EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Silver Knight of the Realm
Thanks for sharing this, interesting to see actual numbers.

I'm not all that surprised that Teek has a much higher player count as a lot of people just didn't give Mischief a try (myself included). I was still on Aradune and as much as I love free trade, I figured the random loot would be a shitshow as Darkpaw very rarely gets stuff right the first time around. A week or so in I watched a couple streams with spite golems shitting out dragon loot or guilds repeatedly spawning picks of fear with golems up that dropped 30 items. Just seeing that kind of stuff was a pretty big turn off and I figured most expansions would be riddled with similar things.

After playing Teek, I get it. Thankfully it seems a lot of the crazy shit has been fixed and the random loot has kept Kunark raids bearable. I am really curious to see how the next TLPs do if they are just another copy/paste like Tormax. Standard EQ might have been ruined for me :I'm Fine:
"A lot of people didn't give Mischief a try?" Lol what? The hype was insane. A fuckload of people gave it a try. Teek's player count is much higher because "Mischief's" population was split between two servers. Teek also had its server cap increased.

Elderan Elderan what were Thornblade's numbers? Around 1k average? I found this post:



Bronze Knight of the Realm
"A lot of people didn't give Mischief a try?" Lol what? The hype was insane. A fuckload of people gave it a try. Teek's player count is much higher because "Mischief's" population was split between two servers. Teek also had its server cap increased.

Elderan Elderan what were Thornblade's numbers? Around 1k average? I found this post:

The ability to somehow find something in my post to upset you is pretty impressive. I guess I should've been more specific for dumb fucks like you.

A lot of people that I KNOW PERSONALLY did not give Mischief a try due to reasons I stated above. The server was extremely popular and a great success regardless.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
The ability to somehow find something in my post to upset you is pretty impressive. I guess I should've been more specific for dumb fucks like you.

A lot of people that I KNOW PERSONALLY did not give Mischief a try due to reasons I stated above. The server was extremely popular and a great success regardless.
It's ok to admit you're a gheetard who completely forgot about Thornblade. Comparing Mischief to Teek and observing, "wow, Teek has a lot more people!" was a woefully misguided take.

You lashing out after making a gheetarded post is pretty hilarious though. It's as funny as sprinting to the EQ forums to cry about loot drops on a server you weren't even playing on. lmao
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Oh wow I completely understand now. You are still upset with me from years ago when I posted on the official EQ forums about massive bugs on Mischief. People were actually UPSET that I made posts about spite golems dropping 15 naggy items.

Thinking that someone needs to be actively playing on a server in order to point devs towards obviously unintended mechanics is a pretty elementary take. I am sorry that you didn't get more loot from the spite golems, it seems you really needed the krono :honkler:

You need to take a hard look in the mirror if that shit is still with you today. Jesus Christ.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
It's ok to admit you're a gheetard who completely forgot about Thornblade. Comparing Mischief to Teek and observing, "wow, Teek has a lot more people!" was a woefully misguided take.

You lashing out after making a gheetarded post is pretty hilarious though. It's as funny as sprinting to the EQ forums to cry about loot drops on a server you weren't even playing on. lmao
This dude getting mad about nothing. Woof.
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Log Wizard
I'm all for honorable conduct and FTE respect, but this gem was brought up in our discord earlier.


We've got a collection of psychopath text walls with death threats and shit that range from anything like a Minotaur Lord to a Hill Giant (in Rathe Mountains). This server has a weird mix of nerds who came from Oakwynd or P99 or something that have no idea how EQ TLP's operate now. Shit is bonkers. If you really want to know how many people living in the past there are, run through the Karanas. Check how many level 10-20's are out soloing lions and shit. It makes me sad that these people obviously think this is a "good" way to play, but they're just gimping themselves. I wish they'd learn that grouping in Unrest with the WORST group is still going to net you 5x the exp in the same time as you soloing. Even with out of combat regen, which is a godsend and whoever thinks it isn't can log off IRL, it's just so bad. BUT THERE ARE A DOZEN+ PEOPLE DOING THIS. Maybe it's the 60 year old nostalgia people, but fuck. They'd be able to experience so much more of the game even if they just group casually. These are the same people getting upset about named camps being "stolen" or whatever. It's just a completely outdated mindset.

It's fine to want to do something for yourself, I camp my own shit all the time, but some of these people are delusional. Level 48's doing the Tarbul cycle in EK last night, poorly, for money. Just the 3k item he drops. Not only were they an hour before he spawened (and I sent them a tell he was up instead of killing him myself) just to have ANOTHER level 47 ranger (????) kite him around for, I shit you not, 20 minutes to get him to 50%. I sent my pet in once he secured it because it was just physically paining me. This fuck should be in Seb or The Hole or something exping so he can actually accomplish shit and instead he spent 2 hours trying to get an item worth maybe 3k. You can make that in group loot in Seb while making 2 levels in that time. It's all so fucked.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I'm all for honorable conduct and FTE respect, but this gem was brought up in our discord earlier.

