officers of other guilds and hoping to get them on something, and sometimes it works.
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TLP Idealist
It's simple, if a few people report you then you get suspended. The rest doesn't matter.
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Golden Baronet of the Realm
Its mind blowing that you dont have consequences for fraudelent abuse of customer service. Other games that are NOT as dedicated to avoiding work do it; why eq doesn't punish people who create bogus tickets is nonsensical to me. Usually the reservation other places is they want to be careful to not scare real petitioners away. Eq, less real petitions and people just not bothering is a good thing from a csr standpoint, right?


Blackwing Lair Raider
Its mind blowing that you dont have consequences for fraudelent abuse of customer service. Other games that are NOT as dedicated to avoiding work do it; why eq doesn't punish people who create bogus tickets is nonsensical to me. Usually the reservation other places is they want to be careful to not scare real petitioners away. Eq, less real petitions and people just not bothering is a good thing from a csr standpoint, right?

I’m sure they have data that 95% of the people suspended for a week keep on truckin’ like good little addicts


<Gold Donor>
Are you willing to give out circlet of shadow? Planning to make Ogre SK now that I have Fuise of the Deceiver?

If yes the also to Leaton, will Xfwr to Ohre via shared soon.

If no, then all good 👍
I'm camping for the staff now, so if another drops, I'll post here and you can come get it. FCFS

I will probably get another 20 before I get staff.

Lots of fangs rotting for HS key if anyone needs one.


<Silver Donator>
He's probably too retarded to have trades turned off. When he shows up with the train open a trade window with him so he cant act/cast and see if he gets his ass beat by his train.
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<Gold Donor>
He's probably too retarded to have trades turned off. When he shows up with the train open a trade window with him so he cant act/cast and see if he gets his ass beat by his train.
Not my style. I have other ways of addressing the problem.