EQ TLP 2024 Teek (Random loot) & Tormax (Traditional) #neckbeardnostalgia


Trakanon Raider
Yeah being semi forced into groups due to the xp bonuses feels a bit like being forced to play with your retarded younger cousin when you were a kid.
  • 1Worf
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Honorable Member
<Gold Donor>
I agree, meta gaming and knowing EVERYTHING about a game kills the magic of it. That's why things like P99 are silly to me, because you're never getting the magic back of not knowing what's out there unless you willingly keep yourself ignorant.

There's a bit of a magic-return in having no idea what mobs will drop (until you familiarize yourself with all the drop bucket charts and lose that).

At launch we had no idea what we'd get from named drops, and saw a bunch of obscure items drop that most of the group had never even heard of. It was pretty awesome. Unfortunately there was also a reason why we'd never heard of these items, as most of them were a bit ass... but still.


Creative Title
<Nazi Janitors>

Forgot to ever post in this thread as we have EQ Players who don't visit many other areas of forum. I'm developing a game based on classic Everquest in Unreal Engine. Still rather early in development but if you can't just can't get enough EQ , I'm going to be looking for more early alpha testers in a few weeks.
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Anyone got some low lvl cleric or rogue gear for sale? (hehe finally have some time to play just a little bit)


Blackwing Lair Raider
If Im not mistaken, Rogues can get pretty god mode on this server just because its kind of easy to get BIS.

Pretty close to monks but monk disc still puts them ahead, assuming both parties are competent on a raid.

I wouldn't scoff at being #2 dps considering how broken and out of era monk fists are. With all that said, its probably the worst class to try to pug level with, due to that stigma and your presence usually leaving a gaping hole in a group whether you're taking the place of an enchanter, a mage for coth or another support class like a druid in chardok with charm...

Still, its doable and the leveling stage is a very small part of the game, while we wont have to worry about that until luclin for AAs and eventually POP, I would say the induction of backstab mods closes these gaps when we have to level again.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
Why are shaman spells going for so much? Malo and Torpor for krono? Seems retarded.
Because everything else has their prices diluted from the sheer quantity. Rare spells are one of the few things that stay fairly rare and everyone boxing more than two has a shaman.

Even towards the end of kunark on Mischief I was able to sell that one rare necro spell from chardok for a krono.


Trakanon Raider
Pretty close to monks but monk disc still puts them ahead, assuming both parties are competent on a raid.

I wouldn't scoff at being #2 dps considering how broken and out of era monk fists are. With all that said, its probably the worst class to try to pug level with, due to that stigma and your presence usually leaving a gaping hole in a group whether you're taking the place of an enchanter, a mage for coth or another support class like a druid in chardok with charm...

Still, its doable and the leveling stage is a very small part of the game, while we wont have to worry about that until luclin for AAs and eventually POP, I would say the induction of backstab mods closes these gaps when we have to level again.

More like #3. Good Wizards should be dominating most fights currently


Blackwing Lair Raider
More like #3. Good Wizards should be dominating most fights currently

Being a good rogue/monk and being a good wizard are so far apart in effort its silly but yeah wizards. Of course it really depends on what you're fighting and circumstances surrounding each fight, how fast you're hitting targets, clearing trash etc.

The only class I think is really in a shitty area are paladins. Poor paladins...


Buzzfeed Editor
<Gold Donor>
Being a good rogue/monk and being a good wizard are so far apart in effort its silly but yeah wizards. Of course it really depends on what you're fighting and circumstances surrounding each fight, how fast you're hitting targets, clearing trash etc.

The only class I think is really in a shitty area are paladins. Poor paladins...
Paladins were always shit until Luclin, when they filled out their stuns and start getting AA. But it isn't even really until PoP that they start holding their own IMO.


Trakanon Raider
Necros are up there too but don't have quite as many favorable fights.

Typical parse in my guild is

The good Wizard
Collection of Monks/Rogues/Necros/SK's
The other Wizards

I was on the fence about who would benefit most from all the tower gear, think that's been answered and it's casters. The extra attack doesn't seem to help melee quite as much as the extra 1000+ mana and 7 FT helps casters, and that was before the ooc regen change.
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  • 1Worf
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Typical parse in my guild is

The good Wizard
Collection of Monks/Rogues/Necros/SK's
The other Wizards

lol this is so true

I remember Sterling Sterling and I used to be in awe of how bad a few of the wizards in the guild we had would perform and we’d be at the top beating the monks and rogues. He was one of the best wizards to play the game and I learned a lot.

Of course Sazzabi would hit that parse no matter what swinging his Troll Dong. S tier SK


<Silver Donator>
Necros are up there too but don't have quite as many favorable fights.

Typical parse in my guild is

The good Wizard
Collection of Monks/Rogues/Necros/SK's
The other Wizards

I was on the fence about who would benefit most from all the tower gear, think that's been answered and it's casters. The extra attack doesn't seem to help melee quite as much as the extra 1000+ mana and 7 FT helps casters, and that was before the ooc regen change.

Monks are currently so far above the pack that any good wizard can't do fuck all about it. They are MECHANICALLY broken. As in there is some fuckery allowing them to do insane amounts of damage.

The monks that know will not be beaten by any other class right now, it's not even a contest.
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