View attachment 534656

We've got a collection of psychopath text walls with death threats and shit that range from anything like a Minotaur Lord to a Hill Giant (in Rathe Mountains). This server has a weird mix of nerds who came from Oakwynd or P99 or something that have no idea how EQ TLP's operate now. Shit is bonkers. If you really want to know how many people living in the past there are, run through the Karanas. Check how many level 10-20's are out soloing lions and shit. It makes me sad that these people obviously think this is a "good" way to play, but they're just gimping themselves. I wish they'd learn that grouping in Unrest with the WORST group is still going to net you 5x the exp in the same time as you soloing. Even with out of combat regen, which is a godsend and whoever thinks it isn't can log off IRL, it's just so bad. BUT THERE ARE A DOZEN+ PEOPLE DOING THIS. Maybe it's the 60 year old nostalgia people, but fuck. They'd be able to experience so much more of the game even if they just group casually. These are the same people getting upset about named camps being "stolen" or whatever. It's just a completely outdated mindset.

It's fine to want to do something for yourself, I camp my own shit all the time, but some of these people are delusional. Level 48's doing the Tarbul cycle in EK last night, poorly, for money. Just the 3k item he drops. Not only were they an hour before he spawened (and I sent them a tell he was up instead of killing him myself) just to have ANOTHER level 47 ranger (????) kite him around for, I shit you not, 20 minutes to get him to 50%. I sent my pet in once he secured it because it was just physically paining me. This fuck should be in Seb or The Hole or something exping so he can actually accomplish shit and instead he spent 2 hours trying to get an item worth maybe 3k. You can make that in group loot in Seb while making 2 levels in that time. It's all so fucked.

Lol @ the people in Karana soloing lions.. I ran through Karanas today and saw the same shit. I saw some dude a few days ago soloing willowisps in erud's crossing and damn that made me smile.

Like Cinge said, a lot of these guys have to be from p99 or legitimately haven't played for so long that they need to look up leveling guides on the p99 wiki. I have run into a couple "returning" players that were very receptive to advice regarding soloing vs grouping or which zones to go to but some people are so stuck in their ways that they can't be helped.


Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I see Ginix Ginix is lurking.

As for lions, there's actually something kinda nice about people just playing / enjoying the game soloing in the Karanas like it's still 1999. Not worried about the meta or ZEM or anything like that, just chilling and playing the game.
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Sharpie Markers Aren't Pens
<Gold Donor>
I see Ginix Ginix is lurking.

As for lions, there's actually something kinda nice about people just playing / enjoying the game soloing in the Karanas like it's still 1999. Not worried about the meta or ZEM or anything like that, just chilling and playing the game.

i kind of want to do a shittard beer league with this exact concept


TLP Idealist
Man leveling like it’s 1999 in the Karanas is actually pretty fun. When I was a solo player on Aradune I was shocked at how many other people were doing the same kind of stuff. As a raider you sort of never see these people but there are a lot of them.
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Trakanon Raider
Good luck to them if that's how they choose to play, not hurting you unless they happen to kill one of your precious Highland Lions or something.

I port into NK on my way to EK to farm silk and pick off any Highlands that aren't way off in a far corner and usually see a handful of teens players. I just ignore them and carry on.

I also see some high teens - low 20's farming crags, guess they also read some guide on P99 forums.

Can't go to Unrest anymore without drama, people with oog 60's pulling the whole zone or sitting on Garanel and Undead knight spawns trying to farm guises and Jboot rings. Soloing in the Karanas sounds like a lot less hassle even if it's slower.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Good luck to them if that's how they choose to play, not hurting you unless they happen to kill one of your precious Highland Lions or something.

I port into NK on my way to EK to farm silk and pick off any Highlands that aren't way off in a far corner and usually see a handful of teens players. I just ignore them and carry on.

I also see some high teens - low 20's farming crags, guess they also read some guide on P99 forums.

Can't go to Unrest anymore without drama, people with oog 60's pulling the whole zone or sitting on Garanel and Undead knight spawns trying to farm guises and Jboot rings. Soloing in the Karanas sounds like a lot less hassle even if it's slower.

I port to karana and do that on my way places and I always see like a 43 druid or something. I've never see SO many people who just do not fucking level and switch to gear/plat farming shit when they're nowhere even close to 60. I don't even mean like leveling in skyfire since it drops pearls but sucks, I mean like 0 xp gain only making plat in your adventures. Makes no sense to me.

I assume these same people will bitch on the official forums that kunark is too short.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
Man leveling like it’s 1999 in the Karanas is actually pretty fun. When I was a solo player on Aradune I was shocked at how many other people were doing the same kind of stuff. As a raider you sort of never see these people but there are a lot of them.

I honestly had a lot more fun than I expected duoing on Quarm just kiting shit around as two necros in zones I would never even touch normally. I don't think on TLP it would ever do it for me but with the older EQ style servers there really is something to it.

The whole powergaming era that we are in really sucks the life out of games sometimes. It's hard, for me especially, to step back and enjoy it.


Log Wizard
Like I said, on one side I'd love to be back killing Wisps on Kerra Isle and doing Langseax quests for money. On the other side, I could just skip all that and go to max level much faster and be able to do cool high end shit that CAN be challenging (sometimes).

I agree, meta gaming and knowing EVERYTHING about a game kills the magic of it. That's why things like P99 are silly to me, because you're never getting the magic back of not knowing what's out there unless you willingly keep yourself ignorant.
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Tranny Chaser
I don't mind that organized play is more efficient. What I have a problem with is how bad the leveling speed is compared to it. There's room for a substantial buff to soloing and duoing.
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